


American Dream







American Dream-keY TERMS
~ central concept in way Americans see themselves and are viewed by others
self-reliance and respons
American Dream-keY TERMS
~ central concept in way Americans see themselves and are viewed by others
self-reliance and respons
American Dream-keY TERMS
~ central concept in way Americans see themselves and are viewed by others
self-reliance and respons

American Dream-keY TERMS Individualism: ~ central concept in way Americans see themselves and are viewed by others self-reliance and responsibility has shaped since 17th century -> rooted in ideas of Enlightenment (Puritanism & frontier experience) Multiculturalism: referred to Canadian and Australian minority policy in 1970s became popular as feminists, gays, lesbians and members of ethnic minorities challenged North America & Western Europe -> asked for equal rights & opportunities ~ concept of multiculturalism has achieved more rights but also cultural fragmentation (Zersplitterung) The Puritans: were members of a social and religious movement within 16th and 17th century English Protestantism -> wanted to cleanse Church of England from remaining influence of Roman-Catholic Papism ~ shaped many aspects of American civil religion: virtue, integrity, education, work... -> term "puritan" is used to describe people with an extremely narrow-minded and conservative outlook ~ New Canaan: ~ name referred to land west of river Jordan that became Palestine -> was country to which Moses led his people when God told him to free them from Egyptian slavery ~ fleeing people to America from religious persecution (religiöse Verfolger) referred to when they envisioned American colonies as "New Canaan"-> hope America would become their "Promised Land" Manifest Destiny: they were God's chosen people in God's chosen country and tried to establish an exemplary nation in North America -> settlers came to America to find freedom...

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and dreamed of a rich and cheap land -> concept on hope to find success in America resembles the American Dream in the Manifest Destiny Frontier: ~ term which referred to line of settlement moving westward concept of frontier is related to American idea of manifest destiny and explains the Americans need for new frontiers (Grenze) Melting pot: ~ everybody lives together -> blending in "Letters from an American Farmer" Crevecour wrote: "Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men Salad bowl: ~ people live together but separate and keep their citizenships and cultures -> immigrants don't blend in but adapt to general characteristics of culture -> mixture of both represents USA of today Democracy: ~ belief in American from government of people, by people and for people Pilgrim fathers: ~ English settlers that created Mayflower compact to create functioning social structure to prevent catastrophic conditions Westward movement: ~ "Manifest Destiny" to expand the country westward to the Pacific Ocean and Mexico ୮ Social mobility in the US Content: the US is a land of grotesque inequality -> the rich and poor live in separate Worlds the rich ones insulate themselves from the rest who earns less US is the richest country with biggest poverty ~ hardly any Americans believe that the gap between rich and poor people should be closed -> because America is a wealthy country ~ American's accept the inequality because of the American Dream -> believe that anyone has a chance to reach to the top ~ in US there were no nobility that helped poor people result is that US lacks public provisions American -> ideal has centered not on protecting the poor, but on giving them the chance to become rich ->writer: Jonathan Freedland ୮ The American Dream Definition: The American Dream is the Ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspiration and goals to be achieved. Hopes: - live a better and happier life - hoped to find political or religious freedom, justice or social equality, cheap land or better economic opportunities Reality: ~ did not come true for all of them - ethnic groups (blacks etc.) often suffered due to prejudice and discrimination - others fitted in and been given the opportunities they needed to succeed - for all immigrants has meant: giving up certain traditions and adopting new costums