


Bookreport: Animal Farm - George Orwell







1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &
1. Summary
O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on
their own
seven commandments for hamonic live are created &

Name 1. Summary O O animals chase away humans and run the Manor farm on their own seven commandments for hamonic live are created & everyone is happy O but pigs repress increasingly the other animals and break the commandments in the end the animals are living in worse conditions (hunger, fear, inequality) than before the revolution and can't tell pigs and humans apart O 2. Characters a Animal Farm (1945) 3. Analysis & Interpretation O Mr. Jones: Farmer who owned the Manor farm, irresponsible, alcoholic O George Orwell 4. Biography George Orwell O O form: novel, fairy story, fabel, satire, allegory and utopia O O Date O born in 1903 in India, real name: eric arthur blair O experienced poor lower class and inequality of the ANIMAL FARM Old Major: old, wise bore, comes up with the idea of animalism and revolution O structure & language: 10 chapters, omniscient narrator, accessible language O whole story is a metaphor for russian revolution from 1917 to 1923, characters: Mr. Jones-Tsar, Napoleon-Stalin, Snowball-Trotzky, Squealer-propaganda O main themes: idealism, exploitation, industrialisation, deception, apathy GEORGE ORWELL O Napoleon: selfish, brutal pig, rises as the leader, uses other animals to keep control O Snowball: smart, idealistic pig, killed and presented as a traitor by Napoleon O Squealer: pig, talented speaker, used as mouthpiece by Napoleon O Boxer: strong, huge stallion, killed by Napoleon, motto: "I'll work harder." system fought in spanish civil war in 1936, worked as literary editor lived most of his...

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life in the UK and India died in 1950 in Scottland ca 1. intro O O 2. Summary O O O oo 0 0 O O O Animal Farm ask s.o. to read comic with this short comic strip I want to present you the book animal farm by george orwell written from 1943 to 1944 O so the old major presents his ideas of self-rule and animals managing the farm by themselves to take what actually belongs to them but is taken away day by day by the farmer mr. Jones but to do so a rebellion and revolution is needed to break free from the chains led on them by humans, additionally the bore teaches the other animals the song beasts of england which fastly becomes a sign of the animals rising tale about animals rising up and run the farm where they have worked for so hard but were treated so badly on their own setting of this story is the manor farm somewhere in england in the first half of the 20th century the book begins with old major, an old and wise pig, calling together the farm animals. that's where all animals and characters are introduced to the reader с after the death of old major his thoughts still live on and one day, after mr. jones didnt feed his cattle and neglected his responsibilities more than ever the animal take over the farm. this brutal fight between humans and animals will be forever referred to as the "battle of cowshed" manor farm becomes animal farm and under the leadership of the pigs snowball and napoleon every animal gets his portion and works happily for the wealth of his comorades O several animal learn to read and write and the important 7 commandments are created O those commandments are rules for a harmonic life and principles of the called animalism(read them) O because napoleon doesn't like to share the position of the chief he expels snowball with the help of propaganda delivered by his mouthpiece squealer who degrades snowball from a hero to a traitor O in the following year napoleon orders to build a windmill and all animals set to work, with boxer, a huge horse and by far the strongest creature, leading napoleon makes the other animals work harder and harder for less and less food while he and his close circle of pigs become more and more prosperous and increasingly detach from the rest of the farm animals O the pigs begin to trade with other farms, still run by humans, move into the farm house and sleep in beds ANIMAL FARM WAS THE FIRST BOOK THAT TAUGHT ME HOW THE FANTASTICAL COULD SPEAK TO REALITY... THAT BY TELLING A STORY ABOUT TALKING FARM ANIMALS, YOU COULD REALLY BE TELLING A STORY ABOUT PEOPLE... ...AND HOW ABSOLUTE POWER... CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. ooooo O O O 0 0 O O O 00 O O O from the money earned from the slaughterer the pigs buy themselves whiskey as the years pass only few animals who experienced the revolution remain and most are not able to remember its goals O O O this confuses the other animals who considered it forbidden behaviour. but when they check on the commandements about beds it reads: no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets O O over the next few years animal farm battles with its human neighbours f. e. farmer frederick and his farm pinchfield O the windmill gets destroyed by storm and human attack Napoleon