


Analyse Fictional text







- title, topic, texttype
- hypothesis
-> what will be analysed?
main part
(- characters & characterization)
- narrative persp

- introduction - title, topic, texttype - hypothesis -> what will be analysed? main part (- characters & characterization) - narrative perspective- - stylistic devices Analyse fictional-text - language/choice of words - atmosphere & setting conclusion - sum up main points -> refer to hypothesis & TASK STYLISTIC DEVICES metaphor anaphora - alliteration - enumeration simile repetition- hyperbole rhetorical question contrast - personification - irony LANGUAGE choice of words - formal/ colloquial - structure effects??? CHARACTERS Protagonist-Hauptfigur (Hero) Antagonist Kontrastrierend/Gegner Protagonist Dynamic character character who undergoes some change Flat character character defined by only one or two traits Round character complex, individualized, life-like character Static character character who dies no NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE THIRD PERSON OMNISCIENT NARRATOR - tells the story from outside but knows feelings & thoughts&backgrounds -> big overview for the reader THIRD PERSON LIMITED NARRATOR - seems to tell the story from outside but know the feelings & thoughts from one person ->narrator not the character FIRST PERSON NARRATOR - character narrator (often protagonist) - only knows what he/she knows -> brings you close to this person/ see all due to glasses 1-1-1 In this story is ...narrator/the narrator has a limited/ unlimited point of view../the narrator is reliable/faliable.../ He/she is omniscient/unlimited in his or her knowledge... ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE/MOOD - tone, feeling conveyed to the adresse via setting The overall atmosphere of the story is /the mood of rather is... SUSPENSE/TENSION quality of the story that makes the reader uncertain or tense about what happens next... ->put to the climax or open ending feelings evoked...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

by the conflicts The setting contributes to atmosphere/ this story is full of suspense because../ the suspense in this scene results from the tense is created by the conflicts/the atmosphere in this passage may be describes as QUOTES p/l. -> one line/Page pp./II. -> more than one line/page c.f. -> similar to vgl.