


Abitur Lernzettel Englisch (Hessen 2023; LK)







Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the
Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen
1. The USA - the formation of a nation
1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the

Englisch Lernzettel Leistungskurs Hessen 1. The USA - the formation of a nation 1.1 Development and principles of American democracy and the Constitution Group of people move to a foreign region to settle down Land as key resource Permanent instead of temporary Colonizers invaded to stay (other form: steal and take back) Charter colonies -> colonies with permission of the crown (more liberties) American had the believe to be the nation under God Pilgrims -> sanctioned by God Pilgrim fathers -> first permanent settlers in New England Mayflower compact: first written framework of government in Colonial America. First civil government established (a democracy) Pilgrims were apotheosized (vergöttert) to establish core values as industry in America Concept of exceptionalism (being somewhat important and establishing core values around the world) No taxation without representation -> Americans wanted a say in British parliament -> Boston Tea Party: they threw goods of merchant ships in the sea (1773) Main cause was the Tea Act, which was passed in the British Parliament Tea act supported the East India Company -> made them the biggest exporter for tea Boston Tea Party as one of the main reasons for the war of independence -> resulted in the colonies winning their freedom and establishing the USA 1765-1767 many acts were passed: Stamp act -> first direct taxation on colonies, Quartering act...

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-> colonies required to provide housing for British troops, Townshend Act -> establishing external taxes on specific goods The pamphlet "Common sense" by Thomas Paine as a motivation to argue for independence. Declaration of independence was initiated on 7.6.1776 by Richard Henry Lee Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of "The declaration of independence" -> was adopted on the 4.7.1776 by the Founding Fathers Principles of the American democracy were defined as: human rights, equality, liberty and pursuit of happiness. -> unalienable rights Natural rights are held by everyone -> state need to protect them -> if state doesn't follow their responsibilities, the people have the right to establish a new government (social contract) He gives a list of grievances (liste von fehlern), which the king fabricated -> unfit as a ruler Conclusion: The Untied Colonies have a right to be Free and Independent States The declaration of independence was rather an argumentation than a legally binding decision, while excluding black people America was influenced by the Era of Enlightenment, which made the state include separation of power across executive, legislative and judiciary branches. United States Bill of Rights were the first 10 amendments (aim was to improve the system) to the US constitution -> the purpose was to protect freedoms and rights of the individuals 1.2.1 African American history and Civil Rights Movement 1807 slavery is declared illegal The Missouri Compromise: regulated the status of newly founded states and preserved balanced between the "free states" and the "slave states" Movement was established trying to abolish slavery Harriet Tubman (former slave) was a big actionist -> she joined the underground railroad + supported escaped slaves. Some escaped slaves became the face of the movement The separatist movement was the main cause of the civil war (1861-1865) Abraham Lincoln's goal was to preserve union between the North and the South but due to the Emancipation Proclamation the goal shifted to freeing all slaves Violent groups were established to terrorize the black community When the Jim Crow Laws were passed the racial segregation started and prevented black people from having the same rights as white people did Improvement of their rights started in 1954(-1968) with the Civil Rights Movement, which fought for Black people's rights Rosa Parks played a key role one of these movements and played an important role Martin Luther King became the face of the movement and is best known for nonviolence and disobedience (e.g., bus boycotts) I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH motivated many people Malcolm X had the idea of perceiving rights by any means necessary. The process of desegregation began, when e.g., segregation was declared illegal in schools Many activists were marching for their rights and these marches were often brutally beaten down by white's. An example is the Bloody Sunday where many African Americans were brutally beaten and hospitalized -> laws were passed trying to stop discrimination and segregation. A new civil rights movement started in 2012 known as the Black Lives Matter movement, which was fueled again by the recent death of George Floyd To this day white supremacy is still a term in America and being