


Brexit: Einfache Erklärungen und Gründe, Pro & Contra, Folgen 2024


Brexit: Einfache Erklärungen und Gründe, Pro & Contra, Folgen 2024
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Florian Britsch



133 Follower


The Brexit referendum was a pivotal moment in UK history, with complex causes and far-reaching consequences. Brexit Gründe einfach erklärt: The vote to leave the EU was driven by concerns over sovereignty, immigration, and economic contributions. Key points:

• Media played a major role in shaping public opinion before the referendum
• Main reasons for Brexit included sovereignty concerns and EU regulations
• Major arguments against Brexit focused on economic and security impacts
• The Irish border issue remains a significant challenge post-Brexit



The Run-Up to Brexit

The media played a crucial role in influencing public opinion leading up to the Brexit referendum. Both traditional newspapers and social media platforms had significant impacts on shaping people's views.

Highlight: 82% of UK newspapers supported leaving the EU, potentially swaying readers towards that position.

Newspapers used their front pages to promote their political stance on Brexit, often focusing on pro-Leave arguments. Social media's rapid response to events and algorithmic filtering of content also contributed to echo chambers that reinforced existing views.

Example: Pro-Brexit hashtags like #Brexit, #Beleave, and #VoteLeave helped spread Leave campaign messages.

The main reasons cited for supporting Brexit included:

  1. Protecting British sovereignty from EU control
  2. Opposing EU regulations seen as excessive
  3. Concerns about immigration impacts on jobs and public services
  4. Desire to redirect EU budget contributions to UK priorities

Quote: "EU threatens British sovereignty" was a key argument made by Brexit supporters.

Arguments against Brexit focused on potential negative consequences:

  1. Loss of free trade agreements with EU countries
  2. Economic impacts, including job losses and slowed growth
  3. Reduced immigration potentially harming certain sectors
  4. Diminished influence in international security matters
  5. Possible rollback of EU-derived worker protections

Vocabulary: The "Eurozone" refers to EU countries that use the Euro currency, which the UK was not part of even before Brexit.

The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen

Brexit and the Irish Border

The Irish border presents a major challenge in implementing Brexit. As Northern Ireland leaves the EU with the rest of the UK, while the Republic of Ireland remains an EU member, the border becomes an external EU frontier.

Definition: A "hard border" refers to a strictly controlled frontier with physical infrastructure for customs and immigration checks.

This situation risks disrupting the fragile peace that has existed since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement ended decades of conflict in Northern Ireland.

Highlight: The border issue is deeply rooted in the complex history of British-Irish relations and the religious/political divide in Northern Ireland.

Key historical points:

  1. Britain divided Ireland in the 1920s, with the north remaining part of the UK
  2. Northern Ireland's population was majority Protestant and pro-UK, while the Republic of Ireland was majority Catholic and sought independence
  3. Tensions escalated into violence in the late 1960s, leading to a 30-year period known as "The Troubles"
  4. The Good Friday Agreement in 1998 brought peace and removed most visible signs of the border

Vocabulary: "The Troubles" refers to the three decades of conflict in Northern Ireland between nationalist and unionist factions.

The challenge now is to implement Brexit without reintroducing a hard border that could reignite old tensions and disrupt the peace process.

The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen


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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

Knowunity wurde bei Apple als "Featured Story" ausgezeichnet und hat die App-Store-Charts in der Kategorie Bildung in Deutschland, Italien, Polen, der Schweiz und dem Vereinigten Königreich regelmäßig angeführt. Werde noch heute Mitglied bei Knowunity und hilf Millionen von Schüler:innen auf der ganzen Welt.

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern


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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.


Brexit: Einfache Erklärungen und Gründe, Pro & Contra, Folgen 2024
user profile picture

Florian Britsch



133 Follower


Brexit: Einfache Erklärungen und Gründe, Pro & Contra, Folgen 2024

The Brexit referendum was a pivotal moment in UK history, with complex causes and far-reaching consequences. Brexit Gründe einfach erklärt: The vote to leave the EU was driven by concerns over sovereignty, immigration, and economic contributions. Key points:

• Media played a major role in shaping public opinion before the referendum
• Main reasons for Brexit included sovereignty concerns and EU regulations
• Major arguments against Brexit focused on economic and security impacts
• The Irish border issue remains a significant challenge post-Brexit



The Run-Up to Brexit

The media played a crucial role in influencing public opinion leading up to the Brexit referendum. Both traditional newspapers and social media platforms had significant impacts on shaping people's views.

Highlight: 82% of UK newspapers supported leaving the EU, potentially swaying readers towards that position.

Newspapers used their front pages to promote their political stance on Brexit, often focusing on pro-Leave arguments. Social media's rapid response to events and algorithmic filtering of content also contributed to echo chambers that reinforced existing views.

Example: Pro-Brexit hashtags like #Brexit, #Beleave, and #VoteLeave helped spread Leave campaign messages.

The main reasons cited for supporting Brexit included:

  1. Protecting British sovereignty from EU control
  2. Opposing EU regulations seen as excessive
  3. Concerns about immigration impacts on jobs and public services
  4. Desire to redirect EU budget contributions to UK priorities

Quote: "EU threatens British sovereignty" was a key argument made by Brexit supporters.

Arguments against Brexit focused on potential negative consequences:

  1. Loss of free trade agreements with EU countries
  2. Economic impacts, including job losses and slowed growth
  3. Reduced immigration potentially harming certain sectors
  4. Diminished influence in international security matters
  5. Possible rollback of EU-derived worker protections

Vocabulary: The "Eurozone" refers to EU countries that use the Euro currency, which the UK was not part of even before Brexit.

The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen

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Brexit and the Irish Border

The Irish border presents a major challenge in implementing Brexit. As Northern Ireland leaves the EU with the rest of the UK, while the Republic of Ireland remains an EU member, the border becomes an external EU frontier.

Definition: A "hard border" refers to a strictly controlled frontier with physical infrastructure for customs and immigration checks.

This situation risks disrupting the fragile peace that has existed since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement ended decades of conflict in Northern Ireland.

Highlight: The border issue is deeply rooted in the complex history of British-Irish relations and the religious/political divide in Northern Ireland.

Key historical points:

  1. Britain divided Ireland in the 1920s, with the north remaining part of the UK
  2. Northern Ireland's population was majority Protestant and pro-UK, while the Republic of Ireland was majority Catholic and sought independence
  3. Tensions escalated into violence in the late 1960s, leading to a 30-year period known as "The Troubles"
  4. The Good Friday Agreement in 1998 brought peace and removed most visible signs of the border

Vocabulary: "The Troubles" refers to the three decades of conflict in Northern Ireland between nationalist and unionist factions.

The challenge now is to implement Brexit without reintroducing a hard border that could reignite old tensions and disrupt the peace process.

The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
- Influen

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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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The run-up to the Brexit 2019
English Advanced
Topic: Brexit
Run-up to the Brexit
1. Role of media (SM-Social media; NP=Newspaper)
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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.