


American Dream, A raisin in the sun







Definition from rags to riches work hard and you will achieve
• your background.
the term was first used by the historian Ja
Definition from rags to riches work hard and you will achieve
• your background.
the term was first used by the historian Ja
Definition from rags to riches work hard and you will achieve
• your background.
the term was first used by the historian Ja
Definition from rags to riches work hard and you will achieve
• your background.
the term was first used by the historian Ja

GAMERICAN DREAM Definition from rags to riches work hard and you will achieve • your background. the term was first used by the historian James Truslow Adams in 1931 and was quickly assimilated into the American mindset. • the early settlers in America hoped for a better life than the one they had left behind in Europe. ·bmain reasons for leaving: religious persecution, political oppression and poverty Interpretations of the American Dream personal dreams freedom, self-fulfilment, dignity, happiness, fresh.start, family., health. economic dreams prosperity, success, no poverty, progress. social dreams equality, classless society, belief in the melting pot. religious dreams religious freedom in a "promised laund" in which. they were god's chosen people political dreams democracy and justice, basic human rights. national identify individualism, mobility, hard work, flexibility. Declaration of Independence. the basic democratic idea and the American Dream were. summarized in the Declaration of Independence. in 1776. •"We hold these thruts to be self-evident, that all. men are Created equal that they are endowed by their creator with. certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Beliefs and Values a nation with unlimited opportunities. freedom Americans regard their society as the freest and best in the world, everyone, con participate individual freedom, no oppression. equality: no class distinctions, equality in court. individualism.idealization of the self-reliant, self-sufficient, independent. individual. mobility/flexibility/optimism: social mobility upward and downward on the...

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"Ladder of success". hard work heritage is not important if you work hard, key to prosperity. progress: desire to progress personally by making use of apportunities education and self-improvement education is the key to individuals realizing their full. economic, social and. personal potential. patriotism patriotic symbols.e.g.national holidays like Thanksgiving, American flags. Timeline of USA history. 1776. the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia. 1789: the constitutions establishes the principles of democratic government. 1791 the Bill of Rights restricts the powers of the central government. and gives the freedom and equality of all. American citizens. 1790-1890: after the Revolutionary War (1776-1783). Americans start. to more westward. 1865 end of the Civil War, slavery ends, in the south 1919 women are given the right to rote: 1964. As a result of Martin Luther King's Civil Rights Movement and his dream of a colour blind society are banned. Legal. discrimination is abolished...no difference between black and white 1960s/1970s the younger generation of Americans, follow their own. dream of individual freedom and the pursuit of pleasure. 2016: #BlacklinesMatter Movement. America is built on. immigration (Europe, Asia Africa, Oceania, Latin America, Northern America). →melting pot immigrants gave up their way of life → became part of a unified, monocultural American nation Assimilation. ( replaced by: Salad bowl different cultures are mixed, but remain different Manifest Destiny. Multicultur •stands for the belief that America has been chosen by. God. to.: -moving from east to west. inim C.. ...... -the settlers are guided and protected. ·by Columbia → she is bringing the light as witnessed - also modern technology. America A country that is superior to all other countries as it being the promised land" strong national pride because they see themselves as L Statue of Liberty. • given to the USA as a gift from France in. 1.886, to celebrate the first 100 years of American independence. from Britain •a powerful and welcoming woman holding a torch, and a tablet in her hands, showing the date of the Declaration of Independence. •symbol for Liberty, freedom and independence. •also named: Mother of Exiles > cares about the people. like a mother and waiting for the tired, and poor. people > immigrants. The American Dream today •while for many. Uus citizens. the dream is still alive, for many other's .it. is. an illusion, or has turned. ・into a nightmare. critics see the American Dream as a clever political. and economic, marketing strategy. many raules are not reflected • huge gap between rich and poor, different social classes •the American Dream is projected mainly on material. .prosperity main idea. has changed., mindset is.consistent. the vision of a melting pot" has never become reality. •the concept of was, as more .accurate, accepting. America as diverse and multi-cultural. => very critical and negative view of the American Dream. PRO CONTRA people can still achieve those people who made their dream their aims if they work come true, make headlines hard. success stories: Barack Obama as first black president ↳consider them as a living .proof of the motta G the thousands who don't. Succeed go unnoticed. • not only work matters, but also • Luck, and destiny. • free education for everyone it's about equality of opportunities not equality of rich & poor. s not mean that everybody will succeed high quality schools/unis are expensive is the rich becomes richer, the poor stays poor not enough well-paid-jobs many ethnic minorities fave less well. r A raisin in the sun - how is the American Dream presented?. • presents a sad, old, forgotten dream -tension between the realities of the black. ·community. - equality ensured by law, not in real life systemic racism, racial, injustice even if it seems like the dream is healing, It is not really like it seems no equal chance 7 Mama: growth of her plant represents her happiness, build a bigger house for the family. Walter wants to grab his chance with the liquor store. Beneatha: wants to be independent. Ruth wants to build a happy family.