Formulations for Newspaper Article Analysis
This section provides useful phrases and sentence structures for crafting a well-structured analysis of a newspaper article.
When introducing the article, you can use formulations like:
"The newspaper article '[TITLE]' written by [AUTHOR] and published in the [NEWSPAPER] on [DATE] is a [TYPE OF ARTICLE]."
Example: "The newspaper article 'Brexit's Impact on UK Economy' written by John Smith and published in The Guardian on 4th July 2022 is a feature article."
To discuss the author's purpose:
- "The author criticizes/informs/motivates..."
- "The author intends to convince..."
- "The text refers to/concentrates on..."
- "The author's main message is..."
- "Another purpose is to appeal to the reader..."
Highlight: Always support your statements about the author's intentions with evidence from the text.
For analyzing the structure and argumentation:
- "The article can be divided into parts with different focuses on the argumentation."
- "In the first paragraph, the author introduces the article with..."
- "The author goes on by presenting..., which underlines his message."
- "Furthermore, the... is structured as a..."
- "In the next section, she refers back to the beginning and summarizes..."
Vocabulary: "Line of argument" refers to the logical progression of ideas in the article.
When discussing stylistic devices and their effects:
- "By mentioning..., she makes clear that..."
- "Moreover, she refers to..., which effects that for the reader... seems more credible."
- "Thereby she illustrates her main argument."
- "This conveys the impression that..."
Definition: Stylistic devices are techniques used by writers to convey meaning or create an effect.
For concluding your analysis:
"In conclusion, it can be said that the newspaper article has a well-structured and convincing line of argument. Moreover, the author [uses specific techniques]. Because of these aspects, the article effectively emphasizes that..."
Highlight: A strong conclusion should summarize the main points of your analysis and provide an overall assessment of the article's effectiveness.