


Camden Town 2







87 Words: Music words
Complete these words about music.
5. verst
1. S
The audition
a) Read the text on
87 Words: Music words
Complete these words about music.
5. verst
1. S
The audition
a) Read the text on
87 Words: Music words
Complete these words about music.
5. verst
1. S
The audition
a) Read the text on
87 Words: Music words
Complete these words about music.
5. verst
1. S
The audition
a) Read the text on

87 Words: Music words Complete these words about music. UMM BAAD 2. 3. MELODI 4. LYRICS 5. verst SE 1. S ER The audition a) Read the text on page 74 in I know my words but... 6. PI ΑΝΟ 7. LOUD 8. CONCERT 9. PRACTISE 10.SOUND your Then number the pictures in the right order. Reading, Textbook p. 125 textbook again. Great! You're a star, Moira. Can I begin, Miss? TO I bet Caroline will forget her lines. b) Use the pictures and the speech bubbles to describe what happened at the audition. I'm sure Ms Walsh will give you another chance. DILL School life OK, let's hear your part now. It's OK if you get the role. But Moira is hopeless! 4 65 4 Check Your Progress Words check: A puzzle 70 Do the crossword puzzle. S I 2 1 4 Für jedes richtige Wort erhältst du einen Punkt. Die höchste Punktzahl ist 8. Extra Training: Aufgabe E1, S. 74 Caroline xxx 3 2 Grammar check: Great news! Read Caroline's email to her friend Sophie in Manchester and add the missing verbs in the present perfect or simple past. 7 had Across 1. Romeo and Juliet is a. 4. Opposite of 'find' ... to do 5. Please... homework! Hi Sophie, Guess what! We're going to have a school play about vampires! The play last year was Für jede richtige Lösung erhältst du einen Punkt. Die höchste Punktzahl ist 8. Extra Training: Aufgabe E2, S. 74 7. Get 8. I'm thirsty, I need a ... Down hope to get the leading part and the audition is tomorrow! I have wanted (2 never tell) anybody before, but I Saw have just finisheds just finish)...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

practising my part with Emma. Gillian has not organized asked already 2. Dracula is a ... 3. Angelina Jolie is an ... do with 6. What you your (1 be) great too but I'm sure no school has ever done anything like this. I have never told (3 want) to be an actress since (4 see) Miley Cyrus in Hannah Montana four years ago. I Meine Punkte: ... your teeth (6 not organize) a costume for me yet, although I have you (7 ask) her ages ago. I am soooo nervous (8 already have) your French test? Fingers crossed you get a good mark! Meine Punkte: 5 84 Going green C1 School trips are fun a) Make a list of 10 things to pack for a school trip. for I pack fora jacket a school trip. 1 pack a pullover 1 pack a scarf formal pack drinks and food..... mokes b) Compare your list with a partner's. Agree on five things that you should really take. Give reasons. Support Here are some ideas: C2 A letter from Mr Glover After the boys have talked to Mr Glover about the MP3 players, he writes a letter back to the parents. Unfortunately George has thrown away the letter because he thought it was just an old piece of paper. Here are the pieces - can you help to put them in the right order? 1 Dear parents, It is only a few days before we leave for the Mill and the whole class is looking Please make sure that your son will bring all the things on the packing list and leave the things at home which pupils are not allowed to take. only while we are on our way should be no problem. We will still not allow the boys to use them at the Mill. On our trip we want to concentrate on our fieldwork, enjoy nature and develop a deeper understanding for the environment. This trip is also a group experience so we don't want the boys to only listen to music and not be part of the group. them on the bus trip and not at the Mill. I have talked to Mrs Edwards about it and we agreed that using the MP3 players forward to the trip. However, the boys are not happy with the rule that they are not allowed to bring MP3 players. They said that they will only use The coach will be leaving the school at 9.30 on Monday morning from the school car park. I look forward to meeting you there. Yours sincerely, Peter Glover Fun and games Words: Sports words a) Find five more verbs, nouns and adjectives about sports. Wordbank Sport and health, Textbook p. 153 A verbs jump Skate run SPORTS nouns swimming pool, swimsuit runing shoes jumpsuit b) Write six sentences about the sports from a). Swimming is a great sport because... ・fast high Rallarskates, Skates fast, dangeres it makes me happy. A2 Sports and fitness Which of these sentences can you make into contact clauses? Put the relative pronoun in (brackets) if you don't need it. LIF 15: Contact clauses cold, wet you can do to get fitter. adjectives X 1. Football is the sport (that) many boys love most. 2. This is the cyclist who won the Tour de France. 3. What were the most difficult things(that)you had to do in the fitness test? 4. There are many things that you 5. Press-ups are an exercise that is difficult for people who don't have a lot of muscle in their arms. 6. There are many people who sit in front of the computer all day. 7. Balancing is the one thing that I can't do in yoga. 8. Rowing is the sport(that)I would love to try one day. 95 6