


When Did Slavery Start and End in America? | Brief History, Triangular Trade, and More


When Did Slavery Start and End in America? | Brief History, Triangular Trade, and More

• The triangular trade was a key component of slavery in America, involving the exchange of goods and enslaved people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
• The Middle Passage was the brutal journey across the Atlantic where millions of Africans were forcibly transported to become slaves.
Slavery in the US created a stark divide between the industrial North and agricultural South, ultimately leading to the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln's election as president in 1860 was a pivotal moment that accelerated the path to war and emancipation.
• The Civil War resulted in over 750,000 deaths, widespread destruction, and ultimately led to the abolition of slavery in America.



Life as a Slave and North-South Conflict

Life for enslaved individuals in America was characterized by extreme hardship and brutality. Slaves were forced to work in agriculture, households, and mining, with a life expectancy of just seven years on plantations. They endured terrible living conditions, had no rights, and were subject to mistreatment and abuse at the whim of their owners.

The issue of slavery created a stark divide between the North and South. The North, with its 20 million inhabitants, was characterized by booming industry, free wage labor, and a stance against slavery. In contrast, the South, with 7 million inhabitants, relied heavily on slave labor for its plantation economy, particularly for cotton production.

This divide ultimately led to the Civil War, a conflict that reshaped the nation. The election of Abraham Lincoln as president on November 6, 1860, was a pivotal moment that accelerated the path to war. The conflict was brutal, resulting in 750,000 deaths and widespread destruction. New weapons were introduced, and cities like Atlanta and Charleston were devastated.

Definition: The Confederate States of America, also known as the Confederacy, was a collection of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860-1861 in defense of slavery and states' rights.

Example: The burning of Atlanta by Union forces in 1864 exemplifies the "total war" tactics employed during the Civil War, which targeted not just military assets but also civilian infrastructure and morale.

The war concluded with the South's capitulation on April 9, 1865. Tragically, just five days later, on April 14, President Lincoln was assassinated. Despite this setback, his Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, which declared all slaves in rebel states to be free, had set the stage for the formal abolition of slavery in America with the ratification of the 13th Amendment in December 1865.

American slavery and Civil War
Timeline: 1619: Fist slaves in America
Classical model of the
Triangular trade between
Americas, Europe and A

American Slavery and Civil War

The triangular trade formed the backbone of the transatlantic slave trade, connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas in a complex web of commerce and human exploitation. Beginning in 1619, the first enslaved Africans arrived in America, marking the start of a dark chapter in US history. The Middle Passage, the treacherous journey across the Atlantic, saw approximately 12.5 million Africans forcibly taken from their homeland between 1525 and 1866.

Slave ships were specifically designed for this inhumane cargo, with extra portholes for ventilation and mounted weapons to quell potential rebellions. Below deck, enslaved people were segregated by gender and shackled in pairs, enduring horrific conditions.

Vocabulary: The Middle Passage refers to the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas as part of the Atlantic slave trade.

Highlight: The transatlantic slave trade lasted for over three centuries, with an estimated 12.5 million Africans forcibly transported to the Americas.

American slavery and Civil War
Timeline: 1619: Fist slaves in America
Classical model of the
Triangular trade between
Americas, Europe and A


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When Did Slavery Start and End in America? | Brief History, Triangular Trade, and More

• The triangular trade was a key component of slavery in America, involving the exchange of goods and enslaved people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
• The Middle Passage was the brutal journey across the Atlantic where millions of Africans were forcibly transported to become slaves.
Slavery in the US created a stark divide between the industrial North and agricultural South, ultimately leading to the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln's election as president in 1860 was a pivotal moment that accelerated the path to war and emancipation.
• The Civil War resulted in over 750,000 deaths, widespread destruction, and ultimately led to the abolition of slavery in America.








Life as a Slave and North-South Conflict

Life for enslaved individuals in America was characterized by extreme hardship and brutality. Slaves were forced to work in agriculture, households, and mining, with a life expectancy of just seven years on plantations. They endured terrible living conditions, had no rights, and were subject to mistreatment and abuse at the whim of their owners.

The issue of slavery created a stark divide between the North and South. The North, with its 20 million inhabitants, was characterized by booming industry, free wage labor, and a stance against slavery. In contrast, the South, with 7 million inhabitants, relied heavily on slave labor for its plantation economy, particularly for cotton production.

This divide ultimately led to the Civil War, a conflict that reshaped the nation. The election of Abraham Lincoln as president on November 6, 1860, was a pivotal moment that accelerated the path to war. The conflict was brutal, resulting in 750,000 deaths and widespread destruction. New weapons were introduced, and cities like Atlanta and Charleston were devastated.

Definition: The Confederate States of America, also known as the Confederacy, was a collection of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860-1861 in defense of slavery and states' rights.

Example: The burning of Atlanta by Union forces in 1864 exemplifies the "total war" tactics employed during the Civil War, which targeted not just military assets but also civilian infrastructure and morale.

The war concluded with the South's capitulation on April 9, 1865. Tragically, just five days later, on April 14, President Lincoln was assassinated. Despite this setback, his Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, which declared all slaves in rebel states to be free, had set the stage for the formal abolition of slavery in America with the ratification of the 13th Amendment in December 1865.

American slavery and Civil War
Timeline: 1619: Fist slaves in America
Classical model of the
Triangular trade between
Americas, Europe and A

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American Slavery and Civil War

The triangular trade formed the backbone of the transatlantic slave trade, connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas in a complex web of commerce and human exploitation. Beginning in 1619, the first enslaved Africans arrived in America, marking the start of a dark chapter in US history. The Middle Passage, the treacherous journey across the Atlantic, saw approximately 12.5 million Africans forcibly taken from their homeland between 1525 and 1866.

Slave ships were specifically designed for this inhumane cargo, with extra portholes for ventilation and mounted weapons to quell potential rebellions. Below deck, enslaved people were segregated by gender and shackled in pairs, enduring horrific conditions.

Vocabulary: The Middle Passage refers to the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas as part of the Atlantic slave trade.

Highlight: The transatlantic slave trade lasted for over three centuries, with an estimated 12.5 million Africans forcibly transported to the Americas.

American slavery and Civil War
Timeline: 1619: Fist slaves in America
Classical model of the
Triangular trade between
Americas, Europe and A

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