white still bears privileges 1.2.2 American History Even though America gained independence, it was still connected to England and Africa due to the Triangular Trade system Consisted of England sending manufactured goods to Africa. From Africa slaves were sent to America to work on cotton plantations. From America raw materials were send to England. In the 1820s the first railroad lines were established connecting important agricultural and industrial areas. In the 19th century the first industrial revolution took place Gilded Age -> many inventions, cause for much immigration to the US Roaring Twenties -> after WW1 the US experienced huge changes in politics and technology Roaring/Golden Twenties ended in 1929 due to the stock market crash ->took place on Black Thursday -> destroying company's, high unemployment rate, bankrupts The time following is known as the Era of Great Depression Franklin D. Roosevelt made a change with the "New Deal" improving economics and bringing social reforms After WW2 America initiated the Marshall-Plan to support states of former Germany, allowing them to build up an economic system America took part in the Vietnam-War without long term effect -> protests in America Cold war between America and the Soviet Union -> battle of improvement in nuclear weapons America participated in conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq -> mainly triggered by the events of 9/11, which was the reason for Bush's "War on Terror" 2008 Barack Obama became the first ever Black president 1.3 Recent political and social developments Trump became president -> worked against illegal immigrants from Mexico, because they seem to prevent America from becoming great again "Make America great again" Did not believe in climate change Wanted Americans to keep their gun Wanted to keep executions Living in American society 2.1 The American way of life and American values and beliefs The American way of life is based on the American Dream including freedom, the pursuit of happiness, hard work, striving for higher standards and fulfilling traditions (upward mobility) The American way of life describes attitudes and habits of Americans and is connected to puritan origins of the country Puritanism and patriotism are very common in America, connecting to national symbols like the statue of liberty The slogan "America first" connects deeply to the patriotism America is known as a country of diversity, of ethnicities, of religion and citizenships 2.2 Migration and the American Dream Famous for being a country of immigration and cultural diversity African Americans and Hispanics are the most oppressed ethnic minority Urbanization -> many people moved into cities Xenophobia still very present (racism) Dream act -> reform for illegal immigrants (kids) to make their live a bit better including a social security number Racism is split up into institutional and systemic racism Melting pot -> metaphor for generations of immigrants, who melted together Salad bowl -> metaphor for the peaceful coexistence of different cultures Problems of identity: problem of immigrants. Can be described as fear of being excluded There are push- and pull-factors: describing the pros and cons for immigration/emigration 3. Manifestation of individualism 3.1 Concepts of life Comparison between life in rural areas vs. life in the city -> now + past Factors are important (industrialization -> immigration into the cities -> urbanization) Line breaks are important (great depression, golden twenties) 3.2 American Dream as a manifestation of individualism Definition: Created by the belief that anyone in the US has the chance to be successful and happy, if they are willing to work hard enough in order to gain the opportunity of upwards mobility. American dream was shaped by the frontier -> a line between the south and the unexplored west, which was constantly moving westwards (westward expansion) Manifest Destiny was an ideology propagated by the Americans saying that they were destined by god to expand across the country (three reasons: special virtues of Americans, remake the West in the image of agrarian America, irresistible duty) Based on the Puritan's belief Goal was to spread capitalism and democracy Used to justify wars (Mexican American War/ Indian Removal Act of 1830) The frontier came with a lot of challenges (e.g., wildness) -> development of a new American identity America became willing to assert their power (WW1) War on terror (security) American dream includes working hard, self-improvement, ambition, stamina, individualism, good education, being inventive, risk-taking, democracy, freedom, equality and a government with separated power Able to be criticized Survival of the fittest 3.3 Visions and nightmares The American dream is widely criticized and displayed as an illusion (American Nightmare) Bad healthcare system, huge pay gap between rich and poor, fragility, deep systemic racism, high unemployment rate, vicious circle for immigrants (bad starting point) Nightmares like the