


be able to ,be allowed to ,have to







(Ho) be able to
(to) be allowed to
I'm able to walk.
I was able to walk
I will be able to walk
I'm allowed

English can can, may must needn't (Ho) be able to (to) be allowed to I'm able to walk. I was able to walk I will be able to walk I'm allowed to visit you... I was allowed to visit you was you will be allowed to visit us I have to learn my vecab I had to leam my vocalo I will have to learn my vocab not (to) have to I don't have to cook. I dident have to cook. I will have to cook Ho) have to Signal words for the tenses present past yesterday now tomorrow in the 6th centry at the moment in a few days... ago next.. last today always somtimes future never usally lever normaly

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.