


analysing statistics







bar chart
to deal with
to be about
I to be taken from
to be published in
to co

TYPES OF CHARTS: ا...| bar chart USEFUL PHRASES: to deal with to be about I I to be taken from to be published in ANALYSING STATISTICS to compare the size/number of... in terms of/ with regard to..... pie chart I to show the differences in... to show the relation between... and... to be divided into... that show... to show the development of two years/the years from 2014 to 2016 the vertical/horizontal axis shows/represents... 1 the figures are expressed as percentages/total numbers OTHERS: 1 to illustrate; to lead to; to prove; to indicate; to be due to n line graph to have the largest/second largest/the same number/ amount of a (huge) majority a (small) minority to be twice/three times as much/big/high as... I there are more than... I nearly twice as many... as.... Ito rise/to increase I to fall/to decrease/to decline 1 steadily/continually gradually sharply insignificantly A B 1 to have increased by... percent I table a significant number of... a high/low percentage of... I Ia total of; approximately; precisely/exactly; on average 1 • The given chart is a... which is taken from... It was published in... and deals with.... • The given numbers/statistics are/is depicted/presented in a..... which is taken from...... All in all having analysed the.... in detail, it can be concluded/said/stated that.... 1 1 1 1 I | I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I

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