Vietnam war, fear of terrorism (war against terrorism in Iraq) and the financial crisis are still present Talk about wars in this exercise 3.4 Stories of Initiation Initiation means the introduction of young people to any human society (e.g., principles, rules) It describes the maturing process -> becoming a part of the community Challenge and enrichment for one's moral and value E.g., Schout Finch in tkamb and her maturing process Process of initiation -> moments in childhood influencing you for life Innocence (no experience) -> Experienced (gaining skills and knowledge) -> Maturity (adulthood) 4. To Kill a Mockingbird 4.1. Author 4.2 Historical context 1930s (time of great depression) Work life defined by the Jim Crow laws Based on Scottsboro Trial 4.3. Summary Chapter 1: Scout provides an introduction Jem, Scout and Dill are fascinated by Boo Radley (committed a crime) Chapter 2: Summer comes to an end Dill leaves the city + Scout starts in the first grade Scout provides an insight into Maycomb society (era of the great depression) In school, the children represent their families Chapter 3: Scout gets into a conflict with Walter Cunningham -> wants to leave school Atticus functions as a peace maker -> teaches important values He chooses compromises over conflicts Chapter 4+5: The children find chewing gum and coins in a knot hole Kids keep on playing the "Boo Radley game" (even though they are not allowed to) The game shows the development of the kids Chapter 6: Kids enter the Radley place -> while running away Jem gets stuck with his pants (loses them) -> someone fires a gun Jem wants to return to get his pants "Next time he won't aim high, be it dog [or] nigger" (page 60) -> displays the social statues of black people Chapter 7: Jem's pants were folded across the fence The kids retrieve some treasury from the knothole Want to leave a message -> Boo's brother fills it with cement Chapter 8: Mudman (snowman) as a metaphor for black life's Miss Maudie's house is burning and the kids are watching the fire -> Boo Radley puts a blanket around the freezing Scout Chapter 9: A girl confronts Scout and says her father would defend a "nigger" Atticus explains her that she should not use the n word and she should try to fight with her mind ("keep those fists down" p.84) Chapter 10+11: The children think Atticus is weak Atticus shoots a dog -> picture changes Jem has to read to Mrs. Dubose's as a punishment -> she dies after 5 weeks Background information is provided around the trial, which takes place Kids get to know the attitude of Atticus vs. the one of Maycomb "it's a sin to kill a mockingbird" p. 99 + "mocking birds don't do anything but sing their heart out for us" p.100 refers to the trial of the unguilty Tom Robinson Boo Radley and Tom Robinson display the mockingbirds Chapter 12+13: Calpurnia takes Scout and Jem to an African American church, where the kids learn about the unfairness of segregation Aunt Alexandra visits for a longer period of time (wants Scout to be more feminine) Aunt Alexandra has many prejudices Chapter 14-16: Aunt Alexandra wants Calpurnia (black housekeeper) to leave but Atticus is on her side Tom Robinson was moved to the country jail Atticus spends the night in front of his cell A Group of men want to lynch Tom -> Scout stops the mob just in time The next day the trial begins (the kids come to watch it and sit in the arrear for black people) Chapter 17-20: The trial concerning the rape of Mayella Ewell begins Atticus suspects that Bob Ewell himself raped his daughter (because Mayella's right eye is blacked but Tom is right-handed (the rapist must be left-handed)) Tom Robinson's left hand is palsied (gelähmt) Tom is sentenced guilty, but it is revealed that Bob abused his daughter Chapter 21-23: Atticus loses the trial Scout and Jem start to realize more important values like: respect, help, gratitude or the helplessness towards prejudices Chapter 24-26: Atticus finds out that Tom Robinson was shot The death of Tom highlights the power of the white oppressors Chapter 27-28: Bob's reputation worsened because he made false accusations Bob starts to harass and scare Tom's wife Helen Chapter 29-31: Bob Ewell attack Scout and Jem -> Jem is brought home by another man Bob Ewell wanted to kill the kids ->saved by Boo Radley The sheriff says that Bob Ewell fell into his own knife (everyone knows it was Boo) The sheriff protects Boo and says he is not guilty "Thank you for my children, Arthur) p.305 -> Atticus thanks Boo for returning the kids (+ killing Bob) 4.4 Characters: Scout: Atticus: First person narrator Six-years old during the story Over the course of the book, she starts to understand important aspects of life Intelligent, thoughtful, self-confident and snappy but frequently in trouble She dresses masculine Teaches many values to his kids Anti-racist Well regarded attorney Only one to defend an African American man Tom Robinson: Black man with wife and children Convicted of raping Mayella Ewell Unguilty -> still shot dead Boo Radley: