


Analysing a cartoon, the American Dream







a) Describe the cartoon
On the right side of the cartoon
you can see & woman
shelf which has a variety

• DESCRIPTION a) Describe the cartoon ANALYSING A CARTOON On the right side of the cartoon you can see & woman shelf which has a variety holding a cake-mix. She stands in front of a of different cake mixes. The one that she hands is also on top of the shelf. On the front side of the cake - mix, you can read things such as "American dream Helper" and its' ingredients like "contemporary lifestyle house in the suburbs; 2.5 kids and minivan and so on. Right on top of the cake mix that she holds in her hands, there is a "speech bubble" directed to her cake mix which says " just add money". In the middle of the cake-mix, an eagle with a cake is drawn. The cake as well as the eagle present the American Flag in form of a decoration flag and a shield. The eagle has a big smile on it's face. But other than the eagle. the woman herself has a skeptical and desperate expression on her face. She wears a plain washed out red with some that, she wears no type of accessories. black bottoms. Other than helds in her AMERICAN DREAM Helper in September 2021 ⒸINTERPRETATION a) On the basis of your description of the cartoon, interpret the relevant elements. 1) The woman is...

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dressed very "basic". She looks plain and has no jewelleries on which tells us that she probably belongs to the middle class or below. Her expression seems like she is unsure if she should buy the cake-mix or not. 2) The cake-Dox it self represents the american dream with the typical life every one longs for. It's supposed to be an instruction on how to achieve the American dream. 3) The caption "just add money" is meant ironically. The saying "just add... normally means that by adding a certain something, your recipe will turn out good no matter what you do. It's a type of rescue for your dish. With this caption the cartoonist wants to say that as long as you have money you'll be able to reach the American dream. b) Use your interpretation of the elements of the cartoon to state its central message. The problem that is presented in the cartoon is about the american dream. The American dream is often presented as something that is easily reachable by working hard enough. But the cartoonist's opinion shows that this what so called "dream" is only for the ones who can afford it. If you have money, you have unlimited possibilities to make your dreams come true. But without money, you cannot achieve the typical American dream lifestyle. PRIVAD *CONTEMPORARY LIFESTYLE HOUSE IN THE SUBURBS *25 KIDS AND A MINIVAN CULTURE&RECREATION HEALTH CARE & SECURITY Just add money. f AMERICAN DREAM