


about South Africa







The Atlantic and the Indian Oceans
South Africa is bordered by 6 different countries.
South Africa is divided i

ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA GEOGRAPHY The Atlantic and the Indian Oceans South Africa is bordered by 6 different countries. South Africa is divided into 9 different provinces. ↳ The three capitals of South Africa are Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein. • Johannesburg could be a fourth capital because it's the largest city there. The rail network is special, because it's the most well-developed connects. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned on Robben Island. Further islands are Marion Island and Prince Eduard Island SOUTH AFRICAS COLONIAL PAST 1652 East India Company Sulled in Cape Town, 179178-81 Xhosa people first meeting with Khoikhoi clashed w. Boers 1852 treaties w/ British 1806: British reoccupy the Cape 1886: Witwatersand gold reef Describe: -texts -pictures 1834: All slavery in colonies were abolished by British 1880-81, 1899-1902: Boers and British again LANGUAGES - Larguage diversity contributes to RANBOW NATION - English as the dominant language, because of the media and government, but the minority of the total pop. call English their first language. -Zulu, Xhosa, English (very similar in grammar) -Vocabulary stems from Dutch, Malay, Khoisan and Portuguese. } only what can see! are meeting at South Africa's coasts. STEVE BIKO •honest, conscientious, calm, self-confidend • wanted to change economic patterns and polities in countries dominated by Apartheid •black consciousness was important for him • Black is beautiful". • gives hope and unity. • died from brain damage, government said hunger stribe. ↳violent bleedings you Outline: - relevante Hauptmerkmale -Struktur wie vorgegeben -Keine Wertung, keine Zitate conflict Präsens! 1910 Union of ABOUT CAPE TOWN • racism, while people...

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privilegs • most unequal city, failed rainbow nation South Africa. colonialism, corruption • electricity cut off Analyse/Exermine -Text im Detail, Belege, Zeilen, Präsens - Introduction, main part, conclusion ... This shows that..";. to support his argument... . SKILLS Types of norrators, point of view First person/limited p.o. (Ich-Erz.) particular atmosphere •subjugation propaganda by politics and media racial segregation . 1854. Orange Free State, South African Republic • 1995: British occupied the Cape Colony 1803: British reling. control to the Dutch! 1867: discovery of cliamonds. I comment Skills Introduction, Lines of argument (my opinion and balance), personal conclusion APARTHEIT useful phrases: segregation; keep sth/sb apart; seperation, to discriminate against; to deny sb access; to provide separate facilities > Apartheid refers to the segregation of and discrimination against non-white people. The white people and the govern- ment opress the non-whites. Group areas act: >different areas, faicibly, opply permits (interior race), 1950 Bantu outhorities Act on the one hand.- on the other hard... contrast to A.B... - rother (disagree..";. finally..; Looking at the two sides, I... → homelands, no citizenship, required passport, no civil rights, 1951 Seperate Representation of lovers act: → Seperate voding, only whites representative, black inferior, 1951 " interior monologue (innerer Monolog) Reported thought (erleble Rede) Thijdl p. limited norrador/-1 (personal) Stream of consciousness (Bewusstseinsstrom) _Thindt p. omniscient norralor/unlimited par) { Intrusive narrator (auktorialer Era comment) Compare - "show similarities and differences" + Begründungen " "equally important"; "identically"; "such as"; "additionally"; "apposite to"; "first, second... ; "with attention to.."; "on the whole.... examples: "In the text from"; "Next, he/she points out...."; "He also suggests, observes, argues, claims, reports that .. "The author addresses"; "Then he/she describes, shows, underlines.... As soon as, once again, further.,..