


Narrator & Point of view







Narrator & Point of view
first person narrator
a narrator who is a character in the story
takes part in the action as a witness or an obse
Narrator & Point of view
first person narrator
a narrator who is a character in the story
takes part in the action as a witness or an obse

Narrator & Point of view first person narrator ↓ a narrator who is a character in the story takes part in the action as a witness or an observer Protagonist-narrator ⇒ is the main character Witness-narrator (observer) ⇒ is often very close to the protagonist third person narrator a narrator who is not involved in the story, refers to the characters as 'she', 'he' or 'they' ↓ Selective narrator the narrator presents things as they are seen through the eyes of a character of a story confines himself to what is experienced, thought and felt by a single character the narrator has decided to inform the reader only about what is going on in the mind of one or two characters this means limited and possibly unreliable information but it may create suspense through gap-filling and encourage interpretation Objective narrator impersonal, unobtrusive, self-effacing presents only the external actions and not the characters' feelings or thoughts does not add comments demands the reader's full concentration and a constant reading between the lines reader has to draw his/ her own conclusions limitation of the perspective because there are only neutral description and dialogues possible Omniscient narrator can enter the minds of the characters at will can be neutral a narrator who has the total knowledge and can describe and comment on all the characters and events Limited point of view a perspective that prevents...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the narrator from seeing everything description may be one-sided, to some extent subjective shows the particular character's thoughts, knowledge, experiences the reader can follow the events easily and is emotionally strongly involved and is likely to identify with the first-person narrator Unlimited point of view a perspective that enables the narrator to see everything reader has access to the characters feelings and thoughts. gets comprehensive characterizations and interpretations not much room for interpretation