









California is a state located in the western United States. It is the most populous
state in America with a population of 39,54 m
California is a state located in the western United States. It is the most populous
state in America with a population of 39,54 m

California California is a state located in the western United States. It is the most populous state in America with a population of 39,54 million citizen in 2017 and is the third largest state by area after Alaska and Texas with a size of 424.000km². The capital city of California is Sacramento and the largest city is Los Angeles. California is located on the border to Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. The fourth biggest city is San Francisco. The hilly San Francisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, the former prison island of Alcatraz and the cable trams. The nickname of California is "The Golden State" because of the Golden Gate Bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge with a wide of 27 meters. About 120.000 cars cross it per day. The building-costs were around 35 million US Dollars. The former prison island of Alcatraz is an 85.000 km² long American island in the Bay of San Francisco that was used as a prison in 1861 but it was closed in 1864 because it was to expensive. In 1934 it was reopened but it was closed again in 1963. It is one of the most known high-security prisons in the United States. The official spoken language in California is English but only 58%...

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of the citizens speak English. The other people speak Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog and some other languages. There are also nine national parks, for example: The Yosemite National Park, the Joshua Tree National Park and the Sequoia National Park. The idea of protecting vast tracts of land through a national park has a long tradition in the United States. Already in the 19th century were the most areas placed under protection. California is one of the states in the Pacific Standard Time zone that also includes Nevada, Washington, a part of Idaho and the most of Oregon. The Pacific Standard Time is in California eight hours behind the time back in Germany. For example: when it is 2am in California it is 10am in Germany. The climate of California varies widely, from hot desert to polar regions, depending on the latitude, the elevation, and the proximity to the coast. Much of California has a Mediterranean-like climate with dry summers and wet winters. The temperature in the winter is around 3*C degrees and in the summer around 30*C degrees. The Central Coast is an area of California and five other states in the coastal region between Point Mugu and Monterey Bay. The region is known primarily for agriculture and tourism. The coast of California is also known as the California Coastline and the Golden Coast. Suspension bridge - Hängebrücke * Tagalog - am weitesten verbreitete Sprache auf den Philippinen * Vast tracts - riesige Flächen, weite Landstriche * Latitude - Breite(ngrad) *elevation - Höhe *proximity - Nähe * primarily - in erster Linie * Agriculture - Landwirtschaft The Golden Gate Bridge The former prison island of Alcatraz A cable tram Joshua Tree National Park