


Characterization of Grandmother Spirit (The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian)







Grandmother Spirit is a minor character in the book "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time

CHARACTERIZATION OF GRANDMOTHER SPIRIT Grandmother Spirit is a minor character in the book "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". She is Junior's grandmother and the mother of Juniors mother. Junior and her have a good relationship, that is why Junior asked her for advice in chapter nine. She always wears a bandana on her head. The color of the bandana depends on the activity she is doing (p.79). Grandmother Spirit is a widow and to remember her husband she puts on his belt (p.79). Because she and family are poor, she is dressed in cheap clothes (p.79). Grandmother Spirit does not care much about her clothes. She is still active due to that she has on basketball sneakers (p.79). To earn money, she uses her creativity to sell beaded keychains on eBay (p.79). She acts well-considered and wants to help her family as well as possible (p 80-81). Grandmother Spirit is also a funny person. When Junior had a problem, she was not only helping him but also made jokes (p.78 11.24-25). She can understand other people well even Roger and his friends (p.80 11.3-11). To sum up everything Grandmother Spirit is a wise, funny and creative woman who cares much about her family

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