


Analysis of the argumentative structure of a text







Analyse the argumentative Structure of a text
1. Introductory sentence - e.g. "The given text 'How hard is it to pay attention?' tries to co

Analyse the argumentative Structure of a text 1. Introductory sentence - e.g. "The given text 'How hard is it to pay attention?' tries to convince the reader of the author's opinion that nowadays social media often distract us from focusing on really important things. The author uses many. different strategies (e.g. a certain line of arguments and first-hand experience) to prove his point which is going to be analysed in more detail in following. 2. Analyse the structure - That can be : and function of each paragraph 3. The order of the arguments and the function of that Introduction (p.f. author's opinion is given, background or purpose for writing the text is given, the speaker attracts the audience's attention). background information the author's opinion examples (p.f. they make the author's position more lively) Personal/ (p.f. It can help to identify with the author's position Second- and makes it more personal) hand experiences Statistic data/ the surveys / quotes from experts Etc. (p.f. You might not believe or trust the author, but what if he/she quotes from surveys or experts ? Certainly, this I will make him/her and the text more. reliable and trustworthy) -> - Does the author start with less persuasive arguments and end with stronger ones? Does he/she give counterarguments and does he/she disprove them? - Does the author go from gist (more general) to detail? arguments that support the author's view will often be bached up...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

by facts, examples or personal experience Signposts: Does he/she make use of signposts to structure the ideas and arguments? /first, secondly, finally, in addition, furthermore...)