Strange neighbor Committed a crime in the past Acts protective and thoughtful Bob Ewell: His family is regarded as "white trash" 4.5 Themes and Interpretation: During the Great Depression and before the Civil Rights Movement "To kill a mockingbird" is a metaphor, because it's a sin to kill a mockingbird Moral education: Education occurs mainly outside of school Atticus teaches morals, manners and how to interact with society Calpurnia teaches her how to read and write Innocence: Represented through the symbol of the mockingbird Boo and Tom are unguilty but victims of extreme prejudices (scapegoats of Maycomb society) Prejudices: Society is strongly influenced by prejudices (Tom's trial) Racial segregation Arthur "Boo" Radley has a mysterious reputation Racism: - Criticizes racism in the context of segregation White people take advantage of black people Jim Crow laws Sexual relationships between white and black people were unthinkable Gender roles and story of initiation: Scout represents the gender struggle and the initiation process (dresses like a boy) Process of becoming mature (confronted with guilt and the evil results of societal conflicts) The kids go thru a process of self-discovery and adulthood Comparison with the film version: Movie received many awards Some changes Scouts pov is better reproduced thru reading Some scenes are shortened in the movie 5. Overview 15th century: Native Americans are living on the American continent 16th/17th century: European colonies are founded on the East Coast End of 17th century: Triangular Trade/Slave trade 1620/1630: Puritans arrived in New England 1773: Boston Tea Party 1775: War of independence 1775-1783: American Revolution 4.7.1776: Declaration of independence 1791: Bill of rights 1803-...: Westward expansion 1820s: First rail lines 1850s: First Asian immigrants 1861-1865: American Civil War 1863: Emancipation Proclamation 1865: 13th Amendment abolish slavery 1882: Chinese exclusion act 1896: Jim Crow Laws (legal segregation) 1917: USA enters WW1 1920: roaring twenties 1929: stock market crash -> following depression 9.12.1941: USA enters WW2 1947-1991: cold war 1954-1968: Civil Rights Movement 1965: Bloody Sunday 11.9.2001: 9/11 6. Great Britain- past and present: the character of a nation 6.1. Great Britain - tradition and change Great Britain: Scotland, England, Wales United Kingdom: Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland 1707 Act of Union -> united England and Scotland 1919-1921 Irish War of independence, splitting Ireland into the north (protestant) and Irish free state (catholic) GB has no written constitution 6.1.1 Political System Constitutional monarchy Government: prime minister, the cabinet, and the monarch Parliament divided into House of Lords and House of Commons Legislative: Parliament -> democratically elected, checks on government + enacts laws Executive: Government (Monarch, prime minister, cabinet) -> administer laws + leading policy Judiciary: Supreme court -> examines constitutionality of laws 6.2. Devolution Shift of legislative power from the UK parliament to selected representatives in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales (no own parliament, important questions decided by government) Pro/cons monarchy 6.2.1 Republicanism Working against the abolition of monarchy -> replace head of state by a president Republic campaign -> replace queen by someone elected 6.2.2 Elections and political parties Parliament dissolves after 5 years Political party with the most seats in the house of commons usually forms the government -> leader becomes prime minister Conservative party and labor party 6.3. Britain and the Eu-Brexit Britain signed the Maastricht Treaty 1991 -> still did not want to fully attach to the EU (currency, boarders etc.) 2016 -> 52 % voted against membership in EU -> leaving EU (transition phase till 2020 due to current trade arrangements) Younger people rather wanted to stay / older people wanted to leave 6.4. British empire 6.4.1 Imperialism Definition: A state wants to extend their influence beyond the national borders Expansion in economics, politics, military and ideological -> make smaller countries dependent British Empire was the largest one in history (20%) -> saving income of their motherland through colonies (trade + tax) British island became a seafaring nation In the 16th century GB became a major European power colonizing European and non- European countries 17th/18th century established settlements all over the world -> imperial ambitions Concept: conquest -> land + people -> taxes + soldiers -> conquest ->.... 