blames everything on the traitor snowball and uses threats and executions to gain more power over the farm Meanwhile the other pigs continue to rewrite the seven commandments and through squealers convincing the animals believe that the commandments had always been like now Still they consider themselves as a part of a great revolution. When boxer the most industrious of all animals is too weak to work the pigs sell him to the slaughterer, although he is responsible for most of animal farms success, the other animals are lied to about where he was taken despite the commandements the pigs teach themselves to walk on two legs and start to carry whips one day the animals look at the last commandment and discover that it has been replaced too. now it reads: all animals are equal. but some animals are more equal than others finally the animals are shocked about their horrible discovery read last sentence and thats how the book ends: with this hideous realisation that they have been betrayed from the beginning and it was for the pigs never about the general good 3. characters "now for you to understand my interpretation i have to give away the ending. im sorry" The end szene is a party szene where the farm animals watch through the window the pigs having a feast, drinking and laughing with their human friends. they toast together the exploitation of the others on the farm. "next i want to present you some of the characters" most of the characters are used to represent real people or groups of people(but i will get to that later in my interpretation). thats the reason why often just their striking features are shown and apart from that they are kept simple. so i would specify them as pretty flat characters also because there are a lot of animals for such a short book and it focuses more on the plot than on to describing the characters. the animals are mostly characterized indirectly. O Mr. Jones-is the mostly drunken, downcast farmer, who just uses the animals for his own profit but doesnt really care about them Name Sources: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/91iksTP10rL.jpg https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/84/da/fa84da00eb9cf1f0albceba90461b515.jpg https://www.britannica.com/event/Russian-Revolution • https://youtu.be/-4wze-K9G3A ● Date https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/josef-stalins-todfeind-wie-leo-trotzki-1940-bei-attentat-s tarb-a-1161781.html • https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2tnfg8/revision/1 https://www.biography.com/writer/george-orwell • George Orwell: Animal Farm, 2008, England Martin Kohn: Einfach Englisch, George Orwell Animal Farm, 2005, Paderborn Dietrich Theißen: Viewfinder, Animal Farm, 2006, München AAAA M GEORGE ORWELLS ANIMAL FARM ALL ANIMALS ARE CREATED EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS STARRING MAURICE DENHAM DIRECTORS JON BATCHELOR NARRATION GORDON HERTH JOHN KALAS STORY BY MATYAS SEIBER GEORGE DRUELL MUSIC BY HAZZAK.C Animal Farm 3A HA ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS The English Theatre Frankfurt erman Première ANIMAL FARM atirical play by George Orwell created & adapted by shake & stir theatre co ector Lea Dunbar MMERZBANK dates to be announced soon tel (069) 242 316-20 www.english-theatre.de O O old Major-old bore, respected by every animal, altough he dies in the beginning he is one of the most vital characters because the whole idea of revolution and O Napoleon-not as clever as snowball, selfish, brutal, corrupt, loves power and control and is ready to use violence to achieve his goals O Snowball-young idealistic pig, really tries to improve the life standards and meet everyone's interests, chased away by napoleon's dogs O Squealer-short and fat pig, but terrific speaker, who persuades all the other animals every time that the decisions of the pigs are for their best O Boxer-the horse is the physically strongest, but not very smart. his mottos are “I will work harder" and "napoleons always right" other horses: Clover, a motherly horse and the best companion of boxer, Mollie another mare who just cares about being pretty and eating sugar. She runs over to the neighbours farm because she refuses to live without those luxuries(third com.) equality was set by him, also he is a very fascinating speaker and his speech inspired the animals O other animals on the farm are for example Chicken and Sheep who are stupid and easy to control O 4. Analysis&Interpretation O O now i want to look at the text more deeply and with some backround information it is somewhat difficult to clearly classify the from of the novel. the author george orwell himself called the book a fairy story but its a fable as well because animals are the main characters and it contains a moral. However literary experts also describe it as satire, allegory and utopia Language&Form: Animal Farm follows a simple structure. It is written in 10 chapters that can be divided into three sections: the Dream, the Rebellion & Napoleon's regime the book basically ends how it