


application letter (Bewerbung)







(address of the person or company
you're applying to)
Application for position as (the job you want to apply for)
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms (name of th

(address of the person or company you're applying to) Application for position as (the job you want to apply for) Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms (name of the person), In the first paragraph, say → With reference to your online advertisement, I am writing to apply why you are writing, where for a position as a/an (the job). you saw the ad, which job you're applying for As you will see from my CV, I am (your age) old and preparing to graduate with A-Levels (example for „Abitur"). (examples: ,,hopefully, I will be a teacher soon"; ,,Therefore, I am very intereseted in the opportunity you offer."; ,,At a summer camp with a lake, surely a counsellor with good swimming skills could be a useful addition to your team.“ or „Additionally, I have good canoeing skills.") Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview any evening or weekend. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, your name your name Att. CV Print your name under your signature and say if there is an attachment to your e-mail (or an enclosure to your letter). don't forget to write this under your application ! commenting adverbs hopefully; surely; personally; really; usually; unfortunately; seriously; normally; originally; typically; definitely; actually; in fact; especially; luckily; however (your address) (date) - background and experience: your age; what you hope to do in the future; descripton of work experience/skills Use commenting adverbs and linking words in your...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

application ! linking adverbs Use a friendly ending and a standard final sentence in addition; therefore; after all; otherwise; overall; moreover; additionally; in general; in the end; finally; (but) in spite of this; furthermore; nevertheless Examples for skills and personal character traits: reliable; helpful; outgoing; confident; focused; spontaneous; teamplayer; creative; honest; careful; responsible