


Analyse fiktiver Text im Englischen







type of text and theme / Subject /topic
W-questions: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY?
Summary of the text
narrator and used point of vi

Analysis type of text and theme / Subject /topic W-questions: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY? Summary of the text narrator and used point of view (first person narrator, limited pov, Scenic /panoramic presentation). evaluation of meaning /message 2. Structure / narrative techniques how is it structured time span of action /plot relation between narration and acting (time-span) conflict developement of action Leitmotifs flat/round characters protoganist/antagonist appearence relationship with others mood environment (Social Situation) - atmosphere symbolism effect on audience intention of author manner of speaking Style I choice of words inner monolouge 3. Comment on text Characters evaluate it's message relate it to other texts Comment on text Setting fictional texts language /style Structure

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