6.4.2. Industrialization Definition: Economic change from homebased production and agriculture to a big system of factory-based manufacturing First revolution (1700s-1800s) -> production inf factories Second revolution (1800s-1900s) -> large factories, using modern technologies for mass production Agricultural changes, economic innovations, population doubled Industrialization was enhanced through new ways of transportation -> steam engine To sum up: production increased -> need of raw materials increased -> imported from colonies Marketing expanded over national borders -> dominating local markets (colonies) 6.4.3 Colonization Definition: domination of a country by major power (depends on the stronger country -> exploited) GB starting in 16th century Triangular trade with America and Africa (including slaves) After losing America GB started to expand eastwards (Asia/Australia) Colonization consisted of economics, imprisonment, and settlement colonialism East India Company had the biggest influence in trading Decolonization starting after the WW2 Push-factors -> many people leaving GB due to overpopulation British Empire does not exist anymore, but many colonies are still in the Commonwealth of Nations, which is led by GB 6.4.4 Commonwealth Association of GB and former colonies (colonies are now free and independent) -> idea is to preserve the connection through strong partnerships 6.5. Being British National identity: set of factors connecting individuals and groups under one nation Hard to define a typical Britain -> prejudices (very common) Shared values: respect, tolerance, sanctity of the home, a caring attitude, fair play, commonsense and a dislike of extremism 6.6 Elizabethan England - an introduction to the Golden Age Elizabethan Era (1558-1603) -> reign of Queen Elizabeth 1. Time period is known as the Golden Age -> culture and arts blossomed (e.g. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) The era compromises the first theatre era in England -> dealing with gender, marriage, social classes and history (no woman participated) Referred to as the virgin queen -> she was the monarch, having the greatest power in the state Elizabeths worldview: "Great chain of being" -> God created everything and it displays a chain of belief -> eruption would cause chaos Divine right of kings: monarch as representative for God on earth, head of state and church 7. Ethnic diversity 7.1 Great Britain as a multicultural society Multiculturalism: Different ethnicities interact with each other, without having to give up one's individuals identity Britishness: the quality of being British or having typical characteristics 1840s many people fled due to the Irish potato famine During ww2 many jews fled to GB -> after many people were need to rebuilt everything During the British empire 20% of the world's population was part of GB Britain is unique due to its pluralism of ethnicity -> results in economic success and influences the population Still some racism rooted British society can be described with the metaphor of a salad bowl Britain is unique for its multiculturism 7.2 Prejudice and the one-track mind 7.3 Integration versus assimilation Integration: Different ethnicities share values and minorities are protected by the state Assimilation: Leaving origin cultures and accepting the ones of a new country Integration of foreign country means respecting a multitude Assimilation can be compared to the metaphor of the melting pod Establishing a common basis is essential for enabling different people to live together (co- existence without social exclusion) Essential to eliminate racism and prejudices 8. Literature concerning multiculturalism and ethnic diversity 8.1 The embassy of Cambodia 8.1.1 Author 8.1.2 Historical context Located in Willesden, London -> takes place in 2012 Times connected with multicultural problems 8.1.3. Summary Life of a young African woman, working in the household of the Derawals (Pakistani family) as a live-in nanny The embassy of Cambodia is a villa in the North London district of Willesden, surrounded by a red brick wall On Mondays, when the Derawals aren't home, Fatou goes swimming at the health care center next to the Embassy (taught herself how to swim; uses the entry cards of the Derawals) When passing the Embassy she often sees a shuttlecock(federball) flying over the walls One day she reads an article about a slave being kept in a house in London -> and compares her to her (doesn't see herself as a slave) Every Sunday she meets her friend Andrew to worship -> going for a coffee afterwards She sees a mysterious lady leaving the embassy Talks to Andrew about the pain Africans are put through (beliefs they suffer more than other ethnicities) Fatou saves Asthma (the youngest child of the Derawals) from chocking -> Mrs. Derawal is still mad at her for not prepping the meal in time Fatou goes swimming and thinks back to her time in the resort in Ghana -> got raped by a Russian tourist + young child drowned at the beach (tragedy accepted as fate) She compares it with her time in Italy, where minor incidents were greatly published Andrew and Fatou go swimming together Derawals kick her out, saying they do not need a nanny anymore -> wants her passport back (Mr. Derawal pretends to not have it) She moves in with Andrew 8.1.4 Characters Fatou: African woman from the Ivory coast Lives in London -> works for the Derawals Worked at Carib resort -> was sexually