


cartoon analysis Beispiel







In the cartoon you can see a man in a cage and a robot looking at it from distance. On the left
side of the cage you can see a sign

Cartoon In the cartoon you can see a man in a cage and a robot looking at it from distance. On the left side of the cage you can see a sign that says "homosapiens". "Homosapiens" is the Latin word for "human". The man in the cage looks sad and frustrated and the robot looks like he wouldn't really care. The issue that is illustrated with this cartoon is the question if robots are going to replace humans in the economy. Nowadays modern technology is developing and it's getting better and better. Many things that were done by humans are now done by robots and it's to improve the efficiency. But the problem is that one day maybe everything will be done by robots and humans won't have much work left. In the cartoon we have an exaggeration because the human is in the cage and the robot is looking at the human in the cage. This is to point out that maybe one day robots will replace human work and humans will remain sad and frustrated. The sign that says "homosapiens" is a symbol for the robots looking at the humans as they are foreigners and not friends with whom they work together. Another exaggeration is the form of the robot because it...

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looks like a human and this is to show that robots may have the ability to do humanlike things and steal the jobs from them. The cartoon is convincing because it uses exaggerations and signs to clearly show us the problem and that it could be possible that someday humans will be useless for the economy and that robots will take over our jobs. The cartoon makes us reflect and think about this worry.