









- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-
- live in Australia
- no uniform folk
- tribes or clans with different customs and languages
- lived mainly as hunter-

THE BASICS Aborigines - live in Australia - no uniform folk - tribes or clans with different customs and languages - lived mainly as hunter-gatherers - populated Australia about 40,000 to 60,000 years ago - settled Australia beginning from the north FOOD OF THE ABORIGINES - they were independent hunters and gatherers - did not practice agriculture THE ABORIGINAL CULTURE - one of the oldest cultures that is still maintained today - their faith was a central aspect in everyday life - cover their bodies with traditional patterns for ceremonies & dances - preparation can take many hours - the best artists are selected - typical "bush food" consisted of a variety of foods: - patterns & motifs show the relationship to relatives or clan members - include cross-hatching and lines of dots that belong to the clan ULURU, the AYERS ROCK - holy mountain of the Aborigines - one of the most famous natural phenomena of Australia - for example the home of the rainbow snake - most important creation figure of the Aborigines - formed mountains & valleys, is the guardian of water RELIGIOUS BELIEFS - spiritual thoughts expressed in murals - conviction that the "rainbow snake" and the "big kangaroo" created the human life - the Uluru is the geographical center of the Aboriginal creation history - rock paintings, carvings and dances show the figures in the...

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imagination of most tribes → kangaroo, emu and its eggs, wombat, goanna, snakes, birds → many insects like honey ants or witchetty maggots → on the coasts: shells and crustaceans → many variations of vegetable food: nuts, fruit and berries HOLY ABORIGINAL INSTRUMENT The didgeridoo: - direct contact with the snake - sounds are intended to echo the vibrations that the rainbow snake caused when it formed the landscape of Australia on its way out of the sea - made of hollow eucalyptus trunks - tones are produced and varied by a special breathing technique and lip movements POPULATION DECLINE OF THE ABORIGINES - before the arrival of the British (1770): about 400 - 700 different tribes - from 1788 onwards (arrival of the Europeans): 300,000 inhabitants - 1920: 60,000 Aborigines reasons for population decline - imported diseases → Aborigines were not immune → many inhabitants died - violent conflicts between the Europeans and the settlers about land rights ABORIGINES TODAY - about 3/4 of today's 450,000+ Aborigines live in cities - follow the modern lifestyle - Aboriginal traditions are best preserved in the Northern Territory Europeans settled late there - Aborigines live among themselves in most places - almost 60% of them still speak an indigenous language ABORIGINES - the flag of the Australian Aborigines - CONTENT - the basic information - food of the Aborigines - the Aboriginal culture - religious beliefs - the Uluru - one holy aboriginal instrument - the poulation decline of the Aborigines Aboriginies today - Aborigines: - live in Australia no uniform folk - tribes or clans with different customs and languages - lived mainly as hunter-gatherers - populated Australia about 40,000 to 60,000 years ago - settled Australia beginning from the north THE BASICS FOOD OF THE ABORIGINES - they were independent hunters and gatherers - did not practice agriculture - typical "bush food" consisted of a variety of foods: → kangaroo, emu and its eggs, wombat, goanna, snakes, birds → many insects like honey ants or witchetty maggots → on the coasts: shells and crustaceans → many variations of vegetable food: nuts, fruit