


Analysis, structure Analysis Aleitung







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Alle wichtigen Informationen für eine Analyse in Englisch.
Eine Analyse in Englisch ist nicht wie im Deutschen. E
Alle wichtigen Informationen für eine Analyse in Englisch.
Eine Analyse in Englisch ist nicht wie im Deutschen. E
Alle wichtigen Informationen für eine Analyse in Englisch.
Eine Analyse in Englisch ist nicht wie im Deutschen. E
Alle wichtigen Informationen für eine Analyse in Englisch.
Eine Analyse in Englisch ist nicht wie im Deutschen. E
Alle wichtigen Informationen für eine Analyse in Englisch.
Eine Analyse in Englisch ist nicht wie im Deutschen. E

ENGLISH STRUCTURE ANALYSIS Alle wichtigen Informationen für eine Analyse in Englisch. Eine Analyse in Englisch ist nicht wie im Deutschen. Es wird keine Zusammenfassung geschrieben und es gibt andere Aspekte auf die man achten muss Fragen die du dir stellen solltest: ● Worüber handelt der Text? What is the text about? Wer hat wann und wo den Artikel geschrieben? Who has when and where wrote this article? Welche "Order" hat der Text? Which order has the text? Welche "Stylistic devices" gibt es und welche finde ich im Text? Which stylistic devices can be found in the article? ● Wie baue ich meine Analyse jetzt auf? Und worauf muss ich achten? How should I structure my analysis and what is important? "Order" um den Text ein zu ordnen chronological order the text is structured according to a timeline topical order The text is structured according to different themes. This Text often has subheadings. cause and effect The text is structured according to relationships between events or things, where one is the result of the other(s). Problem and Solution The text is structured according to "questions" asked and being answered in a different Paragraph. Advantage and Disadvantage The text is structured according to the good and bad sides to a problem. STYLISTIC DEVICES ALLITERATION the use, especially in poetry, of the same sound or sounds, especially consonants, at the beginning of several...

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words that are close together. Example: Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran Effect: Sound devices such as alliteration are pleasing to the ear and imbue poems with musical qualities. LITOTES the use of a negative statement in order to emphasize a positive meaning, for example "a not inconsiderable amount of money (= a considerable amount of money)" Example: He is not the friendliest person Effect: By negating the opposite of what you mean to say, you require the reader to trough an extra step before they can understand your meaning, which makes the writing seem less clear. OXYMORON two words used together that have, or seem to have, opposite meanings Example:black milk. Effect: Reading these words together will often cause the reader to pause and think about what the writer is trying to convey ONOMATOPOEIA the act of creating or using words that include sounds that are similar to the noises the words refer to Example: buzz, whoosh, boom Effect: It can add excitement, action and interest by allowing the reader to hear and remember writing. It is also for humor. SIMILE (the use of) an expression comparing one thing with another, always including the words "as" or "like" Example: Your eyes look like the ocean (=blue) Effect: It should impress the reader or help him to make understandable what he/she means. PARADOX a situation or ment that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics: Example: save money by spending it, this is the beginning of the end Effect: paradox allows the readers to understand concepts in a different and even non.traditional way. However it makes sense upon reflection. ENUMERATION the act of naming things separately, one by one: example: I have a dream Effect: It easily creates an impression on the mind of the readers. The details and listening make it easy to convey the real massage. TAUTOLOGY the use of two words or phrases that express the same meaning, in a way that is unnecessary and usually unintentional: example: Ether it will rain tomorrow, or it won't rain Effect: It merely adds unnecessary words while adding no substance to your writing or to focus readers attention through repetition. REPETITION the act of doing or saying something again: example: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow effect: It tells the reader or audience that the words being used are central enough to be repeated, and lets them know when to pay special attention to the language. VERBAL IRONY a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result: example: a fire station burns down, the police station gets rubbed Effect: It can help the reader gain insight into each character's personality. SYMBOL a sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else: example: Raven: This represents peace, love and calm Effect: A reader who does not relate the specific details of a story may still relate to the deeper symbolic meaning to which those details speak. ALLUSION something that is said or written that is intended to make you think of a particular thing or person: example: His smile is like kryptonite to me Effect: It can give a deeper meaning to a story by referring to another piece of work that most are familiar with. METAPHOR an expression, often found in literature, that describes a person or object by referring to something that is considered to have similar characteristics to that person or object: example: raining cats and dogs, heart of gold, the metall wave of cars Effect: It creates connection and empathy. It can make a reader understand something at a deeper level than any literal description. CLICHÉ a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting: Example: love is blind, better late than never Effect: Clichés are often annoying to a listener or reader in that they display a lack of originality on the part of speaker or writer. HYPOPHORA a question which asks a person who already has the answer to it. Example: Have you said this to me? Effect: It is to underline something HYPERBOLE deliberate exaggeration of a fact Example: He is running faster than the wind Effect: it is to emphasize the magnitude of something through exaggerated comparison. PERSONIFICATION The humanization of an object Example: My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning. Effect: It connects readers with the object that is personified. Aufbau der Analyse - Example Introduction The article "..." written by "..." published [on "www..."] in 2020, is about "main Problem?". Main Body - structure Am besten jeden Absatz mit einem Connecter beginnen. -The following text shall be analysed according to structure and language. -The [...]article normally consists of an [introduction], a [body] and a [conclusion]. -To start with the introduction, it has a headline ("..."),a by line (the author), a lead (introduction into the text), (where it can be found) and introductory paragraph. The last two contain the w-questions as well as the here..... Are answered. Nur die aus der introduction nicht aus dem Main Body! -Furthermore the text is ordered in (chronological, topical, cause and effect, problem and solution, advantage and disadvantage)+ definition of the order. -Examples given with two paragraphs - content needs to be mentioned. Zwei Absätze nehmen die man als Beispiel für die Ordere nehmen kann. Bei causes and effects, problem and solution, advantage and disadvantage müssen die Absätze aufeinander folgen, bei chronological and topical oder nicht. -Moreover the article contains the conclusion (where, content) Main Body - language -To go on with the language analysis the sentence structure, quotes and stylistic devices shall be analysed. (Es kann auch nur nach stylistic devices gefragt werden oder auch nur nach quotes. Aber was gefragt ist und in welcher Menge ist meistens angegeben. Aber man braucht immer unterschiedliche Stilmittel. Das bedeutet nicht mehr als eins von Jedem (wie z.B Metapher)verwenden. ) Ein "Stylistic device"/ "Quote" nach dem anderen erklären. Each aspect: name+define, example+explanation (erklären was gemeint ist, wenn es nötig ist) + effect on the reader + (line [...]) Conclusion Own opinion, readability (Wie gut man den Text versteht hat), the function (perhaps function on the text) Worauf geachtet wird beim lesen der Analyse: There is an introduction stating the title the main topic You have to answer like this: title: "..." main topic: " the text is about" write in your own words what the other person has written You have to do this for each of the criteria! There is a connector leading to the main part of the text. analysis of introduction: title, by-line lead, introductory paragraph are mentioned, w-questions + how are analysed body of the text: * order of the text named * defined * examples conclusion of the text: where the conclusion can be found function of the conclusion (summary) Sentence structure: * name * define * example * effect on the reader quotes *function of quotes * examples * effect on the reader stylistic device: name define example explain (if necessary) effect on the reader conclusion: own opinion clearly stated, using aspects from the (own) written text