


alle Textsorten im Überblick- Englisch







How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another
How to write a characterisation:
Types of characters:
Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character
Antagonist another

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● How to write a characterisation: Types of characters: ● Protagonist/ hero/ heroine = main character Antagonist another important character who is in conflict with the protagonist ● Flat character does not change, has no depth Round character = changes, is presented in detail ● ● Step 1: Preparation ● Useful phrases: ● The protagonist is young/ middle-aged/ elderly/ single/ married person/ child of/ widow/... origin. He/she is described as being tall/small/good-looking/handsome/ugly/obese/stocky/slim/healthy/sickly. He/she has a bony/ square/wrinkled/ round face, bright/dull eyes, long/pointed nose, straight/ curly hair He/she seems to be: amiable/cheerful/openminded/ honest/ trustworthy/ optimistic/ self-confident/ sympathetic/ considerate/ sensitive/ reasonable/ ambitious/ determined/ brave/ courageous He/she seems cheeky/ showy/ rude/ violent/ gloomy/ spiteful/ deceitful/ stingy/ ruthless/ unreliable/ anxious/ pessimistic/shy/lazy/ insecure The body language/ this action reveals that... X appears to be.../ X is portrayed as... This can be seen when he/she speaks about... To build up/ continue/ break off a relationship Their relationship is characterized by deep affection/ hostility/ suspicion/ feelings of... The difficult/ poor/ close/ casual relationship changes in the course of the story/ remains unchanged until the end Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw ● Collect any relevant information given in the text about the character O Personal data (name, age, gender, appearance, etc.) ● What the character says/ does/ thinks o Main traits, behavior, mood, views, language, etc. What others say (or narrator) says about him/her → What do these findings reveal about the...

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character and his attitude towards others? ➜Do his/her characteristics or the readers view of him/her change in the story? → Draw conclusions and use evidence from the text (quotes and lines) Step 2: Writing Introduction o Briefly present the character (basic personal data and outward appearance) Say what his/her function/ role in the story is and how he/she relates to the other characters o Body O Describe the characters traits, behavior and development, providing details from your notes O Don't forget to use examples and quotes to support your statements Conclusion: O Sum up the most important traits He/she has many positive/ negative traits of character/ characteristics/ qualities One of X's striking characteristics is.../... stands in clear contrast to ... His/ her behavior is marked by... He/she is presented as... ● ● ● How to write a summary: You have to briefly restate the authors main ideas or retell a story in your own words. It should be much shorter than the original text (about a quarter to a third) Introductory sentence (answers the w-questions and author, title, type of text, topic) No questions or direct speech ● Present tense ● ● ● ● Chronological order ● Closes with a sentence that sums up the main message ● No own opinions or ideas Step 1: Preparation ● Read the text carefully, underline the main characters Divide the text into sections. Underline keywords, main points and the turning point ● Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw Step 2: Writing In the first sentence: author, title, text type, main idea/ theme of the text Write short paragraphs summing up the major arguments (non-fictional) or how events are connected (fiction) O Use your own words as often as possible O Use the present tense O Leave out non-essential information (e.g. examples, direct quotes, etc.) Do not include your own ideas/ opinions O ● Useful phrases: ● Step 3: Editing and checking ● Check and if necessary revise your summary O Imagine you are a reader who knows nothing about this text or topic According to the author, ... The author says/ writes/ claims/ states that... In addition, / conclusion, the author argues that... The author also believes that... The author concludes by pointing out.../ asking.../ using.../ telling... The authors main point is that... The writer illustrates that... How to write a diary entry: Characteristics: memories, feelings, fantasies, thoughts, emotions, recollections, daydreams, ideas that are connected with experienced events • They are not normally meant to be read by anyone but the writer ● Follow the original style of the text and characters as much as possible ● ● ● ● Useful phrases: ● ● ● ● ● ● How to write an Argumentative essay: It presents a controversial topic from opposing points of view in a clear and logical way Step 1: Preparation Collect ideas and information about the topic (note arguments for and against it) Make an outline of what you want to write and in which order O Alternate between arguments and counter-arguments for each aspect ● Step 2: Writing ● Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw O Arrange them from weakest to strongest O You can also list them in the chronological order from the text (seems more neutral) Introduction: O O O O Present the issue and attract the reader's attention (by using background information and explain its relevance today or name a suitable quotation) Body: O Present each point in a separate paragraph (based on your outline) o Support your points with evidence (examples, statistics, etc.) Conclusion: Give a short summary of what you have written (no new ideas) You