


Abiturthema Great Britain (LK)







Multicultural Britain
During the 20th century, immigration into Britain encouraged the development of diverse cultural experiences and
Multicultural Britain
During the 20th century, immigration into Britain encouraged the development of diverse cultural experiences and
Multicultural Britain
During the 20th century, immigration into Britain encouraged the development of diverse cultural experiences and

Multicultural Britain During the 20th century, immigration into Britain encouraged the development of diverse cultural experiences and understanding within society Cultural integration brought music, literature, art, food and fashion from different parts of the world, particularly from places that had been part of the British Empire and then the Commonwealth - and it also impacted things like business and sport ● Pro Ethnic diversity enriches a society → introduces a wide variety of food music and fashion Monarchy Political system Interaction with people from a variety of backgrounds makes people more open-minded and tolerant for businesses, foreign workers bring a new perspective into the workplace → can lead to greater creativity and productivity through different approaches found in different cultures Multiculturalism can lead to more peaceful society → people are more accepting of differences Parliament . ● constitutional monarchy parliament has supreme authority in all political matters parliament decides on new laws and discuss political issues House of Commons House of Lords Britain consists of two chambers: House of Commons & House of Lords Pro Queen is a non-partisan head of state and does not get involved in politics Queen stands for British values and national unity Queen is an integral part of the national culture and heritage Queen represents British interests abroad Unelected head of state doesn't need support of ● people are not elected, they need to do something viral to get in power is limited . particular interest groups Monarch...

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brings stability to a country, in contrast to a president, who changes every few years ● main business is making laws and checking work of the parliament elected for 5 years Royal family does a lot of good charity work Queen and her family attract tourists, who contribute a lot of money Queen is a role model Traditions should be kept and remind Britain's of there history Queen can give advice to the prime minister and take away the less necessary work from him, like representing . . . ● ● Con A country's national identity and traditions will be lost if they become top diluted with those of other cultures ● when cultures are very different, they cannot integrate, only exist side by side many migrants do not want to integrate into British society people from different cultures do not always share the same values as the rest of the society → can lead to conflict and racial tension people who do not identify with host country can become isolated → they are not integrated into society Con Inappropriate for a modern democratic society People should be able to elect their head of state An elected head of state can be responsible for their actions, while a monarch has no consequences, because there are no other candidates A royal family supports the idea of inequality between families Royal family is expensive for the country (security...) Queen and royal family are supported by taxes, which could be spent better Tourists would come to Britain anyway No education is needed to become Queen, has all advantages without working for it Job of King or Queen might be bad suited → concerning skills, characteristics... King and Queen are a hard lifetime job Old-fashioned Britons may feel superior, because of Royals Modern democracy ● ● Brexit The Queen Queen or King mainly has a representative role, is a symbol of the tradition of Great Britain Britain has no constitution Elisabeth 2→ Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Born 21.4.1926 Married to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 1947 Since 1952 Queen of Britain Queen (resp. the King) the head of state → This is called a constitutional monarchy United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern eland comprises four parts of the country: England, Wales, Scotland Northern Ireland Parliament 23.06.16 was the referendum → 52% votes for leaving EU House of Commons British constitutional law has five undisputed basic principles: a constitutional monarchy, a sovereignty of parliament, representative democracy as well as the rule of law Pro Freedom of making own laws UK can decide about problems like refugees People voted for Brexit in 2019 but then referendum Becoming independent Have a national on global rules Britain would have more freedom to make important trade deals with countries such as India or China: doing most of its trade within Europe is limiting voters policy decisions are made by government Government consists of the Prime Minister, who is head of government and about 20 ministers, each of whom heads a ministry. Together they form the Cabinet The Queen or the King appoints the Prime Minister (ritual) The leader of Party that has won the most seats in HoC beomes PM The other ministers are appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister Politics House of Lords Every five years the British elect the members of the House of Commons. Every British person aged 18 or over who is resident in Great Britain is entitled to vote . King / Queen She should advice, guide and warn As Head of State the Queen has to remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters The Queen does not vote or stand for election Her Majesty does have important ceremonial and formal roles in relation to the government of the UK . . Government Prime Minister Cabinet Con Leaving EU will not solve immigration problems. Instead, it will bring them closer because border controls with Europe that are now in Calais will be move to Dover it is important for countries to work closely together in today's globalised world EU is a strong economic and political power, 28 countries support each other, UK would be on it's own Immigration difficult for EU because UK might not take refugees Medium sized country with no real influence in the world Idea of being more connected with USA is wrong ● Pro less competition for British companies More jobs for Britain, if no foreign workers are allowed to come Britain can invest its money in necessary things by eliminating the need to pay money to the EU Economics Effect of no single market isn't that big, most exports go outside the EU and the EU still wants to export to UK UK needn't pay for debts and problems of other countries international banks will not leave London and take their headqu elsewhere. They will stay and take advantage of low tax rates Britain would have more freedom to make important trade deals with countries such as India or China: doing most of its trade within Europe is limiting Pro British island mentality and pride as former empire nation can be kept Becoming independent Society ● . . ● because the USA isn't really interested in UK outside the EU EU represents human rights, wrong to give it up Con No single market no customs union goods like fruit will be more expensive banks will leave UK because there are greater advantages of trading within the EU EU is a strong economic and political power, 28 countries support each other, UK would be on it's own worth of pound is already sinking, traveling will be more difficult, there are border controls less traveling →less tourism → less money Big companies will leave the UK Con online shopping will be more expensive, because of taxes, borders etc. around 3 million jobs are linked to the EU Northern Ireland: border may mean violence Britons need to do all jobs, including the bad ones that were done by foreign workers before a small majority voted for Brexit: 51.9%, many young did not or could not vote foreign students will not come to famous British universities and won't stay there UK has always been a very international and multicultural country