


The American Dream: Summary & Critique







<p>The American Dream describes an attitude of hope and faith that looks forward to the fulfillment of human wishes and desires. These wish

The American Dream describes an attitude of hope and faith that looks forward to the fulfillment of human wishes and desires. These wishes were expressed in Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence of 1776. The definition of the American Dream is highly individual, with everyone interpreting it differently. For some, it's the dream of equality and liberty, while for others, it's the dream of glory and wealth. In general, everyone is free to strive after their aims and dreams and is able to fulfill them if they work hard enough, following the concept of "from rags to riches". The term "American Dream" was introduced by James Truslow Adams in the 1930s.

The founding fathers of the United States were "dreamers" who had the idea of leading a country based on personal liberty, self-governance, and individual rights. The Declaration of Independence declared that all men are created equal and have the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America could correct the mistakes of the "old world" (Europe), with the main reasons for leaving Europe being religious persecution, political oppression, and poverty. The American Dream embodied ideals of equality, a classless society, dignity, and happiness, with individuals of all nations melting into a new race in the melting pot of America. This concept also pushed for a minimum of state control and the establishment of democracy.

However, the concept of a classless society never really worked out. The American Dream also faced negative aspects such as inequality in education and income, unemployment, and racism. Education has become a "luxury-priced necessity", which has led to disparities between the opportunities of children from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Additionally, a lot of people are unable to fulfill their dreams due to being immigrants who are often exploited as cheap workers, leading to racism and division in society. The American Dream also faces challenges related to access to healthcare and unemployment due to jobs being outsourced to other countries.

Despite its challenges, the American Dream continues to embody important aspects such as freedom, mobility, optimism, hard work, progress, and patriotism. Americans regard their society as the freest and best in the world, shaped by the founding father's beliefs in equality and freedom of speech, press, and religion. The American tradition of mobility and optimism continues to inspire individuals to work hard and show self-discipline, aiming for material success through hard work. The belief in progress remains crucial, as reflected in the nation's growing prosperity, economic strength, and political power. Patriotism is intensified through national symbols and holidays such as the American flag, the Statue of Liberty, and Hollywood.

Despite these enduring aspects, the American Dream faces criticisms and contradictions. Critics view it as a clever political and economic marketing strategy, with many aspects of the dream never becoming a reality. Today, the American Dream is associated with becoming famous like a film star or model, emphasizing the dream of glory, wealth, and fame rather than liberty, equality, and self-government. The government's inconsistent encouragement and discouragement of the values central to the American Dream further impact its perception, with debates surrounding regulations and public perception of potential to achieve massive material success. The American Dream continues to face external and internal challenges, providing opportunities for reflection and progress towards its ideals.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • The American Dream is an attitude of hope and faith introduced in the Declaration of Independence of 1776
  • The concept emphasizes individual interpretation of equality, liberty, and wealth
  • The founding fathers aimed to create a classless society, equality, and freedom in America
  • Negative aspects include inequality, racism, and lack of access to healthcare and employment
  • Despite challenges, important aspects of the American Dream include freedom, optimism, hard work, progress, and patriotism, but it also faces criticisms and contradictions today.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What is the origin and definition of the American Dream?

A: The American Dream describes an attitude of hope and faith that looks forward to the fulfillment of human wishes and desires. These wishes were expressed in Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence of 1776. The definition of the American Dream is highly individual, with everyone interpreting it differently.

Q: What were the founding principles of the American Dream?

A: The founding fathers of the United States were 'dreamers' who had the idea of leading a country based on personal liberty, self-governance, and individual rights. The Declaration of Independence declared that all men are created equal and have the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q: What are the negative aspects of the American Dream?

A: The American Dream faced negative aspects such as inequality in education and income, unemployment, and racism. Education has become a 'luxury-priced necessity', leading to disparities between children from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Q: What are the important aspects of the American Dream today?

A: The American Dream continues to embody important aspects such as freedom, mobility, optimism, hard work, progress, and patriotism. Americans regard their society as the freest and best in the world, shaped by the founding father's beliefs in equality and freedom of speech, press, and religion.

Q: What are the criticisms and contradictions of the American Dream?

A: Critics view the American Dream as a clever political and economic marketing strategy, associated with becoming famous like a film star or model, emphasizing the dream of glory, wealth, and fame rather than liberty, equality, and self-government.

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