


Analysing a newspaper article + Formulations







• transitory to the main focus of my text analysis
2 Main Part
⇒ Explanation of their effect
• transitory to the main focus of my text analysis
2 Main Part
⇒ Explanation of their effect

ANALYSIS NEWSPAPER-ARTICLE: 0 D • transitory to the main focus of my text analysis 2 Main Part 6 O 0 register ⇒ Explanation of their effect / Interpretation of their function 0 0 0 3 Conclusion general effect of the article how the author uses language to achieve his aims Lernzettel ENGLISCH Introduction type of article author • readership • time and place •context main effect of the text intention • main message CONTENT OF THE ANALYSIS: TYPES OF ARTICLES • News article: 0 0 Line of argument and structure Stylistic devices choice of words 0 。 Opinion piece: → express a view on a certain issue →Editorial: by paper's editor, unsigned → Column: by a columnist, strongly opinionated O 0 quotations or line indications (1.2/11. 2f./11.2 ff. / cf.1.2) linking words, interpretation words Stylistic Devices: • quoting experts/authorities =>Lend credibility to the argument O • facts and figures / surveys /sources give credence to the points made 0 → factual information →w-questions • Feature article: →explore a news story in depth →wider context of a new story →→Outhors opinion based on analysis examples →illustrating supporting the arguments juxtaposition compare & contrast two things parallelism. • accumulation enumeration allusion rhetorical questions• irony contrast/antithesis • simile 0 Context the EU-referendum 2016 o UK is leaving the EU • UK-society is splitted up Line of Argument: stating what the paragraph is about referring back to the beginning or the main argument. appeal/a serious, urgent request/calling for action O 0 Register: informal: everyday communication; incomplete sentences O O 0 O Q1.1 Choice of Words: deictic words: I, you, we words with positive or negative connotations specific worldfields 。 neutral articles and essays; mix of short...

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and more complex sentences formal: official documents and speeches; specialized length of sentences or syntax in general Lernzettel ENGLISCH Q1.1 FORMULATIONS: The newspaper article "TITLE" written by [AUTHOR] and published in the quality paper/ Popular paper NEWSPAPER] on 4th July 2022 is a feature article /news article/opinion piece. The author criticizes/informs / motivates... The author intends to convince... The text refers to concentrates on.. The author's main message is... Another purpose is to appeal to the reader... In order to convey his message the author employs some stylistic devices and a persuasive line of argument. Parts with different focuses on the argumentation. The article can be divided into In the first paragraph the author introduces the article with... In this way she explains/proves/gives evidence to.... So the reader can understand... Moreover she refers to ..., which effects that for the reader... seems more credible. By mentioning... she makes clear that the message... The author goes on by presenting..., which underlines his message By naming... She supports her opinion Furthermore the... increases the credibility of.... In the beginning of the next part the author starts by pointing out that..... In this way she emphasizes her main message of the article After that she convinces the reader of her view by giving... Thereby she illustrates her main argument Additionally the... is structured as a This conveys the impression that... In the next section she refers back to the beginning and summarize... In this way she forms a well-structured argumentation, so the reader can comprehend the opinion The author's line of argument culminates in ... Thereby the reader feels addressed and becomes.... I general you can recognize a... register, which enable a understandable argumentation. With regard to the choice of words it can be noted that.... In conclusion it can be said that the newspaper article has a well-structured and convincing line of argument. More over the author quotes /uses... Because of these aspects the article effectively emphasizes that...