


Analyse advertising







Analyse advertising
1) Introduction
Where the advertisement comes from (Newspaper. Magazine....).
4 What the advertisement is about

ENGLISCH Analyse advertising 1) Introduction Where the advertisement comes from (Newspaper. Magazine....). 4 What the advertisement is about or deals with = (Was macht das 3 ganze 2) Description 4 What catches the eyes moolly? What secondly? 1. Describing the technical terms (lag line, copy. headline..) 4. Describing the Byoul 46 Samaing up the content to the little bent 3) Analysis (Language & Layout) 4 what A. Allerton~ how do the advert attack #2 ? (how they get. 1- Interes? ~ how do it orause interes?? (Produd con enhance! ·Stylistic devices. The style 4 Comection between Language & Layoul, sum it up 2) Conclusion . they u D Desire ~ What is the appeal? (Bonuses, folitions...) A- Action- What kind al action should the read+ lake & (Summarize informations) Langual + • position of the product (Where can we bund ??) • Use al visuals (calaux / drawings /dagramme) •Size & calour (normal, babe, italicpriet...). for einer Anchuck?) I want to say ito show. Sum it up the wiew fromus) your Life) Stydstic devices Metophor - Verg brick, Personification -> AThe nicht beleble Sache wird lebendig, Symbal - Simbilbd, Allusion. -> Anepieting auf freignics Ambiguily Mehroleudigkeit, Liphemism - beschante Umschreibung, Understatement- 5 Unterheibung, Anapharai->worker wiedthalez, Ropitition-> alicerehaleng einz. Worker, Alliteration -) widthly grecher Konsananto Accumulation ähnliche Wörter,

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