


balanced argument (written discussion)







A balanced argument (written discussion)
A balanced argument (written discussion) is a text in which you deal with a question/topic for whic
A balanced argument (written discussion)
A balanced argument (written discussion) is a text in which you deal with a question/topic for whic

A balanced argument (written discussion) A balanced argument (written discussion) is a text in which you deal with a question/topic for which different opinions are possible. You weigh (erwägen) arguments for these different views to form your own opinion at the end. Structure: I. Introduction In the introduction, you have to explain the question/topic and make clear why there are different views of it. Moreover, you have to make the reader interested in your text. To do so, there are different strategies: 1. you include background information for the topic, 2. you include your own experience and 3. you ask a question. II. Main part In the main part you have to present your arguments. As it is a balanced argument, you have to include the same amount of arguments for both opinions. In a normal discussion you have to offer 6 arguments (3 pro/ 3 con). For the main part there are very strict rules how to structure it. The structure is called hourglass (Sanduhr) structure: +++ A In the first part you present the arguments against (-) your opinion. You start with the best argument against your opinion and end with the weakest one. This part is called the turning point. Conclusion In the second part you present the arguments for (+) your opinion. You start with the weakest argument for your opinion and end...

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with the best one. For every argument you need an explanation to convince (überzeugen) the reader of it. An explanation cannot be a concrete example! However, you also need concrete examples for a minimum of three of your six arguments. These examples do not replace (ersetzen) the explanation! They should just help you to make the argument even more clear. explanation most prints III. in different words than before In your conclusion you sum up your most important aspects and build a frame (Rahmen) with the introduction. This means, if you have for example asked a question in the introduction, you have to answer it in the conclusion. You should also refer back to background or personal information that you have used in the introduction to round off your text. In addition, you finally give your own opinion in the conclusion! You can also offer a compromise if possible. Step 1: Collect as many arguments as possible for both sides! Step 2: Rank your arguments for both sides! (best, second best, ...) Step 3: Decide for one side! (to know how to structure your main part) Step 2 ➜Step 4: write a nice discussion Ⓒ The three steps to prepare written discussions ordering argument Firstly, First of all, To begin with, Secondly, Finally, Lastly, making a contrast (einen Gegensatz hervorheben) On the one hand, ... on the other hand, Useful phrases and linking words for written discussions adding arguments giving reasons in contrast However, even though (auch wenn) Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, In addition, Additionally, On top of that, Step 1 giving an example For example For instance In other words Imagine, Step 4 To give a striking example look at Step 3 Therefore This is why Because (of) Due to the fact that = because Due to because of Since = Because giving a result/concluding All in all, As a result To conclude In conclusion For these reasons it can be said that