begun, with suppression and inequality, this is called a circular narrative and orwell chose this type of narrative to show that equality is difficult to achieve and it must be fought for ■ the story is told from a third-person-omniscient narrator who stays complete neutral through the novel and allows the reader to come to his own conclusions about events on the farm at first the reader feels like its a happy little children story because of the animal characters. but after a while he realizes it is all one huge metaphor, it becomes more complex and the reader needs prior knowledge many names of the animals are chosen give hints about their charcter and function, such as f. e. napoleon which refers to another selfish leader and moses the raven whose name is from the bible ■ Belonging the Language orwell kept it simple so the difficult topics are more accessible. the neutral narrator avoids any emotions and is exceptionally direct in his words. He lays the focus on the lessons he wants to teach the reader. The Seven Commandments 1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill another animal. 7. All animal are equal. Revolution Propaganda O 0 0 O O O ■ Through the pigs, Orwell shows how rhetoric can be a powerful tool of manipulation. With big speeches, full of devices, like repetitions, emotive language and questions they succeed in keeping the animals under control Anyways the whole story has huge parallels to the soviet revolution from 1917 to 1923 o as a matter of fact every animal and most of the events in the book are a metaphor In the beginning idealism is the main theme. as a critic of the cruel exploitation of the working creatures by a prosperous and inconsiderate minority old major announces his ideas for a better life. It is not that hard to understand old major in the context of the russian revolution as a metaphor for Karl Marx and friedrich engels. Both were theorist, who passed on their ideas of equality and Property as a belonging of everyone. in the book this concept is called animalism in reality it is the communism. Now the communist Party was formed, here portrayed as the pigs who are better educated than the rest. at their top stand Snowball, embodying Lew Trotzky and Napoleon as Jossif Stalin. the contrast between them couldnt be bigger. Trotzky wants a socialistic world and is the head of the marxists. Whereas stalin strives for power and becomes a cruel dictator. o Trotzky and Stalin both wanted to be the new leader of the soviet union, but Stalin used the russian secret service NKWD, in the book represented by Napoleons dogs, to hunt Trozki all over the world and finally kill him in 1940 in mexico. oo The manor farm clearly represents russia and mr. jones the rich and irresponsible Tsar Nicholas the second, who let his people starve the battle of the cowshed is a symbol for the russian civil war and the expulsion of the romanov tsar family.the name change of the farm referres to the name change from russia to USSR O the pig squealer stands as a symbol for stalins propaganda and how art and media tried to justify his actions ->i want to read a short excerpt of the book to show you how squealer always convinces the animals It is astonishing how brilliant George Orwell processed the events of his time Like every time after a revolution new laws have to be passed and the seven commandments serve as a symbol for them. These rules promise equality and the same rights for everyone, but are altered by the pigs for their own benefit in a similar way to Stalin who changed the communists ideas for his profit O also the erection of the windmill is a symbol. a symbol for the industrialisation in the ussr. In line there is boxer as a personification of the working class who are not very intelligent but who are responsible for the success of a nation. He also suffers the most from the shortage of food but still believes everything turns out right if he works harder and trusts his leader. O O O O O a character who does only make an appearance if he pleases is moses the raven, a metaphor for the church and religion in general. just a few animal believe his stories about a magical place in the sky every animal goes to after their death. He calls it Sugarcandy Mountain and shows the communists view on religion as something with which to pacify the oppressed. Apathy and disinterest are also a subject discussed in the book. A lot of the animals just look away and dont care much about the change happening on the farm and this indifference is what prepares the way for dictators. ->with all those allegories i think it is quite relateable that some people call it a political satire, i know no other book which contains so much criticism and where every character and every event has a deeper meaning O O 5. Biographie George Orwell&Time&Importance born on 25 June 1903 in india as eric arthur blair O O O At first sight the rebellion seems to be a success, the animals work more efficiently than under jones controll and are very happy about it. But slowly they realize that some