


All American Boys- while readingtask (summary)







hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
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Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
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Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
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Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash
hile reading tasks
rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter.
Use this grid for your answers:
Rashad (Introducing Rash

hile reading tasks rize the weekdays. Find a fitting title for each chapter. Use this grid for your answers: Friday Rashad (Introducing Rashad Butler) Quinn (Introducing Quinn Marshall Collins) ● African American boy 16 years old lives in West Springfield ● ● ● ● • • • ● R likes to party Spoony: brother of R+ did not join ROTC in school ● Father of R wants him to join the ROTC conversation with David and Jessica about ROTC R changes his uniform at the bathroom in school meeting his friends, English Jones Shannon and Carlos English: captain of basketball team going to Jill's party Carlos loves to spray borrowing some money from Spoony who works at UPS buying some snacks store called Jerry's R has never stolen something • police officer and clerk accused him for stealing cop gets R in handcuffs seeing a lady who wants to buy beer lady tripped over R when he bent down to get his phone of his duffel bag 17 years old little brother: Willy (12 years old) likes to play with the playStation his father died in Afghanistan the Cambis: neighbour Guzzo+Dwyer: Q´s friends (17yo) Dwyer joined in middle school mother works at Uline Warehouse (straight 12h) • Regina Cambis: Joe's mother ● bringing little brother, Willy, to the Cambis Saturday Rashad (At the hospital) Quinn (At Mother's Pizza after match) ● • • ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● going to Jill's party Jill and Frankie are Guzzo's cousins ● Q likes Jill buying beer seeing Paul with Rashad in front of the store arresting R Paul: Guzzo's older brother, the white police officer Paul like a...

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brother to Q when father died In custody cannot realize being in custody broken nose+ribs at the hospital his family visiting him there strict father: does not believe the story+ very critical caring mother Spoony also there: getting in anger+ believes Rashad not getting better means surgery Berry is Randolph's girlfriend and the big sister of English Jones ● eating for lunch: better than in school nurse (Clarissa) weird+ strange relation between Spoony and his father dad believes strongly in the American Dream Spoony very caring father of R.: David Butler mother of R.: Jessica Butler government name of S.: Randolph Spoony just the nickname (refused eating with a fork when he was little) falling asleep and waking up still staying at the hospital Quinn Marshall Collins was ten years old when his father died Gooch: neighbourhood park in the living room with mother doing workouts every morning: stinking having a shower Sunday Rashad (Rashad in the news) ● • • ● ● ● mother finds out about the flask, gets mad at him and gives him some kind of little life lesson • watching Willy's football match • sharing pizza slices with Jill but caring for Willy taking the bus to Willy's game ● having fun there and being glad to have a little brother waiting for Guzzo's answer after a few messages actually with Will at Mother's Pizza incident at Mother's: a pizza restaurant police cars pulled up flashbacks to the incident at Jerry's with Rashad and Paul, the white police officer Waking up in an empty room: glad about it nurse Clarissa coming in has to blow into an incentive spirometer mother, father and Pastor Jerome Johnson come in actually believes in God so far but doubts because of the incident at Jerry's hopes for the opposite what Pastor will say about God Pastor says that God is and will always be present • Spoony comes in ● father introduces Spoony churchman heads out the room Rashad watches television cannot believe what he sees dad is mad at Spoony because he sent all information about Rashad to the news, also one picture of him in his ROTC uniform father just worry about Rashad's security but he does not understand that the police officer, Paul, is at fault and is the bad person here who David should be mad at Rashad turns the TV off: having Quinn (Barbecue at Galluzzo's) Monday Quinn (The video in the news) * normally Rashad is first ● ● ● enough misses his art supplies in order to draw ● Rashad and Carlos have got a barking sound on their phone to get some girls but he changes his alert quickly • Spending time with Willy at home mother comes home and made marshmallow pie which Quinn hates BBC at Galluzzo's R checks