


Characterization of Mr.Mumsford







Characterisation of Mr. Mumsford
In the short story "Mr. Mumsford", by Larry French are two characters who
interact together, called Bibs an

Characterisation of Mr. Mumsford In the short story "Mr. Mumsford", by Larry French are two characters who interact together, called Bibs and the principal. The story is about to respect other people, even if you are not friends with them, like them or have the same skin colour. The protagonist and round character, Ralph Mumsford, works as a janitor at a small school in America (1.5). He is a very tall (1.18) and very black (1.18) man who is not really intelligent. He starts his work 27 years ago (1.6). He always wears old overalls (1.7), because maybe of his not well-paid job he can not afford other or new clothes at his first day, Mr. Mumsford got his nickname "Bibs" (1.7), from the principal of the school, because of this extraordinary clothing style. He decides to kill the principal (1.8), due to his behaviour towards him. Bibs is not really sensitive and lower educated, what his past as a child proves, as he killed a rabbit (I.1). Apparently he is a brutal person and also would kill a person, if he gets in an uncomfortable situation. For him it seems to be the only and best solution to finally solve his problem by killing the principal, instead of talking to him. He pushed the situation...

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in front of him for 27 years. Now he feels not good to be called "Bibs" and he makes the principal responsible for being unhappy and for the nickname, that makes him feels to be pushed out. In the course of the story it is pretty clear that Bibs feels guilty about his plan to kill the principal. He maybe gets a bad conscience and that is the reason why he gives him a last chance and to make everything good, so that in the future everyone just calls him "Mr. Mumsford". Bibs puts him under pressure but he uses his chance and he will call him from that day and that lesson just Mr. Mumsford. It is not sure if the principal is a racist, because he says: "Mumsfords a strange name for a black man to have" (1.34). He feels discriminated, not treated with respect and feels no appreciation. He clearly emphasised that he is black and that it is strange to have this name if you are black. Therefore he develops himself and they find an agreement. In the end he changes his opinion and not wants to kill the principal anymore.