









What is Brishness?
→ John Denham MP:
→ David Goodiliaft:
• we need an inclusive British identity
start from the assumption t

Britishness What is Brishness? → John Denham MP: → David Goodiliaft: - . • we need an inclusive British identity start from the assumption that there's a real "core Britishness" verweigern historical Britishness cannot deny the strong strands of racism, exploitation (Ausbeutung) and class division another problem: it seems to place au the obligation to change on the newer communities and none on the majority * " . . Debating Trevor Phillies several dimensions technical regal-political term referring to the possession (Besitz) of British citizenship Def: the state/ quality of being British refer to the past, present and future of the British state historically associated with the protestant religion, empire, and the unity forged (= geschmiedete Einheit) in two race identity citizenship culture world wars one of the most open and flexible of categories that transcends (=übertreffen) narrower Tethuric or racial or social class identities regional or important: to keep it alive, if possible to give it new content to buy into a new British identity - a collective that can connect us a modern British identity we must strive to make not a static backward-looking set of symbols it is about how we all live together. Shami Chakrabarti British identity will be enriched and will evolve as new communities arrive and existing communities become more free speech and fair trials hard - edged values | (= strong / realistic) inclusive polite, you cant heart of Britishness should remain the same it needs to be appreciated and encouraged fluid (-beweglicu)

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