


British Empire







British Empire
- to seek limpart goods ressources
- to enslave foreign people
- to extend one's power increase one's wealth
British Empire
- to seek limpart goods ressources
- to enslave foreign people
- to extend one's power increase one's wealth

ENGLISCH British Empire reasons - to seek limpart goods ressources - to enslave foreign people - to extend one's power increase one's wealth -to spread christanity → christenize -to gain more political, econamic influence - to establish English cultuel language -find new space for British citizens postcolonial experiences British Empire: a worldwide system of dependencies - colanies, protectorates and other territories- that over a Spain of some three centuries was brought under the sovereignty of the crown of Great Britain and the administration of the British government. British Commonwealth (1931): comprising largely self-governing dependencies that acknowledge an increasingly symbolic British sovereignty Commonwealth (1947); legitimation of setter colony to christianiselciulise people aims imperialism/colonialism →indigenous people weren't considered to be people → moral justification of one's action a free association of sovereign states, 54 states, Queen is still head of state for 16 states imperialism and colonialism colonialism: → feeling of superiority due to ides of "being developped" →no people, this land hasn't been → misusing phrases from the Bible → egocentric look on lifelhumans 15th and 16th century: the age of "discovery" and exploration 17th and 18th century: the age of mercantilism 19th and 20th century: the age of imperialism imperialism: Australia: terra nullius ideology "no man's land" claimed it for the British crown the practice, theory and the attitude of a dominating metropolitan centre ruling a distant territory (mostly related to an empire) the implanting...

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of settlements on a distant territory British Empire: claimed by anyone else, barbanic creatures (no European culture) (formely) the UK and the territories under its control, which reached its greatest extent at the end of World War I, when it embraced over a quarter of the world's population and more than a quarter of the world's land surface nationalism: the European idea of a "nation" has been imposed on native people, neglecting self-determination, identity, freedom, bringing suppression, force, domination and exclusion prejudice and racism construction of racial categories: categorising: process of placing dojects people into categories (prejudice), cultural groups (ethrocentrism), racial groups (racism) traits are assigned to racial categories: stereotyping assigning certain characteristics to all dojects people, groups have certain traits, groups reflect genetic differences individuals are put into racial categories: evaluating: making judgement based on stereotype, on the basis of trants, on the basis of genetically determined characteristics all classified individuals have these traits: behaviour beliefs used as the box's for behaviour, basis for discriminatory behaviour 19th century Charles Darwin's "origin of Spedes" (1859), theory of evolution, natural selection ↓ Herbert Spencer (1874) transfered to Darwin's theory to people, used evolution to support justify scientific racism, those who are phenotypically different are considered to be inferior to the white "race" social Darwinson = racial domination → moral justification of imperialisml.colonialism cartoons working with cartoons describing the cartoon: -clear description, relevant aspects only -eventlissue the cartoon refers to, caricature = say who -state what the symbol represents -labels, speech bubbles or captions language help. the cartoon refers to... I deals with... I represents the topicl subject of the cartoon is... the figure on the left right in the foreground badeground bears a likeness to... is supposed to be... I represents... shows x as ain).. the... stands for..I is a symbol of... there is a caption atlonlin... and speech bubbles containing! quotation marks enclosing the following:.... analysing the cartoon -positive or negative light and how it's done -explain the point of the cartoonist, often use irony -say if it's effective or not language help: ... is represented as.......comes across as being... This achieved by means of... the characters come across in a positivelnegative light. This is due to their facial expressionst gestures what they are saying... the cartoonist wants to make fun of Iridiculel point out I show... althoughleven thoug..., the real point the cartoon seems to be making is... all in all in general, the cartoonist wants to make the reader aware of the fact that.... the cartoon islis not effective in its presentation of... because.... in my opinion, the cartoonist isl is not successful in hislher portragall presentation of... because.... ambitios language -suitable adverbsladjectives -linking words -collocations special verb phrases -syntax = variety, complexity (gerunds, participles, conjunctions)