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Arranged marriages In India Contents 1. General information 2. Pros and cons 3. The celebration 4. Our opinion 5. Source 6. Image Source General information - economic and social security -parents and oldest son select the partner - partner search -> marriage agencies -> advertisements in newspapers or on the internet 33223 General Information criteria for the partner -> education, income - many indian men and women want - an arranged marriage - 90% of marriages in India are arranged marriages - meet the family of the bride/groom Pros - financial security - They are not alone -learn to Love the man/woman -get a good future -safe the tradition of the culture Cons Don't Love the man/woman - the man/woman is a stranger for them - be unhappy - no experience - they have the right to choose who to marry Celebration - the bride and the groom wear certain capes or dresses The bride The groom wears a sari -> a sari is a wedding robe which is in red because red is the color of luck - wears a lot of jewelry wears an achkan -> an achkan is a long coat wears a salwar -> a salwar is a cotton trousers - choice between blue and black Important vocabulary: - bride (Braut) - groom (Bräutigam) - cotton (Baumwolle) - jewelry (Schmuck) - everybody sing and celebrate - it is a tradition that the bride and groom go on horse back through the city -> wedding parade - sometimes the woman and the man don't know each other and see each other for the first...
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time on their wedding Our opinion if the bride and the groom wish for an arranged marriage, we don't think it is a problem they should meet before the wedding ● ● they should be allowed not to have an arranged marriage, if they don't want We want to have the choice who to marry -> no arranged marriage ● Source vAhXQ IqQKHcqRD90QFjABegQIAhAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.planet- %2CDie%2520arrangierte%2520Ehe%2Csich%2520wirtschaftlich%2520und%2520sozial%2520abzusichern.%26text%3Dvi ele%2520junge%2520Inderinnen%2520und%2520Inder%2Cdie%2520Eltern%2520den%2520Partner%2520suchen.&usg= hlie%25C3%259Fung- AOvVaw1-03vX Yjlkr1oFge7nVxY vAhUIEx QKHdvWDSCQFjABegQIARAD& Liste&usg=AOvVaw1dm8PRpuQGErskj2NJN6BV vAhUb8 uAKHV9zBZwQFjAAegQIARAD& marriage%2F&usg=AOvVaw3GuYgzOsHNcRiLGeQ118Au vAhUTj aQKHTCABjYQFjAAegQIAhAD& special%2Fhochzeiten-weltweit%2Fdie-indische-hochzeit.html&usg=AOvVaw3cWVL0xljfXkckJ TyvDTb Image Source EVmfTOMJRdxTsK1bvQr- IOFUOJAbfvA5VVOLWICYMojY3S20P6G YRiwA9E5cn8PSIQrpPOwi7KKgnFNkGt1HrLMD5vk0UDDKH gnNGbID5ROmWB82pPen4NL9q3OjA3On4JiJU¡VISRaZrNTGe_HWmQw max.jpg 1416943566-indian.jpg