his messages the first time; got a lot of messages from his friends sees Paul on the porch Couch Carney is the basketball trainer Jill is Paulie's cousin • having a conversation with Jill Jill already knows about the incident and Rashad, the victim ● he answers them because English, Shannon and Carlos worry about R just watching TV R is told that the police officer at Jerry's is named Paul Galluzzo Guzzo and Paul shout for Quinn to help them with the burgers P talks to Q and holds Quinn's arm Guzzo distanced from Q Jill fights with her mother in the kitchen Rita Galluzzo is the aunt of Jill TV is on but someone turns it off Paul asks his guests to stay by his side everyone assure except Quinn ● two-to-two basketball match: Quinn+ Dwyer and Guzzo+ Paul Paul becomes aggressive but Q gets frustrated and leaves Nam: another member of he basketball team Quinn does not want to watch the video about Rashad conversation with Nam English avoids Q Rashad (Going out of his room for the first time) Paul had been actually nice to Quinn's mother when she felt lonely • finally asking Jill if he is in the video but he is not • • • . lunch with Jill he feels like Jill is the only person he can talk to ● relief but why?! Paul had beaten up Marc Blair because Marc has pushed Quinn into the fence he remembers Marc who hit him also remembers the time when saw a black senior wearing a T-shirt, "Fear of a Black Planet" going to Ms. Webber's class English Jones is black Molly, Ms Webber and Quinn are white Molly and EJ keep saying Rashad's name and were send out Q feels bad because everyone is talking about Rashad: he was angry that he is/ was not thinks that he is part of the incident/ problem ● Aaron Douglas is a painter in the time of the Harlem Renaissance Mrs. Caperdeen: his art teacher R has been drawing since he is five or six comic called "The family Circus": normal white family, four kids, two parents and a grandmother, not funny very boing starts drawing the incident Clarissa, the nurse, enters the space while he draws Clarissa: maybe early twenties, white, freckles and bright-red hair • showing her one more piece of his sketchbook she leaves R follows C's instructions: gets up and out of his room, 409 using the elevator: down to the first floor goes to the gift shop at the hospital Tuesday Quinn (The giant graffiti tag at school) ● ● ● • Tiffany Watts wants to visit Rashad everyone is talking about Rashad at school ● ● ● • Jill and Guzzo have a fight about the incident and especially who is at fault Guzzo thinks Paul acted correctly ● clerk named Shirley Fritzgerald having conversation with her leaves Mrs Fritzgerald ● English, Carlos and Shannon visit him at the hospital ● telling his friends what happened Shannon+ English have to leave because of the basketball training (strict trainer called Carney) Carlos also leaves because R does not want him to stay Rashad is mad and angry at Paul wants to turn off the TV after seeing Paul on there Giant graffiti tag at school: "Rashad is absent again today" Guzzo called Quinn to his table at the cafeteria 30 years ago: 84% white people now: 37% white people Jill and Quinn want to go sit outside the cafeteria but they eat at Guzzo´s table inside At basketball practice Q thinks that Paul could be also innocent because he was just doing his job English Jones is mad at Quinn Rashad has English's back Q thinks that R could has been on drugs English negated it because he says that only white people have to do with drugs Q does not understand that Rashad could die Quinn apologizes for what he said to English • missing the ball at practice at home: cooks for dinner which is Rashad (Planing a protest) ● ● ● ending the phone call Quinn will not walk away anymore ● Interview with Claudia James about ● ● the incident • Roger Stuckey is racist/ against Rashad ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● too spicy Q finally watches the video of the incident in the kitchen "All-American" boy: white boy,"regular kid" texting Jill ● recognizing that it is everyone's problem Q thinks about going to the police because of police brutality ● seeing the interview on TV starts to draw Rashad thanks Clarissa for her kindness Rashad has Clarissa's back his mother comes in his father is sick an envelope from chief Killabrew mother gets emotional when talking about the incident mother supports him and reminds Rashad of his strength first time hearing his mother cursing she apologizes immediately both crying Spoony and Berry visit Rashad Berry is in law school Q+ M watching "Family Feud" Berry's female version of English Spoony shows the graffiti tag hashtag's everywhere mother says: his father is a good police officer • Spoony negated ● people want to protest Berry and Spoony say that protests work • English, Shannon and Carlos show up at the hospital Mrs. Tracey: