


Analysis: Michelle Obama' Speech at the Democratic National Convention







On 4th September 2019, the First Lady Michelle Obama gave her political speech at the Democratic National Convention in
Charlotte, NC. The s

On 4th September 2019, the First Lady Michelle Obama gave her political speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. The speech that Obama delivered ie about Order to convince audience and to keep their attention ehe established Stylistic devices which following. the American Oream. In Will be analysed one graduated The firet rhetorical device is that one uses the background of ner husband, the president of America Barack Obama and here American Dream ard ene had walked 00 well, to convince the congregants, the listeners that that path and made it to the withe house. Michelle possesione and her father struggled every eemester to College and is now America's first lady. real, because her husband family who nave much money or material college. But despite these financial difficulties, the Amencan Dream. Nas raised by the tuition for her practically living the pay Analysis The American Dream in a political speech from Nith the She insisted and reiterated that ner moet important title of her children. 80 ene NSS able to identify with the mothers, with this she also snows up the opportunity to the the she uses Michelle Obama uses inclusive language 8 face start eeem overwhelming [...] let UB time pronouns "we" and "us" others. one says that if America OF their nation. she does not point the finger at but rather 85 å community, including nerself. Becond that Use of inclusive language in 1.74: "We learned about", ene present her husband and herself a unit, to make the...

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love between them obvious and 10 put him in 8 good naming great qualities they learned about on the one hand. on the other hand, she gives advice and good qualities audience, which neiped ner to become Succuseful and which should motivate audience to US2 the advices she talks about. By using "we learned about at the beginning Of the eentence eeveal times in this part Of the text, her statements are reinforced and it makes her said more haunted. light by to the never the obama 8 Michelle obama the NBS not time in her speech, but with another forget that doing the impossible is to create 8 Bence of community with the nation they can ab everything, even the others, does not blane others, does the definition of the first lady but the mother concerned about the welfare thousands OF American woman who where not the firet lady but emphasices with ner wants to the ə mother. All in all you can Bay background of her husband and herself, shows up a opportunity to identify with her and uses inclusive language twice in different contexes to describes her vesion of the American Dream and what Americans could reach. In my opinion the speech turned out very well and especially with successfull use of emotion the her main convincing force ene wins my neart. meaning. "80 today, when the challenges we the history of this nation" (1. 148-191) This audience and to not place herself above impossible, because that's the history not order others to do eomething,