


Beispiel Comment: Pressure caused by social media







people, to fit into this standard. But not everyone can fit into it.
L. And that the point where many people feel pressured by socia
people, to fit into this standard. But not everyone can fit into it.
L. And that the point where many people feel pressured by socia

is people, to fit into this standard. But not everyone can fit into it. соку L. And that the point where many people feel pressured by social media... Consequently, they feel as if they are not good enough or that they are not pretty enough. However, they might develope (R) mental health issues because their self-esteem and. self- pretty much the same meaning worth is so low. To sum everything up, I think that Social media is in fact, a very big factorality that causes online pressure. It not only affects your character but also your looks and your social life." Furthermore, I think that young people are under much pressure. caused by social media beca use if can cause mental. helth issues. This I believe that Society has to do something about this issue.. As a Solution 1 suggest to spread more positivity all over social media. I think that spreading awareness would be also a great towards first step into a social media with less pressure.. 3,7 Z L Nowadays, social networks are used all over the world. Especially by young people. They are all connected to each other... ther. Using social media can be so much fun. But it can also pressure you: Don't you think? I think that young people are under much online pressure. believe I think So because I feel that pressure aswell. forward In the following, I will bring...

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up arguments to support my. opinion that young people are under much pressure caused by Social networks. plays role in First of all, Social media is a very big part of our daily lifes. Almost every young person uses social media daily. Also, many people. met new people through (the) social networks. in order Social media itself pressures you to use it to stay connected with your online friends. If you do not use it, you can not stay in touch. with your internet friends. does But the pressure to connect is not only from your internet friends, Your real-life friends can also pressure you to use social media. If you do not use social media, you might being left out. but Secondly, social media not only pressures you to use it, it also. shows you how to act and think that the people around you, & like you. Especially young people around the age of twelve or thirteen are affected by that. As a matter of fact, teenagers these are still in the this of affect ge ng developing their character. Consequently; they could develope their character in a wrong way if they See that on Social media. Is what? what and how ?::-> • give an example Ras Cast but certainly not least, today's society made up a beauty Standard that everyone has to fit in. Social media pressures young to st. Q R |R R к 626 introduction