


analysis non-fictional text + phrases







How to write an analysis of a non-fictional text
In a summary, you concentrate on WHAT a writer deals with.
A really well-written text analy
How to write an analysis of a non-fictional text
In a summary, you concentrate on WHAT a writer deals with.
A really well-written text analy

How to write an analysis of a non-fictional text In a summary, you concentrate on WHAT a writer deals with. A really well-written text analysis will go one essential step further. You need to examine HOW the writer uses language and structure to present his ideas. So you should: a) point out what means the writer uses, and, much more importantly, b) what effect/function these means have. Step 1: To help you find those means, take a close look at the following aspects of language, before you start writing: Means Structure Choice of words Rhetorical devices Syntax Tone Register Some example questions to help you with the analysis What are the subtopics in the various paragraphs? Does the writer give examples/facts/statistics? Is his/her line of thought well-balanced or biased? What kind of words dominate in the text? What is the effect? Does the writer use alliterations? Does he/she repeat words? Are there any rhetorical questions? Are there many long, complex sentences? Does the writer use questions, question tags or exclamations? What is the writer's emotional attitude towards the topic and the reader? Is he/she friendly/patriotic/aggressive ...? Does the writer use a lot of slang words? Does he/she use neutral, formal e? Note: You may find that there is nothing special in your text for one or two of these aspects. This is perfectly normal - every writer will use different techniques. It may be...

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helpful to check the exact wording of your analysis task. Sometimes you are only expected to look at certain clearly defined aspects - your teacher may have given you a hint. Step 2: Organise the results of your analysis by deciding on three or four aspects that contribute the most to the overall effect of the article. Choose one or two good examples for each of these aspects. Use quotations and/or line indications to support your findings. Step 3: Then, proceed as usual to write a well-structured, clear text: ✓ Write an introductory sentence that expresses the main effect(s) of the given text (e.g. to motivate, to criticise, to inform). ✓ Structure your arguments and present them clearly in logical paragraphs. ✓ Connect your ideas with the help of linking words (e.g. in addition, furthermore, however). ✓ Write a conclusion that states what general effects the author wants to create and how he/she uses language to achieve his or her aims. ✓ Don't give your personal opinion - stay neutral! ✓ Use the present tense. Useful phrases for analysis writing (non-fictional texts) 1. How to say why the text was written - the text's function(s) or purpose The writer wants ... to convey a personal impression/to give an eyewitness account - to entertain/to appeal to the reader's emotions - to call for action/to motivate to inform/to explain/to make clear to the reader Means use of numbers and data quotes from experts reference of accepted authorities 2. How to write about style - some typical means and their effects in non fictional texts rhetorical question to make frequent use of the pronouns "we, our" direct address of the reader figurative language (e.g. metaphor, simile, symbol) parallelism The writer uses technical terms from the field of ... The writer uses neologisms/outdated expressions ... This word implicitly means/expresses ... This term alludes to ... repetition 3. How to write about the choice of words The writer uses a word/an expression in the literal/figurative sense. 5. How to write about the tone The tone of the text is mainly serious/ neutral/sad/optimistic/pessimistic ... The passage is written in a humorous/ cynical vein. to persuade/to convince/to change the reader's attitude towards s.th. to criticise - to draw the reader's attention to the subject of Effect/function to create reliability to back up a view with reliable information to lend authenticity to the arguments to illustrate the argument by an example to make the reader think/wonder if ... to make the reader feel included to create a feeling of togetherness to appeal to the reader to evoke a picture in the reader's mind to convey an idea of ... to give rhythm to the text to stress the argument to put emphasis on/to underline the message The angry/aggressive/emotional tone is intended to catch the reader's attention. The author presents his ideas in a very critical/ thought-provoking/controversial tone. 4. How to write about the syntax The text contains numerous short and simple sentences. The text contains a few long and complex sentences. In line x the author uses/employs/makes use of a repetition. Some sentences are identical in structure/are parallel to each other. The author employs question tags/ exclamations/interjections/imperatives. The author's line thought sounds quite objective/reliable/subjective/ biased/prejudiced. The author expresses himself in an enthusiastic/friendly/promising/intimate way.