


Cartoon Analysis







10a English - 1
I Listening comprehension
Watch the following part of the Daily Show carefully.
Answer the questions below with only a
10a English - 1
I Listening comprehension
Watch the following part of the Daily Show carefully.
Answer the questions below with only a
10a English - 1
I Listening comprehension
Watch the following part of the Daily Show carefully.
Answer the questions below with only a
10a English - 1
I Listening comprehension
Watch the following part of the Daily Show carefully.
Answer the questions below with only a

10a English - 1 They I Listening comprehension Watch the following part of the Daily Show carefully. Answer the questions below with only a few words. 1. What do Americans celebrate on Martin Luther King Day? celebrating are a civil rights icon and an easier. 2. What part does Trevor miss in Mike Pence's statement? 4. Which MLK does she want to remember? The real MCK, not the white version. ✓ 5. He missed the protesting part. 3. Where and why would MLK stand according to Dulce Sloan (the interviewed woman)? He would inside because its cold on his birthday. 6. II Cartoon Analysis Write an analysis of the cartoon by Dave Granlund. The real Dr. King did not fit... in any box Why would it not be disrespectful to mention MLK's flaws (Schwachstellen) on his birthday? It's part of his legacy and he isn't perfect. ✓ Heros are people too. I HAVE A DREAM DR MARTIN LUTHER KING 2) √ 1/ DAVE GRANLUND.COM FOLITICAL ARTOONS COM $ credits: 355 137 AA12p (2 points each) I HAVE A NIGHTMARE REP STEVE KING 10/10 p content 145/15 p language @ Background Info: Steven Arnold King (born May 28, 1949, Republican) is an American politician and former businessman serving as a U.S. Representative since 2003. King is an opponent of immigration and multiculturalism. He is a supporter of white supremacist ideas, specifically against Jews, African Americans, Latinos, Muslims and immigrants. English Exam N.3 most one of the famous activists Martin Luther King was fighting for equality and civil rights...

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for the black comm- unity. But not everyone was sharing his opinion and his ideology. Because of that, Martin Luther King got asassinated in 1968. The following cartoon, drawn by Dave Granlund, shows the comparission of Martin Luther King's ideology and the racist ideologies. racist part of the society.. from the L At first glance it only seems to be a cartoon with two signs. But a closer analysis shows that every sign represnits a group of people in the society. Steve Arnold King is a politician who is against immigration and multiculturism. a supporter of white supremacist ideas and against African Americans, especially against MLK's ideology. The person on the right sign is a member of the KKK. They have the same opinion as Steven Arnold King, He is N ddy R Gri L You can see a little road that is a diverging in to different ways. On the left way is standing a sign with Martin Luther King on it. There is a & the beginning of the famous. Martin Luther King speech in Washington. MLK is looking Surprised directly to the other sign on the right. It's as a tall as the McK sign. It also has a quote on it that Says "I have a nightmare". The quote is from Rep Steve King. There is also a picture on the sign. It is L a person with a white hat and a cross on the shoulder. He is looking tot MCK. The face is fully covered so you can't L facial expressions. see any R Gr they are white supremacists and against African Americans Their nightmare could be the equality of African Americans. All in one the right sign stands for racism and supremacist ideas. They disapprove with of MCK and his ideology. Steven Amold King represents the ignorance and supremacist ideas of the racist part of the society for example the KKK. On the other hand the left sign with MUC is representing the total opposite. MCK was a baptist pastor and activist who fought for the equality of and civil rights of African Americans. He was against discrimination and racism. Everybody knows his famous speech in Washington ar about his dream that one day African Americans aren't judged by their color of skin and the racial segregation would end. He and the sign are a symbol of open-mindedness. and the idea of equality in society. Both, MCK and Steven Amold King, have the same name but they are representing won't be totally different views. The cartoonist shows that with opposites like Dream and Nightmare. He drawed MLK & with a surprised facial expressions. MUK is shocked due to the racism and supremacist-ideas the right side stands for. st Although both signs are have the same height. That sym- bolizes that there is the same amount of racism than open- mindedness in the society. The cartoonist want to L may convey that we should honor MUC's achlevements and still support minorities. But the cartoon also implies that the society is diverging in two different ways or groups. that are equally big. Supremacist ideas and racism gets bigger and groups like KKK get stronger. Society has taken astep back because nowadays people like Steven Amold King C L L , as a U.S. Representative, are representing America. The cartoonist criticis his behaviour that he is against every of being kind of minority. RIL agree with R From my point of view I definitly have to Dave Granlund. Nowadays open-mindedness is more important than anytime before. Multiculturalism is part of every Sodety, also in Germany. We have to accept that and moreover should support these minorities. But there is still a lot racism due to ignorance and racial prejudice. Z We L have overcome our ignorance that we can live ether tokmey peacefully. L