


Analysis of fictional texts







The 3 basic types of fictional texts
• personal data
• attitudes /views
o relationships

ANALYSIS & FICTIONAL TEXTS OF The 3 basic types of fictional texts CHARACTERIZATION • personal data • attitudes /views o relationships →→narrative texts → dramatic texts → Poetry /lyrics The analysis of the general meaning and basic elements - write a summary (about 150-200 words → task 1) - first general evaluation of meaning and message (→ partly task 1) - identify structural and narrative /stylistic devices analysis of effect and function find outward appearance • behaviour IMPORTANT -always use the simple present (if possible) -refer to lines - use connectives -direct/indirect characterization (novel, short story, fable) (drama/play, screenplay/script) (poem/song....) →quote (and name) a quotation demonstrates correctness Terminology and tips narrator, narrative situation, point of view, mode of presentation • first person- narrator, witness /observer narrator, third-person narrator objective/reliable narrator or subjective /unreliable narrator ·limited point of view, unlimited/omniscient point of view panoramic presentation, scenic presentation → relation of acting time and narrating time structure of the text · (How) is the text structured? time span covered by narration · relation of acting time /narrating time characters in the story language and style ·level of speech, manner of speaking ·Style, syntax, choice of words, register ・inner monologue, chain of associations, stream of consciousness analyse conflicts (story is based on) leitmotif · development of action /stagnation flat /round characters, protagonist vs. antagonist, minor characters, heroline), anti-hero · aspects of characterization of a figure in literature setting (time, place) scenery, mental climate, basic mood, social environment, atmosphere symbolism of scenery and setting effect on...

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the audience intention of the author