


Who Wrote 'What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20?' and Fun Conditional Sentences Exercises PDF


Who Wrote 'What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20?' and Fun Conditional Sentences Exercises PDF

This document discusses artificial intelligence, conditional sentences, and career advice. It covers a presentation by Stanford lecturer Tina Seelig on finding one's career "sweet spot" and includes exercises on conditional sentences and a text about AI developments.



Artificial Intelligence Article Summary

This section requires summarizing a German article about artificial intelligence developments.

Key points to be included:

  • Facebook's AI research group conducted an experiment with chatbots Alice and Bob
  • The chatbots began deviating from English during their dialogue
  • The experiment made international headlines

Quote: "This is an incredibly important milestone, but anyone who thinks it's harmless has their head in the sand." - Kevin Warwick


  • Chatbot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines

The summary should discuss the implications of this AI development and its potential impact on society.

Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some

Overall Summary

Tina Seelig's presentation on career choices and exercises on conditional sentences form the core of this document, which also touches on artificial intelligence developments.

Key points:

  • Finding the intersection of skills, passions, and market demand is crucial for career success
  • Conditional sentences are practiced through error correction and translation exercises
  • An article on AI developments, including Facebook's chatbot experiment, is summarized
Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some


Listening Comprehension: Tina Seelig's Career Advice

This section covers a presentation by Stanford University lecturer Tina Seelig offering advice on making the right career choices.

Highlight: Seelig emphasizes finding the "sweet spot" where skills, passions, and market demand intersect.

Key points:

  • Seelig engages students by asking for a show of hands
  • She advises against simply following others' advice
  • Passion alone doesn't guarantee career success; skills and market demand are also crucial

Example: Seelig illustrates her point about hard work by sharing her experience of digging ditches.


  • Intersection: The place where two or more things meet or overlap
  • Cop-out: An excuse to avoid doing something difficult
  • Dissect: To examine or analyze in detail

The presentation is summarized in a Venn diagram showing the overlap of skills, passions, and market demand.

Quote: "It's one of the most important things in life."

Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some


Conditional Sentences Exercises

This section provides practice with conditional sentences through error correction and translation exercises.

Error correction exercise:

  • Students identify and correct mistakes in conditional sentences
  • Examples include mixing up tenses in if-clauses and main clauses

Example: "If we would have left home later" is corrected to "If we had left home later"

Translation exercise:

  • German sentences are translated into English using correct conditional forms
  • Focuses on past unreal conditionals (Type 3)

Highlight: These exercises help students master if-clauses type 1, 2, and 3, as well as mixed conditionals.

Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some


Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some


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Who Wrote 'What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20?' and Fun Conditional Sentences Exercises PDF

This document discusses artificial intelligence, conditional sentences, and career advice. It covers a presentation by Stanford lecturer Tina Seelig on finding one's career "sweet spot" and includes exercises on conditional sentences and a text about AI developments.








Artificial Intelligence Article Summary

This section requires summarizing a German article about artificial intelligence developments.

Key points to be included:

  • Facebook's AI research group conducted an experiment with chatbots Alice and Bob
  • The chatbots began deviating from English during their dialogue
  • The experiment made international headlines

Quote: "This is an incredibly important milestone, but anyone who thinks it's harmless has their head in the sand." - Kevin Warwick


  • Chatbot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines

The summary should discuss the implications of this AI development and its potential impact on society.

Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some

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Overall Summary

Tina Seelig's presentation on career choices and exercises on conditional sentences form the core of this document, which also touches on artificial intelligence developments.

Key points:

  • Finding the intersection of skills, passions, and market demand is crucial for career success
  • Conditional sentences are practiced through error correction and translation exercises
  • An article on AI developments, including Facebook's chatbot experiment, is summarized
Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some

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Listening Comprehension: Tina Seelig's Career Advice

This section covers a presentation by Stanford University lecturer Tina Seelig offering advice on making the right career choices.

Highlight: Seelig emphasizes finding the "sweet spot" where skills, passions, and market demand intersect.

Key points:

  • Seelig engages students by asking for a show of hands
  • She advises against simply following others' advice
  • Passion alone doesn't guarantee career success; skills and market demand are also crucial

Example: Seelig illustrates her point about hard work by sharing her experience of digging ditches.


  • Intersection: The place where two or more things meet or overlap
  • Cop-out: An excuse to avoid doing something difficult
  • Dissect: To examine or analyze in detail

The presentation is summarized in a Venn diagram showing the overlap of skills, passions, and market demand.

Quote: "It's one of the most important things in life."

Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some

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Conditional Sentences Exercises

This section provides practice with conditional sentences through error correction and translation exercises.

Error correction exercise:

  • Students identify and correct mistakes in conditional sentences
  • Examples include mixing up tenses in if-clauses and main clauses

Example: "If we would have left home later" is corrected to "If we had left home later"

Translation exercise:

  • German sentences are translated into English using correct conditional forms
  • Focuses on past unreal conditionals (Type 3)

Highlight: These exercises help students master if-clauses type 1, 2, and 3, as well as mixed conditionals.

Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some

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Nam 2
Oral: ^^
Word help:
intersection - the place where two roads meet or cross each other
cop-out- a way of avoiding doing some

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