


American Dream







Definition American Dream
• Anybody in America can achieve everything as long
as they work hard
•2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while pi
Definition American Dream
• Anybody in America can achieve everything as long
as they work hard
•2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while pi
Definition American Dream
• Anybody in America can achieve everything as long
as they work hard
•2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while pi
Definition American Dream
• Anybody in America can achieve everything as long
as they work hard
•2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while pi
Definition American Dream
• Anybody in America can achieve everything as long
as they work hard
•2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while pi
Definition American Dream
• Anybody in America can achieve everything as long
as they work hard
•2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while pi

Definition American Dream • Anybody in America can achieve everything as long as they work hard •2.5 children, big house, car, dog, while picket fence, save neighborhood Ellis Island •was opened 1892 medical checks examination of their documents some were kept on the island • symbol of hope (start of a new life) Uncle sam •very popular nickname for the American govemment, American people and the country in general) 1449- Columbus lands on an island near the Bahamas 4th of July 1776 - Declaration of independence, all men are created equal" (exept woman and African American), by Jefferson Immigration policy was extremly Liberal Us immigration 19th century 1865-no slavery anymore Us immigration 20th Century - maximum number of immigrant per country was set ( prigrity for educated people, skills) 1964-Discrimination at jobs were banned 2001- World Trade Centers were destroyed (Terroristic Attack) American Dream today • American Dream was never a perfect vision o freedom of choice in how to life. comfortably • some people wanna have success without working good family life, retiring statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the world") • symbol of freedom and independence (for the new (mmigrants) • resembles the Roman goddess "Libertas who represents freedom from oppression and tyranny" • present by the France people (Franco-American friendship) • build in France by Bartholdi, designed by Gustave Eiffel spikes torch robe . 7seas, 7 continents enlightenment stola, symbol of Liberty to the Romans broken shackles - abolition...

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of slavery raised foot - walking forward progress. stone table Date of the Declaration of Independence, need for laws to help protect freedom. The New Colossus O by Emma Lazarus owritten in 1883 to raise money for the pedestal • was cart onto a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level • Mother of Exil protects everyone (also the immigrants) The American Dream is leaving America (education) overy expensive • not enough teachers over crowded classroom college admission scandals really old teaching methodes 0 • weren't prepared for the corona pandemic • American Dream endangered D O Black people then •segregation (f.e. cannot use normal restrooms). • face the danger of being lynched. oneed to hide from police, although did nothing have to try to be as invisible as possible Black people today • still disadvanteged D • poorer, less educated, more likely to suffer from poverty related health issues • higher crime and violence rates • politically represented • still face discrimination (police violence,...) • don't feel appreciated, respected, afraid of the police.... • change in minds is needed, not a charge of laws positive black politicians (first African American president) 1• more young African American finish school, college,... • movement "Black lives matter" Praise awarness about police brutality new attempt to fight discrimination 0 Martin Luther King whites and blacks are equal O • Integration against segregation • non-violence negative many still live in deprired areas (high unemployment rate, drugs gangs) • high school drop out late is still higher • people getting killed by police officers 0 。"I have a dream "speech, motivated by religion ·fights for human and civil rights for blacks 9 • Malcolm X blacks are better • want segregation from whites • violence as self defence • motivated by religion • fights for human and civil rights for blacks Rosa Parks political person • wouldn't give up her seat for a white man started civil rights movement • was dierted Police Brutality 0 • 1000 people get killed every year • killing people has become a routine . the chance to get killed as an African American is 3.5 times higher most African Americom, mem, 15-34 4 percent are female • 96 percent are male police abuse authority • no justio for the people and their family (selve-defence) some states changed their law • a lot of demonstrations against police brutality escalate other side • job is still a constant risk • a lot of police offices pastrole alone • many people have a gun (50%) • a lot of police officers get killed Donald Trump • 45th President, Republican, first president without prior military or government service, was a business man otax cut on the rich 0 • ordered a travel ban on citizen) from several Mujlim-majrity countrie • his election and policies have sparked numerous protest • reacted slowly to the couid pandemie, down played the threat, ignored recommendation from health officals, promised false information renegotinated North American Free Trade Agreement withdrew the UJ from • Trams -Pacific partnership 0 • Paris Agreement on climate change • Iran nuclear dear . • Lost the 2020 presidential election to Biden attempted to overturn the results by making false claims of electoral flaud • wall of lies, made many false and misleading statements during his presidmay • US capitol storming, during the counting of the electoral votes 6.01 stormed, forcing congress to temporarly evacute and resulting in the deaths of five people. a lot of social media suspend trumps accounts. • Impeachment Resolution, 11.01. Article of impeachment charging Trump with incilement of insurrection against the U.S. government was introduced to the US house of Representatives, sponsored by over 200 congress members