English teacher Mr. Fisher: history teacher Mr. Fisher is in favour of a protest Wednesday Quinn (talking about the protest) Rashad (Visit of Katie Lansing) Thursday Quinn (Ready to join the march) • • ● and supports them friends and family member talk about experiences with the cop R is down with the protest Mrs. Tracey cries reading out Q's notes English and Q are playing well together ● Tooms and Guzzo have a fight conversation with Guzzo nearby the locker ● meeting Paul Galluzzo Spoony knows that Quinn had been at the incident • • • • • planning a protest march on Friday which will start at 5:30 pm comparison from the novel "The Invisible Man" and today Reading the card ● waking up from a nightmare his father enters the room • hearing a bad story of dad telling Rashad that not all cops are bad going for a walk going through the floor seeing two women in his room meeting Mrs.Fritzgerald and Katie Lansing Katie Lansing: woman who fell over Rashad at Jerry's Mrs.Lansing apologizes for what happened and hands him her business card because she is ready to testify • Mrs.Fritzgerald finds out about the lie he told her at the gift shop • Mrs.Fritzgerald tells him what her brother went through she encourages him to protest ● he starts to cry, draw and watch the news seeing Galluzzo's house 3 years old when 9/11 happened doing his morning workout Rashad (Discharge) Friday Quinn (The protest) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● wearing the marching T-shirt at school • • Dwyer pulling Q over basketball practice Q is ready to join the march Coach reminds him to focus more on the training Quinn hates it if people call him "son" Guzzo hits Q • Clarissa comes in for the last time Rashad on his way home sets the piece of his notepad on the food tray for Clarissa • skipping Jerry's during the drive seeing that a lot of people in the internet included Quinn because of the incident notices that both had been beaten up by brothers from the same family mother is against marching Q's father was kind of a role Paul ● attorney named Maya Whitmeyer handing his mother Mrs.Lansing's card • eating pizza with his friends at home Spoony says that the protest will be fine Dr.Barnes there saying that his vitals are stable Scared of the protest making his statement at the police tanks on the streets to Jill encourages Q to join the march and not being afraid • expecting Rashad a crowd of people of many ethnicities skipping practice filming the police officers and the tanks; everything there Q believes that his father died for them beginning lying down on the ground listing all the unarmed people who were killed innocently at Police Plaza Rashad (Marching together; the end) Rashad and Quinn (recognizing each other) ● With reference to the story, think about the role of the media ● ● ● Could not sleep and gets nervous watching the news with his mother his father went to work in the morning and gave his wife "the talk", the guide, in order to survive pulling old pictures and comics from the box Spoony knocks on his door dressed in all black • going to bathroom • seeing his friends ● seeing his father in front of Police Plaza 1 his father joins them, the protestants Lock eyes and want each other to see them ● they feel connected or close to all the listed people who died innocently 2) All American Boys deals with a very present issue in the USA (#icantbreathe, #blacklivesmatter etc.) When something dramatic happened, the news will be spread immediately. Everyone is informed what the have seen but they do not know what happened before or what truly happened. Just watching a foo is not enough to judge or believe what happened. In the story "All American Boys" everyone found out about the incident at Jerry's when Rashad was beaten up by a police officer, Paul Galluzzo, who accused him for stealing although he did not. Rashad just wanted to bend down in order to take out his phone but the woman, Katie Lansing, fell over him and that is what really happened. The boy did not want to steal the bag of chips but to pull up his mobile phone of his duffel bag. When Paul put his knee on Rashad's back and also cuffed him, Rashad could just hope to survive. I mean Rashad could barely breathe. When the news where all over the internet, people started to judge and build their own opinion to what they have watched or even witnessed but the only person who knows the truth is the victim in that story, Rashad Butler. Furthermore, it can be also said that social media is a very known for the most young people who has access to them and from the platform people from all over the world are able to be up to date of current news, for instance police violence which is not only present in America very often but also in Germany or in other countries. police violence The story "All American Boys" has the intention to show