abused Likes to swim often Strong belief Illegal immigrant working in Italy (cleaning toilets) Ambivalent relationship to Andrew Andrew: Andrew Okonkwo Immigrant from Nigeria Criticizes Nigerian politics Also, strong belief Educated and reflected Mrs. Derawal: Small market with her husband Three kids Disrespectful towards Fatou (hits her) Embodiment of exploitation 8.1.5 Themes & Interpretations Main themes: lawlessness and exploitation Dysfunctionality of multiculturalism -> emerge of parallel societies Feels badly treated due to her nationality Second class human Emancipation of a young Black woman arising to independence Fatou displays a modern-day slave -> she gets treated really bad because she is an illegal immigrant -> financial exploitation/starvation wage, forced labor, no rights 8.2 "My son the fanatic" - a story about a clash of culture 8.2.1 Author 8.2.2 Historical background After WW2, many Indian and Pakistani immigrants came to Britain After economic recession many lost their job -> migrant neighborhoods became problem areas Low education level and high unemployment rate Unincluded teenagers often radicalize themselves 8.2.3 Summary Young teenager is influenced by the Islam Conflict between the father Parvez and his son Ali Parvez is integrated into British society and is no living after the Koran Ali however turns his back to him and starts to live after strict Islamic rules Parvez does not understand the sudden change and wants to talk to him (unsuccessful) The son is disgusted with his father's lifestyle -> Tells him he wants to live like the jihadists Ali is horrified and wants a befriended prostitute to talk to Ali In a drunken rage the father beats his son -> the son is calm and only asks "So who's the fanatic now" 8.2.4 Interpretation Example of a lack of integration, clash of cultures and clash of generations Immigrants should keep their origin in mind while integrating Shows what happens if immigrants are excluded Both are fanatical 8.3 "Shooting an Elephant" - a story in times of colonialism 8.3.1 Author 8.3.2 Historical background The story is an original story, which the author himself experienced Describes colonial imperialism in India India controlled by Britain -> exploitation India suffered under harsh conditions due to colonialism Orwell shows how hard it can be to suffer as a colonizer 8.3.3. Summary George Orwell is a police officer in Moulmein, a town in the British colony of Burma Hated by the Burmese people -> harass him Orwell is part of the oppressive British Empire but secretly supports the Burmese Two-sided mindset: on the one hand side feels guilty for being a colonizer on the other side hates being harassed One day Orwell receives a call from another police officer that an elephant is terrorizing the town (not a wild elephant) Locals are not able to restrain the elephant, which already destroyed houses and large parts of the town He finds the crushed body of a "coolie" (an unskilled worker) lying in the mud Orwell orders for his gun Searches for the elephant with a large group of people from the town (the Burmese are excited to see the elephant shot) Orwell didn't plan on shooting the animal and only wanted to carry a gun for self defense Catches the elephant calmly eating grass -> doesn't want to shoot it He is pressured into shooting it -> by the Burmese (otherwise laughed at) The third shot downs the elephant Is sad to see the elephant slowly dying in pain The elephant killing the coolie gives Orwell legal justice 8.3.4 Interpretation The story shows how much one is influenced by what others think about them Peer pressure Elephant has two meanings: 1. The colonizers, who are finally killed and the locals are free. 2. The colonized, who cannot be tamed and are finally killed or bled out by the British Orwell criticizes the suppression of the minority due to colonialism and the Burmese as well Orwell is in a consistent conflict with his principles, when acting as a colonizer and while killing the seemingly calm elephant, which was only eating grass 9. The English-speaking world: Country of reference: Ireland Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Northern Ireland belongs to the UK 9.1 Past and present Migration from Western Europe -> brought Christianity English wanted to get control thru plantation policy Protestants were included -> taking land away from Catholics and gave it to the Protestants 1690 penal laws -> excluded Catholics from public life 1801 Act of Union -> united Great Britain and Ireland (Irish parliament abolished) Potato famine 1845-1848 -> no support from Britain 1916 rebels announced the independent Republic of Ireland (Easter Rising) The rising was induced by the Irish Republic Army (IRA) 1920 Government of Ireland act -> introduction of two parliaments Through the Irish war of independence (1919-1921) Ireland was split into the Irish free state and northern Ireland There were anti-Catholic laws in Northern Ireland -> Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association 1960-1998 