and berries THE ABORIGINAL CULTURE 4. - Aboriginal culture is one of the oldest cultures that is still maintained today - their faith was a central aspect in everyday life - they cover their bodies with traditional patterns for ceremonies and dances - preparation can take many hours - the best artists are selected - patterns and motifs show the relationship of the Aborigine to relatives or clan members often include fine cross-hatching and lines of dots that belong to the clan RELIGIOUS BELIEFS - spiritual thoughts expressed in murals - conviction that the "rainbow snake" and the "big kangaroo" created the human life - the Uluru is the geographical center of the Aboriginal creation history - rock paintings, carvings and dances show the figures in the imagination of most tribes www. ULURU AYERS ROCK - holy mountain of the Aborigines - one of the most famous natural phenomena of Australia - for example the home of the rainbow snake (most important creation figure of the Aborigines) - formed mountains & valleys, is the guardian of water HOLY ABORIGINAL INSTRUMENT The didgeridoo: - direct contact with the snake - sounds are intended to echo the vibrations that the rainbow snake caused when it formed the landscape of Australia on its way out of the sea - made of hollow eucalyptus trunks - tones are produced and varied by a special breathing technique and lip movements POPULATION DECLINE OF THE ABORIGINES - before the arrival of the British (1770): about 400 - 700 different tribes - from 1788 onwards (arrival of the Europeans): 300,000 inhabitants - 1920: 60,000 Aborigines reasons for population decline: - imported diseases Aborigines were not immune → many inhabitants died - violent conflicts between the Europeans and the settlers about land rights ABORIGINES TODAY - about 3/4 of today's 450,000+ Aborigines live in cities - follow the modern lifestyle - Aboriginal traditions are best preserved in the Northern Territory - Europeans settled late there - Aborigines live among themselves in most places - almost 60% of them still speak an indigenous language G HTTPS://WWW.PLANET-WISSEN.DE/KULTUR/VOELKER/ABORIG IN ES/INDEX.HTML HTTPS://DE.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/ABORIGINES HTTPS://UPLOAD.WIKIMEDIA.ORG/WIKIPEDIA/DE/THUMB/7/77/FLAG OF THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES.SVG/1280 PX-FLAG OF THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES.SVG.PNG HTTPS://UPLOAD.WIKIMEDIA.ORG/WIKIPEDIA/COMMONS/THUMB/7/71/AUSTRALIA ON THE GLOBE %28 ANTARCTIC CLAIMS HATCHED % 29 % 280 CEANIA CENTERED % 29 WITH BORDERS.SVG/465 PXAUSTRALIA ON THE GLOBE %28ANTARCTIC CLAIMS HATCHED % 29 % 280 CEAN CENTERED%29 WITH BORDERS.SVG.PNG HTTPS://UPLOAD.WIKIMEDIA.ORG/WIKIPEDIA/COMMONS/THUMB/0/08/NORTHERN TERRITO RY IN AUSTRALIA.SVG/449PX-NORTHERN TERRITORY IN AUSTRALIA.SVG.PNG HTTPS://WWW.PACIFIC-TRAVEL-HOUSE.COM/BLOG/2012/12/DIE-KULTUR-DER-AB ORIGINES/ HTTPS://WWW.PACIFIC-TRAVEL-HOUSE.COM/BLOG/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/2012/12/KULTUR-ABORIGINES-BILD-3.JPG HTTPS://I.PINIMG.COM/ORIGINALS/BD/14/79/BD1479 E27C42284 E2 C25172 DO AC9 361F.JPG HTTPS://WWW.KINDERWELTREISE.DE/FILEADMIN/USER UPLOAD/AUSTRALIEN/AUSTRALIEN/LEUTE/DIDGERIDOO.JPG HTTPS://LOVINGAUSTRALIA.DE/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/2016/02/ULURU-NT-170320102531003-E 1548065336340.JPG HTTPS://UPLOAD.WIKIMEDIA.ORG/WIKIPEDIA/COMMONS/A/A7/RAINBOWSERPENT.JPG HTTPS://WWW.NW.DE/ EM DATEN/CACHE/IMAGE/1XQKFKNBZOPBW7 2N BG8TKE 2LQEUZ-CYJM 7GINDYIMXRM-VBCSJ NDLZKHM V4 WGC WSJT/161209-1706-425-BOGENSCH-TZEN.JPG HTTPS://LH3.GOOGLEUSERCONTENT.COM/PROXY/H93AVJ2FW5 JSRESWWJZ IV KJ WFTX1 RZE FW009 P2PXEA0V1000KEIFZ GP8JMK8 GKTT49 JSOKVS PXOM RRBMVL LW-DATEMEAKS 7W sources