the reader that police violence is a present topic or we could say current topic. If you are dark-skinned, police officer or in general people will suspect you for something you have not done. Also your physical appearance plays a big role for the fellows since they will automatically class you as a poor person who is not wealthy at all or as a criminal person. There will always be people who will think that police officer just did their job or they had to defend them by using violence but there is also a group saying that it is not fair what police officer do if they see a black person or in general a person who seems to be suspicious. They cuff them immediately and do not let them speak out or at least explain themselves to declare things. In the story it is said that Quinn's father was kind of a role model to Paul Galluzzo who is also a police officer. Quinn recognizes that becoming a cop would not make a person to a hero but what kind of policeman he became could have. It illustrates that not all police officer are evil or rather naughty, so it depends on your personality; your character or your inner values. racism in the USA today Research shows Black Americans are up to 3.5 times as likely to be killed by police Not long ago there was an incident with a dark-skinned man who was also accused for a crime although he had done anything. His name is George Floyd who was unarmed and died innocently. A police officer put his knee on his neck that George Floyd could breath heavily but then he shouted to the police to let him breath and said these words: "I can't breathe!". That is how the hashtag "#icantbreathe" all over the news originated. The police officer did not care. Just watched how he died on the ground with the knee on his neck so tat he could not breathe. riots / the reactions of the public / the reactions of the US administration / of Donald Trump, When people saw that in the news, the started planning a riot to raise their voice and show the police officer or in general those people who are racist that they are strong and have a voice which they want to use. Doing anything is definitely not a solution for racism and police violence. In the story"All American Boys" it is said on a poster outside the school that their violence is another kind of violence which I can utterly agree on. Folks have to protest in order to show people all around the world that it is not normal getting treated differently or violently. Know your value! Starting riots is good because citizens feel more as a communality and have more courage to protest against something that should or must be forbidden. No one has deserved violence since it defies the human rights, integrity and not even more so because of a skin colour; all lives matter. The US administration just think of order and authority; power. They do not really do something against police violence. In the previous time there was a division between black and white people. Black people had to sit at the back of the bus and the white ones at the very front. They had not the same right and they were treated unjustly; differently just because of their skin colour. Although there is the American Dream with its values and people still believe in that dream up to now. It is said that it does not depend on your physical appearance and your ethnicity if you willing to achieve your aim to fulfil your wishes getting rich to give their parents as much as you can back and so on but it is not reconcilable with the executions from police officers with dark-skinned people. Your appearance says nothing about your personality. Donald Trump has once again stoked racial grievances, telling an interviewer who asked a question about the police killing of George Floyd that white people also get killed by law enforcement in the US. In an echo of his comments on white nationalist marchers and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, when he said there were "fine people on both sides", the president did not take the opportunity to talk about the problem of racially motivated police brutality on Tuesday, but switched to talk about white victims. More white people are killed by police annually in the US, but Black Americans are killed at a far higher rate. Trump celebrates Fourth of July by stoking division over pandemic and race Trump was asked about the issue in an interview with CBS News' Catherine Herridge. She began: "Let's talk about George Floyd, you said George Floyd's death was a terrible thing." "Terrible," said Trump. Then Herridge followed with: "Why are African Americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement?" The president immediately pivoted. "And so are white people. So are white people," Trump said in response. "What a terrible question to ask. So are white people. More white people by the way. More white people."