


British Empire







The system of Triangle
• carrying
→ between West Africa, the carribean, America and Europe
Reasons for the

. заааа- 1607 The system of Triangle • carrying → between West Africa, the carribean, America and Europe . West India . Reasons for the british empire tobacco, rice, sugar... luxuries Trading manufactured goods, raw materials, crash crops and slave Grownt and Britains Trade gained control they found trading company I wish for expansion fish, clothes, rum, iron Slaves roads The middle passage did not mean a cruise trip for the future slaves, on the contrary, they had to endure di- seases and maltreatment. 1807: The UK parliament passed a bill that officially abolished the trading of slaves. The British Empire in 1900 and England gold ivory built guns ir on beer Britain in the 20th India played a major rol for Great century. What did Britain do in order to assert their influence on India at wealthy East India Company controlled India influential and blossoming over many different Africa railways were in 1858 India was placed under the direct control of the Raj = the period of British rule in India In 1876 Queen Victoria was proclaimend Empress of India what did ↳ British people spent years working in India 1920 The British Empire political powers. and the Raj mean for many Britisch people ? parts in the world How did people justify the British Expansion ? moral obligation to govern power, less advanced countries destiny for govern power need to pass on European culture to British the native inhabitants that time ? was at it's largest and most powerful. One of the government ago greatest economic

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