conflict between the loyalists (Protestant unionists) and the republicans (Roman Catholic nationalists) whether Northern Ireland should remain part of the UK or become a part of Ireland The British army was needed to calm down civil war like conflicts 1972 Bloody Sunday -> British paratroopers fired on demonstrators belonging to the Northern Ireland civil rights association Good Friday agreement (1998) ending the conflicts 1995-2005 Ireland had rapid growth in economics (EU membership, euro, direct investments)-> giving it the name "Celtic Tiger" 2008 financial crisis and in 2020 the Brexit hit the economic hard 9.2 National identity A country united in by geography and divided by history Culture was suppressed for many years by the British Culture shaped by English 11. Overview 1066: Battle of Hastings 1558-1603: Elizabethan Era 1564-1616: Shakespeare 1600: England became colonial power 1688: Glorious Revolution 1707: Act of Union 1750s: Industrial Revolution 1770: Australia becomes British colony 1807: Abolition of slave trade 1919-192: Irish war of independence 1920s: 20% of the world's population is part of the British Empire 1948: British economy boost + influx of immigrants 2011: London riots 2015: London bombing 2020: Brexit 12. Human dilemmas in fiction and real life 12.1. Extreme situations physical and psychological issues people must deal with 12.1.1 Extreme situations in Othello 1. Physical challenges: Othello must be able to face extreme physical stress due to him being a general (wars) 2. Environmental challenges: most people are white in Venice (racism problems due to Othello being black) Also, his background and ethnicity Lower self-esteem 3. Psychological factors: extreme situations -> extreme emotions (jealousy = irrational way of acting and thinking) lago is full of hatred, anger and jealousy = act cruel + manipulative 12.1.2. Possible solutions 12.2.2. Being different Every human being wants to be part of a society (rules and belief system + norms) Diversity in society + being too different = exclusion -> systemic discrimination Those people are called minorities Some traits might be visual, others are character based Society often does not acknowledge individualism 13. Modelling the future 13.1. Power and ambition 13.2. Power and ambition in Othello lago is overly ambitious, reaching all his goals by manipulating others (gaining resources, money, and trust) Othello has power but a low self-esteem -> easy target for manipulation 13.3. Science and technology Science: empirical study of structural and behavioral aspects of the physical world Technology: methods, systems To achieve an improved living standard, one needs to understand its surrounding It is deeply connected in human nature 13.4. Possibilities and responsibilities Benefits need to outweigh the risks (while researching) Further information can change the views on risks over time (nuclear power) 13.5. Main inventions in the last decades Electricity: In 1878 by Thomas Edison. Different energy types: green energy and harmful energy (nuclear power) Cars: In 1885 by Karl Benz -> 19th century also electric cars (ethical question: oil problems, harms the nature, energy problems) Computers/smartphone/internet: In 1822 by Charles Babbage (first computer) in 1992 by IBM (first smartphone) in 1969 (internet) in 1991 (World Wide Web) (ethical: good way of communication and large amounts of possibilities -> also mobbing, criminality Genetic engineering: Definition: alteration of the DNA of an organism. On humans -> decide sex, eliminate the risk of genetic diseases, change appearance. On plants-> resistance, increase the chance of survival, increase crop rate (Ethical -> cruel tests, appearances eliminated + indicator of income) Artificial intelligence: machines that imitate human intelligence. 14. Gender issues 14.1 Gender and identity Gender (outer appearance) vs sex (biological difference) Gender norms Performative act 14.2. Gender construction 14.3. Culture and gender - now and then the ideal beauty of women over time 14.3.1. Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more louely and more temperate: Rough windes do ſhake the darling buds of Maie, And Summer's leaſe hath all too ſhort a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heauen shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd, And euery fair from fair ſome-time declines, By chance, or natures changing courſe vntrimm'd: But thy eternall Summer ſhall not fade, Nor loſe poſſeſſion of that fair thou ow'ſt, Nor ſhall death brag thou wander'ſt in his ſhade, When in eternall lines to time thou grow'ſt, So long as men can breathe or eyes can ſee, So long liues this, and this giues life to thee, Comparing the beauty of a lover to a summer day Female beauty is described as something very delicate -> nowadays very fragile Societal stereotypes are normal today + beauty ideals Love to oneself is lost 15. Nature and environment 15.1 Recent environmental issues The biggest issues are plastic pollution and climate change 