


Chapter 20 The double life of Cassiel Roadnight







Chapter 20
Why is Chap afraid?
Chap is scared of Frank that Frank will found out that Chap knows everything
and that he will kill him.
How d

Chapter 20 Why is Chap afraid? Chap is scared of Frank that Frank will found out that Chap knows everything and that he will kill him. How does Floyd know that Chap is not Cassiel? Floyd knows that Chap is not Cassiel because Chap asked so much about the night, Cassiel was never his friend and he knows that Casiel said that if he would not come back, Frank has killed him and later Cassiel did not come back. In what way does Frank need Chap? Frank said that Cassiel is alive although he is not. So Chap is Frank's alibi. If Chap would go and say that he is not Cassiel everyone would know that Frank is a liar. Who is Mr.Artemis? Mr. Artemis is a rich old man. Frank stole his account after he died. Cassiel blackmailed him and Frank paid all the money but Frank did not know that Cassiel had Mr. Artemis' account. The bank account is in Switzerland. What exactly did Frank do? ● Frank stole money from a rich old man Cassiel blackmailed him and he set up an account under Mr. Artemis' name and Frank paid money in it Frank found out that it was Cassiel's account Cassiel tried to run away Cassiel gave Floyd all the evidence at the Hay on Fire night Frank killed his...

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brother Frank transferred all the money