


Big Ben







Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing
Big Ben
The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the
Palace of Westminster in London, weighing

Big Ben The name Big Ben refers to the heaviest of the five bells of the famous clock tower at the Palace of Westminster in London, weighing 13.5 t. The name Big Ben is also often transferred to the clock or clock tower. Since September 2012 the tower has been officially called Elizabeth Tower. Wikipedia Located in Palace of Westminster Address: Westminster, London SW1A OAA, United Kingdom Architectural height: 96 m Start of construction: September 28, 1843 Opened: May 31, 1859 Architects: Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, Charles Barry Weight 13.5 tons Incidentally, the designation "Big Ben" does not refer to the imposing building itself, but to the largest and heaviest of the five bells in it at 13.5 tons. The official name of the bell is "Great Bell of Westminster". History The origin of the name Big Ben is not clearly established. There are two main theories: According to Sir Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works at the time the bell was installed. After Ben Caunt, a heavyweight boxer who had his last fight in 1857. Big Ben Von Nico Pi 17794 Bell Big Ben .. When a tourist is going to London, he immediately is famous landmark of England - the tower of Big Ben. Not many people know that - it is the biggest bell in the Palace of Westminster. Only later the name...

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was transferred to the whole clock tower. The bell Big Ben, the heaviest. It weighs more than 13 tons. Its name he received in honor of Benjamin Hall, who led the cast. According to another version of Big Ben was named after the popular boxer Benjamin Count. Big Ben History During a fire in 1834 Westminster Palace burned down almost completely, so the date of construction of the modern tower of Big Ben say 1858. It was built in neo- Gothic style and has a height approximately equal to the 16th floor (96.3 meters). In the tower there are no lifts or elevators, so it is closed for mass visit. Sometimes this rule makes an exception, and then the visitors overcome the 334 steps to climb up. Currently, the tower of Big Ben gives the bank because of the construction of the stations of the London Underground. Glyn Rhotewerks + • The clock on the tower of Big Ben hitherto considered the big clock with the battle in the world. Their weight 4 tons. The clock mechanism is a standard of reliability. In its creation clockmaker Edward John Dent has used a brand new double three-step move, which makes it easier to divide the pendulum and a five-ton clock mechanism. Watches are so reliable that even during World War II, when the German bombing of two dials and damaged the roof of the tower, the clock has not breached his move. *********$15555555555 TRAUK RADIOSTYR **) 200 FreeFoto.com . The value of the tower of Big Ben in the culture of England and its place among the sights of London. Thank you for attention raghavidya FINE LINEE KICK C 1444 14