


Argumentative Essay über Soziale Medien







English - Argumentative Essay
A blessing or a curse? Nowadays many people, including many young people spend a lot of
time on their mobile p
English - Argumentative Essay
A blessing or a curse? Nowadays many people, including many young people spend a lot of
time on their mobile p

English - Argumentative Essay A blessing or a curse? Nowadays many people, including many young people spend a lot of time on their mobile phones, too much time in the opinion of some. They think that it makes their relationships with others less strong and deep. In my view this is not true, online communication does not have to destroy our social contacts. The text "Online Communication: a blessing or a curse for relationships" mention many arguments that represents the pro side which means the blessing and as well the con side which stands for the curse. I want to tell you these arguments and of course some of mine and then I will explain my own opi with the of the in my view strongest argument. We will start with the con arguments. First, you will not get enough help if you are just acting and texting online. It is more difficult for your friends to see your real emotion because hiding them is easier if you are talking online. In addition, they could not help you that good because you have lack of the personal closeness that would otherwise explain to you that you are not alone and have support. Secondly, Online communication ensures that people are always writing on their phones and does...

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not communicate in real life. For example, a friend of the author said that her friends always spend their time on mobile, so she does not have fun while meeting them. Thirdly, some friends do not want to answer, so you wrote them because you are bored but if they do not text back you could fast feel alone because there is nobody to talk to. Let us come to pro arguments. First, it must be mentioned that the people we write with are not strangers, we know almost every friend in real life so social media is just making our friendship stronger given that we got the chance to talk and share photos with them even if we are outside the school. In addition, finding a date and a time to meet in reality is easier than ever. You just need to ask your friend and thanks to the online Communication you can discuss which date would be good for everybody. The last argument is that you can keep the contact to loved persons even if they are far away. If your friend would be in holiday or is spending one year in another country, you can call each other which also helps to make your relationship deeper. After all, I still think that Online communication is not destroying our relationships. The argument which is the most important argument for this decision is that social media allows us to keep contact to somebody over long distances. It is that relevant for me because it shows the person abroad that you want to stay in contact, that you remember her/him and that you want to be a part of her or his life. All these aspects are signs for a real friendship. But Social media also has its dark sides, if you are just writing over the internet with your friend your relationships will become less deep and strong. This problem can be solved, you can and should use social media to communicate online but you should use it wisely and carefully and set yourself rules to not overuse it.