15.1.1 Plastic Pollution Decomposes slowly Millions of tons enter the ocean Scientists try to find environmentally friendly material 15.1.2 Global warming Causes extreme weather conditions (harmful) Amplified by greenhouse gas emissions UV-rays pass the greenhouse gases -> heating up the planet Killing animals and destroying parts of the earth Paris agreement 15.2. Clashes of interest: Economy versus environment Free market economy is ruled by supply and demand -> open competition (harms the environment) Low production cost = high natural hazards Human rights need to be kept 16. Globalization Globalization = worldwide integration of economy, communication, politics and sectors Many benefits and risks Economical crisis. Global markets + pandemics 16.1. Globalization and the economy Outsource No regulations are kept Exploited workers + child labor 16.2 Globalization and culture 16.2.1 Media Media supply watchers with culture and info's Film industry Prejudices and stereotypes Lose of identity Multicultural exchange 16.3. Global peacekeeping 16.3.1 United nations 16.3.2. European Union (EU) 17. Othello 17.1. Summary Act 1: Act 2: Act 3: Act 4: Act 5: Set in Venice lago finds out that Desdemona is married to Othello (mad) lago is in anger because Othello overlooked him, when choosing Cassio as his Lieutenant lago manipulates Roderigo into calling out Desdemona's dad and telling him that Othello supposedly has taken his daughter away Brabantio sends officers to search for her Othello is accused by Brabantio of having bewitched Desdemona into marrying him Desdemona confirms Othello and the duke rules in favor of the couple Turkish fleet is destroyed by a storm before the coast of Cyprus lago manipulates Roderigo They get Cassio drunk during his duty -> fight between Cassio and Roderigo (as planned) Cassio is removed from his position lago convinces Cassio to talk Desdemona (to get his position back) lago tells Cassio that he'll keep Othello in distance so he is able to talk to Desdemona lago and Othello see the hem talking -> lago makes Othe jealous (more doubtful after Desdemona pleads in favor of Cassio) Emilia finds Desdemona's handkerchief and gives it to lago -> he leaves it in Cassio's room + asks Bianca to copy it Othello wants solid proof of Desdemona's affaire -> lago tells him that he saw Cassio using the handkerchief Othello listens to Cassio and lago and think they are talking about the relationship to Desdemona (talking about Bianca + Othello sees the fake handkerchief in Bianca's hand) Lodovico hands Othello a letter asking him to come home + he calls out Desdemona as unfaithful and slaps her Othello asks Emilia whether Desdemona is guilty -> she pleads her being unguilty + she suggests that Othello is being manipulated lago suggests Othello to kill Cassio -> he agrees Roderigo and Cassio fight -> both get injured lago secretly kills Roderigo after seeing that he is still alive (blames Bianca) Desdemona pleads to be unguilty -> Othello still kills her (blames herself in her last words) Emilia tells everyone the truth about the handkerchief Othello is overwhelmed and is in deep sadness lago kills Emilia and escapes Othello wounds lago -> revises his life -> kills himself -> lago is commanded to be executed 17.2. Characters Othello: lago: Cassio: Protagonist Black general in the venetian army He is very insecure about his origin and ethnicity Married to Desdemona Manipulated by lago -> kills Desdemona Desdemona: Emilia: Villain of the tragedy Greatly confident Hates Othello Seems to be highly intelligent Good reputation -> "Good man" Racist against Black people Sexist Never does tasks himself -> only gives advice Secretly married to Othello Considers her husband to be more important than her father Sense of justice (stands up for Cassio) Selfless Truly in love with Othello Described as young and handsome Overly concerned of his reputation General of Othello Deceives Bianca Wife of lago Supports Desdemona Helps her husband without knowing his plan Quite negative view of men Appears to be intelligent Brabantio: Racist Angry about his daughter's behavior 17.3. Themes and Interpretation Racism: Othello is constantly called "the Moor" ->puts him into a category Brabantio doesn't want his daughter to marry a black man -> calls him an exotic lago also calls him "the Moor" and has many prejudices against him -> results in Othello being unconfident, having a low self-esteem Manipulation: Very important due to lago -> manipulates almost every character By using words he gets them to do anything he wants -> only sees his own profit Reputation is especially important Jealousy: lago sparks the jealousy in Othello by using his insecurities The jealousy is the main reason why the drama escalates Also known as the "green-eyed monster" Reputation: Honor and reputation are of immense importance for the characters lago uses his reputation to convey a different picture of his person lago describes it as the immortal part of humans -> distinguishing a human from an animal