


Blog entry







53 Writing a blog entry
5.3.1 Criteria for writing a blog entry
The term "blog" was coined in the 1990s. It is an abbreviation of the word "
53 Writing a blog entry
5.3.1 Criteria for writing a blog entry
The term "blog" was coined in the 1990s. It is an abbreviation of the word "

53 Writing a blog entry 5.3.1 Criteria for writing a blog entry The term "blog" was coined in the 1990s. It is an abbreviation of the word "weblog". The first part of the word refers to the World Wide Web. The second part originally refers to a log book used to record observations during ship voyages. A blog is an informative or discussion-based website typically run by an individual or a small group of people who want to communicate their daily experiences or thoughts on certain issues. Bloggers regularly update their websites by posting blog entries. They usually invite their readers to comment on their posts. Thus a blog is an interactive website. Blog entries are often texts which are combined with images, audio files or videos. Some blogs have the character of an online diary; accordingly, the style of the texts posted tends to be slightly informal. In general, your writing style should fit your subject and target group. PREPARATION 1) Read the task carefully. Look for information on: your target group aspect(s) you should be dealing with in your blog entry ▪ the purpose of your blog entry, e.g. discussing or commenting on a problem. 2) If you are asked to base your blog entry on information from a text, study the text carefully. Find and underline...

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the information that is relevant to the task, e.g. ideas you are expected to discuss or comment on. 3) 4) 5) 6) Find an appropriate, eye-catching headline/title. Make it as catchy as possible, keeping in mind the target group you are writing for. WRITING THE BLOG ENTRY HEADLINE/TITLE ■ INTRODUCTION ■ Note down the main ideas about the aspect(s) you want to focus on. Put your notes in a convincing/logical order. Make sure the content of your notes is relevant to the task, your target group and the purpose of your blog entry. ■ ■ ■ Find a headline/title that captures your readers' interest. MAIN PART ■ Try to maintain the readers' interest with an intriguing opening sentence. You can include anecdotes, amusing stories, interesting events, provoking questions, etc. to highlight your point. Clearly define your topic, focusing on the purpose your blog entry should serve. Make clear why your issue is important. Write in a way that suits the purpose of your blog entry. Explain your position in detail. Give well-founded arguments and convincing reasons. Give examples and refer to important facts to back up your arguments. Refer to counterarguments and show that you can refute them. Make clear which points are the most important ones. CONCLUSION ■ ■ THROUGHOUT YOUR TEXT Write clear sentences. Use linking words, but be careful with lengthy sentences. Unlike German, English tends to use shorter sentences. ■ Follow a clear and logical structure and use paragraphs. ▪ Write in a way which appeals to your target group. Use vocabulary that is appropriate for your target group and purpose. Indicate that you are coming to a conclusion using phrases such as in conclusion, on the whole, finally, as a result, etc. Sum up your position and your main arguments. Do not, however, use the same phrasing as you used to introduce your arguments. You can also give an outlook for the future, call your readers to action, or invite them to comment on your ideas. POINTS TO MEMBER ■ Make sure what you write serves the purpose of your blog entry. Make sure you refer to material at hand / other material as well as to your knowledge about the issue. ▪ Make sure you convey your opinion in a convincing way. ■