


Beispielanalyse Pie Chart







Nina Börner, Englisch LK
Analysis "Percentage of microplastics in the water"
The given statistic is a pie chart and has the heading "Percent
Nina Börner, Englisch LK
Analysis "Percentage of microplastics in the water"
The given statistic is a pie chart and has the heading "Percent

Nina Börner, Englisch LK Analysis "Percentage of microplastics in the water" The given statistic is a pie chart and has the heading "Percentage of microplastics in the water" and deals withe the causes of microplastics in the oceans. It was published in 2017 by the IUCN. The shares of the pie chart are divided into seven categories that each have a different color. Those colors are explained in the bottom left corner. The very light gray stands for "plastic pellets" and has a share of 0.3%, the lighter grey stands for "Personal care Fig 4: Water pollution - microplastics Percentage of microplastics in the water 0,3% 35,0 % 19.01.2021 ◆ Personal care products Road markings ●Car tires Plastic pellets Marine coatings ●City dust Synthetic textiles Source: IUCN. (2017) Primary Microplastics in the Ocean. -2,0% -3,7% -7,0% -24,0% 28,0% products" and has a share of 2.0%, the light gray stands for "marine coatings" and has a share of 3.7%, the gray stands for "road markings" and has a share of 7.0%, the darker gray stands for "City dust" and has a share of 24.0%, the dark gray stands for "Car Tires" and has a share of 28.0% and the orange stands for "synthetic textiles" and has a share of 35.0%. The "synthetic textiles" share has the biggest percentage and is also the only colorful share of the pie chart. It is a little bit away from the other shares so...

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that it stands out the most. This is very important to notice since the topic is fast fashion and synthetic textiles have the most to do with that. The pie chart shows that fast fashion is the most dangerous for water pollution, which most people wouldn't assume in the first place. Shares like car tires, plastic pallets or marine coatings would be much more expected than textiles in this context. It is also not given which ocean is meant in this statistic, so it could be different in a different part of another ocean. In conclusion you could say that the statistics does not give a lot of information but only the numbers. With more context and more background knowledge more interpretation could be done than now. Nina Börner, Englisch LK 19.01.2021