Step-by-Step Guide to Fictional Text Analysis
This page outlines a structured approach to analyzing fictional texts, particularly useful for exam preparation. The guide emphasizes the importance of a methodical analysis process.
Introduction to Text Analysis
The analysis process begins with an introductory paragraph that should include:
- Title of the work
- Author's name
- Publication date
- Main theme
Highlight: Sometimes, a short summary (5-8 sentences) is included in the introduction.
Hypothesis Formation
After the introduction, the analyst should form a hypothesis about the author's message or intention.
Example: "The author wants to emphasize the importance of helping one another out despite cultural, ethnic, or educational differences and personal backgrounds."
Analysis Structure
The main body of the analysis should focus on:
- The specific point of view or narrative perspective
- Narrative techniques employed
- Content-related aspects (e.g., overcoming prejudices, cooperative behavior between characters)
Highlight: The aspects to analyze are often provided in the exam task.
Narrative Perspective Analysis
The guide provides a detailed breakdown of different narrative perspectives:
Third-person point of view
- Omniscient narrator (unlimited perspective)
- Selective narrator (limited perspective)
- Objective narrator
First-person point of view
- Protagonist-narrator
- Witness-narrator
Vocabulary: Erzählperspektive (narrative perspective) is a crucial element in fictional text analysis.
Analytical Approach
For each aspect of analysis, the guide recommends using a three-step approach:
- What: Description of the aspect
- How: Textual evidence (direct or indirect quotes)
- Why: Analysis of the effect of the aspect
Definition: This three-step approach is known as "methodischer Dreischritt" in German literary analysis.