


Argumentation Englisch (Handynutzung)







Fachpraktische Arbeit Englisch Léa 18.12.2020
Our voice on social media
Most teenagers use social media daily without thinking
about the con
Fachpraktische Arbeit Englisch Léa 18.12.2020
Our voice on social media
Most teenagers use social media daily without thinking
about the con

Fachpraktische Arbeit Englisch Léa 18.12.2020 Our voice on social media Most teenagers use social media daily without thinking about the consequences of the internet. But is social media only a bad influence for teenagers? And what is speaking for using social media? On the one side, it's easier for teenagers to reach out for help on social media, for example in case of mental illnesses or an abusive household. On the other side, it's also easier to get private information through the internet. Even though you could get more insecure about yourself because of the edited content that is only showing a better version of other people, you could also for more confidence thanks to people that spread positivity through the internet (for example body positivity, self-love) and help you to feel understood. Since the internet is giving people more anonymity, there is a risk that people pretend to be a person that they aren't in real life. Because of that, bullying is easier than ever on the internet. The canceling culture, which is an extreme version of cyber bullying, is also very toxic, since people can get socially excluded for something they did in past. In addition to that, people on the internet are getting more sensitive and tend to cancel more often. An advantage, though, is that you can earn money...

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through collaborations with different brands-especially when you're famous but it can get toxic if those people start promoting bands more for the money and don't stay true to themselves anymore. They would not only be lying to themselves; they are also lying to their followers. Another pro aspect is that social media is giving teenagers an opportunity to stay in contact with friends and family and to make new contacts through the ernet, which can also be dangerous, especially for younger teenagers. Pedophiles are lurking everywhere on the internet- and it's not always easy to detect them. Social media can also make us unsocial. How? Some of us spend way too much time on their phone and forget the importance of seeing people in real life. Another point that is speaking for the usage of internet for teenagers is that it's giving people a voice, because it's easier to speak up through social media and messages are being spread faster through it. It's also easier to stay updated about different topics, for example politics. If we look at the "Black Lives Matter" movement, we can see that the video of George Floyd could only gain that much attention and make such an impact because of social media. Overall, I think that social media can have a lot of positive influence on teenagers' lives, but also social media can have consequences on their lives too, if they don't be careful.