may give an outlook on further consequences State your own opinion, give a recommendation or appeal to the readers (to reach their own conclusion) ... should also be considered/ mentioned ... is relevant/ not really really relevant to ... There are various reasons why ... Some researchers say.../ studies show ... ... can/ will/ should lead to/ cause/ result in ... The main/ short-term/ long-term consequences are ... ... could have serious/ far-reaching consequences for ... Therefore, / Consequently, / as a result, people should/ might/ must... In other words, ... And here is what really matters/ happens/ is at stake: ... For this reason, / that explains why... On the one hand/ on the other hand... For the reasons mentioned above... In the finale analysis... ● ● ● ● How to write a Comment: ● ● Step 1: Preparation ● ● Useful phrases: ● ● Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw It is type of essay in which you give your own opinion on a topic It usually deals with a controversial issue or statement, which can be based on a text Step 2: Writing Form your own opinion on the topic Collect all the material + arguments + examples) you can use to support your opinion Think of possible counterarguments (refuting them can be good to convince the reader) Make an outline to structure your material. Start with the strongest counterarguments and end with the weakest. Then start with the weakest argument and end with the strongest for your own opinion. To make your text convincing, plan stylistic devices, e.g. rhetorical questions etc. Introduction: O Present the issue and attract the reader's attention. When commenting on a given text, briefly summarize the point the author makes Second part: O State your opinion and outline reasons for your view Third part: O Present your arguments in one paragraph each Conclusion: O Summarize your opinion and give an outlook on further developments or possible solutions Don't introduce any new ideas! O 1. 2. 3. X 1. 2. 3. Cons (from strongest to weakest) I am sure/ convinced/ certain that ... As far as I can see ... Pros (from weakest to strongest) It might be argued that.../ we have to bear in mind, however, that... I believe/ suppose ... Looking at ... from this point of view, you have to admit that ... It is quite obvious that.../ there is no doubt that... I agree/ I don't agree at all with.../ I find it hard to believe that... This sounds good, right? However, ... I would like to mention the fact that ... I strongly question/support/ object to... There is something fundamentally wrong with this idea/ point of view. How to write a speech: A speech is a mix of three elements. Depending on the purpose, one is dominant: O Informative: telling people what you know about a topic O Explanatory: showing people how something works or why it is effective O Persuasive: trying to win people over and persuade them to take action Step 1: Preparation Check your purpose. Is your main intention to inform, explain or persuade? Should the speech be entertaining or serious or both? ● Step 2: Writing ● ● Think about your audience. Does the topic interest or affect them? What do they know about it already? What do they expect? What are their views? Organize points logically using connectives to link the sections To make your speech convincing, find suitable rhetorical devices Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw Introduction: O O Body: O Greet the audience politely. Thank them for the invitation. State your topic and its importance. Catch your listeners' attention, for example with: I. A new discovery II. A surprising fact or trend III. An eye-opening experience IV. A provocative statement or question V. An anecdote/joke7 quotation State your aim and outline your speech structure Hold your listeners' attention. Develop your ideas step by step, e.g.: I. chronological order II. from the least to the most important idea III. all arguments against and then for your idea IV. alternating pros and cons V. connecting problems with solutions o support your statements with facts, statistics or examples of personal experience o clearly link the sections of your speech o repeat and emphasize important ideas! Conclusion: O O Round off your speech with one of the following / to inspire your listeners): I. A short summary II. A rhetorical question III. A quotation IV. A promise V. An appeal VI. A call for action VII. A vision of this topic in the future Ask whether anyone has any questions Useful phrases: TIP: ● ● ● ● ● Important/special rhetorical devices for speeches: ● direct address enumeration ● anaphora • imagery ● ● ... is a serious/ pressing/ urgent problem We can overcome this difficulty/ settle the conflict/ make a compromise/ negotiate an agreemen7/ promote a reconciliation by... Let me illustrate this by showing you ... This leads me to my next point In the near future/ short term/ long term/ long run,... A short/long term solution would be to ... I am hopeful/ confident that ... We should work towards ... We have to ensure/ see to it that ... We should take care not to ... I am prepared/ determined to ... We should adopt a resolution to ... Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw rhetorical questions hyperbole alliteration ● contrast How to write a newspaper article: They inform the public about interesting and important events in an unbiased way They are neutral and fair, with all the relevant points included, even if the writer doesn't agree with them ● Step 1: Preparation ● Research the topic and make sure you can answer the w-questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? -sometimes How? ● Remember the ABC of news writing: ● Step 2: Writing Attract the reader's attention with the headline and the lead (usually the first sentence or paragraph) which contains the most important or exciting point and makes the reader want to go on reading ● O Accuracy (be exact, all the facts have to be correct) O Brevity (keep it short and to the point) O Clarity (make sure everyone understands) The structure of a newspaper article is an inverted pyramid with the most important aspect at the top. More facts and additional details follow, with the least important ones at the end, so readers can stop reading when they feel they have enough information. If the story is written well, however, he will read on. Be objective and informative. Stick to the facts and don't give your own opinion and unnecessary information Keep everything logical and easy to understand and use emotive language/ vivid descriptions Quotes, examples and anecdotes are often used. But: without the right context, they may be misunderstood How to write a letter: There are two different types of letters: the formal letter and the personal letter Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw • Type 1: personal letter/ email: O The language you use is your choice. There can be: Short forms: I'm / we're / they didn't Question tags: don't you? / aren't we? / ok? I. II. O O III. Colloquial terms: No way! / guy / Hi... Stark like this: Dear Ben / Hi Jenny, ... (start with a capital letter in the first line!) Finish like this: Best wishes / All the best, / Miss you,/ Take care, / hope to see you soon, Tim/Lea (first name only) Type 2: formal letter/ letter to the editor: O The style is formal, factual, respectful O While writing: I. II. III. IV. Clarify the letter's topic in the reference line The first line begins with a capital letter Summarize the most important points at the end Finish with something like: "yours faithfully" / "yours sincerely", then sign it and type your full name Useful phrases: O I am writing regarding to.../ to ask about.../ to thank you for... O In reference to your letter dated... O I appreciate/apologise for/ would be grateful if... O Please send me/ would you please be so kind as to... O Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions O Thank you very much in advance for your help/ advice O I am looking forward to meeting/ hearing from you soon O For your convenience have enclosed... How to quote correctly: O You can cite a text directly, with quote marks "..." or indirectly by paraphrasing in your own words o Use [...] to add or leave words out of a direct quote O Use I. for line..., II. for lines, p. for page and ff. for following pages/ lines. O Use'...' for direct speech in a quote, and cite from a poem/ play between the lines Useful phrases: O In his/her book/ article ..., X states: "..." (p. 7 ff.) O The advantage is that "the ... are ...", claims X (I. 6) o X presents... as "...", which ... (p.12) o "[He is] a very good person" (I. 12 ff.) o According to X... is/ has/ was/ could ... (II.7-9) The different narrative perspectives: First person point of view -presents only one point of view -character in the story (often the protagonist) Checklist: How to write an analyse of narrative texts: -own interpretation on the story -we only know what he thinks, knows, hears, sees, etc. -we identify most easily with him ● ● ● Mayline Isaakson, Q2b, Englisch-Vorabi 2021, Kw ● Step 1: Preparation: ● Read carefully, note keywords or unusual words and the overall effect of the text Make notes about the author and the background Who and/ or what is the main subject of the tect? Collect the effects of the structure, characterization, narrative perspective, style, etc. Step 2: Writing: ● ● Third-person point of view -story isn't commented -story can be told from different points of views -narrator isn't identical with his character Useful phrases: Omniscient point of view -is not a character from the story -tells the story from the "outside" (isn't really visible) -knows everything (thoughts, feelings, backgrounds of the story, etc.) -can move freely in place and time -may comment on the story -it is distant (sometimes neutral) Plot (what happens and the theme) Settings (time, place, atmosphere) Protagonists (relationships, direct/indirect characterization) (narrator and point of view) Narrative techniques (chronology, frame story, suspense, descriptions, comments) Plot structure (character introduction, turning point, surprising turn of events) ● Language (word choices, register, style) Effect created by the relationship between style and content Introduction General information (author, title, year, text type, theme) O Body O Each paragraph should make one point to support your argument/ interpretation O Always connect the author's choice (stylistic devices, characters, locations, ...) with its effect (look for reasons why the author made these choices) O Use quotations and line references o Distinguish between facts and your own opinion/ interpretation Conclusion O Short summary or (if asked) a comparison of this text with another or with your own experience or your personal experience The text tells story of ... from the point of view .... / It is set in... ● The main character(s) is/are .../ his relationship with ... is ... ● There is a conflict between... / he is faced with the dilemma of... Narrative techniques used include... At the beginning..., later he/she learns/changes... The turning point is... at the end, .../ There is a surprising turn of events when... The author makes use/ combines ... in order to... / suspense is created by ... ● The detailed description of ... evokes .../ makes the reader feel ... / creates and atmosphere of ...