gain more than others from the revolution. Another main theme is exploitation. Orwell clearly writes down his observations about one small group of all creatures taking advantage of the working class. They have to serve to provide for the deceptive and corrupt upper ones. Deception and Illusion is also a topic for itself. The pigs always show the other animals great charts about how their wealth improves but every day they receive less and less. Napoleon also suppresses education and uses false tales of the history for his enrichment. Mollie the spoiled horse is a picture of the rich part of the society and just leaves the farm like the prosperous leave the country because they do not profit of the communistic system. O after he grew up in england his first job was again in india as a probationary assistant superintendent of police so he had to keep law and order O his first works were about the poor lower class he also lived in and by not wanting to embarrass his family he published under the pseudonym george orwell in 1936 he went to spain to fight in the civil war which had been started by general franco O three years later he returned to england and worked for the bbc and became literary editor. in that time from nov 1943 to feb 1944 he wrote animal farm O When the book was published in august of 1945 the whole world was in a crucial time. The war was just over and mussolinie, hitler and roosevelt had died in the previous few months. The atomic bomb had been dropped and stalin was still in office. but still or maybe with this reason the book was an immediate success. Half a million copies where sold and it was translated into 39 languages after the war he moved to scotland and finished his other famous book called "1984" in 1948 O after a serious illness he died in on 21 january 1950 with only 46 years old ,,КЛАССОВАЯ БОРЬБА НЕИЗ- БЕЖНО ВЕДЕТ К ДИКТАТУРЕ ПРОЛЕТАРИАТА" K. HAPKC футза ,,КОММУНИСТЫ вполне ОБЪЯВЛЯЮТ ПРАВИЛЬНО ГЛАВНЫМ СВОИМ ТРЕБО- ВАНИЕМ ОТМЕНУ ЧАСТНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСти". ангельс labow МЫ ИЛЕМ В БОЙ- ЭТО ЕСТЬ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ДИКТАТУРЫ ПРОЛЕТАРИАТА" ЛЕНИН НАША СТРАНА ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ удАРНОЙ БРИГАДОЙ ПРОЛЕТАРИАТА ВСЕХ СТРАН" СА В БОЙ ЗА ВТОРУЮ NATHNETHY ВЫШЕ ЗНАМЯ МАРКСА ЭНГЕЛЬСА ЛЕНИНА и СТАЛИНА! Sources O 6. Personal View O at first i thought that the book is very dull and boring but as soon as you realize that those are all just metaphors it is very complex and sometimes even challenging to read o i personally like the sober writing style of orwell and the references to real power systems Because i did not know a lot about the russian revolution it was not very obvious for me that those events were the main topic of the book. but in general i liked the lessons that were taught and i would recommend the book very much. 161781.html O O he was a socialist, a war correspondent and critical writer O O Animal farm is still today a legendary book which tells about the history of russia, contains great morals and involves criticism also of modern power systems. Sources So thank you for listening. Do you have any question? https://www.britannica.com/event/Russian-Revolution https://youtu.be/-4wze-K9G3A https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/josef-stalins-todfeind-wie-leo-trotzki-1940-bei-attentat-starb-a-1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2tnfg8/revision/1 https://www.biography.com/writer/george-orwell George Orwell: Animal Farm, 2008, England Martin Kohn: Einfach Englisch, George Orwell Animal Farm, 2005, Paderborn Dietrich Theißen: Viewfinder, Animal Farm, 2006, München 160 ܐ + 3 Image sources http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7hvYqWfErk0/Tj2QZYUdi8l/AAAAAAAAAZU/0tMybkWla wY/s1600/ANIMAL FARM-FINAL.jpg https://www.econlib.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/animalfarm.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/94/71/98/94719819fd37b05377cf63b038a6e990.jpg https://www.english-theatre.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Animal-farm.jpg https://www.thetimes.co.uk/imageserver/image/methode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fpro d%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F1e8d048a-b653-11e7-9334-18780ab3e9f9.jpg?crop=2250% 2C1500%2C0%2C0 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/84/da/fa84da00eb9cf1f0a1bceba90461b515.jpg https://de.web.img3.acsta.net/newsv7/18/08/02/12/40/4231042.jpg Text sources https://www.britannica.com/event/Russian-Revolution https://youtu.be/-4wze-K9G3A https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/josef-stalins-todfeind-wie-leo-trotzki-1940-bei-at tentat-starb-a-1161781.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2tnfg8/revision/1 • https://www.biography.com/writer/george-orwell George Orwell: Animal Farm, 2008, England Martin Kohn: Einfach Englisch, George Orwell Animal Farm, 2005, Paderborn Dietrich Theißen: Viewfinder, Animal Farm, 2006, München Thank you for your attention!