


Characterization Walt Gran Torino







Characterization Walt
Wall Kowalski is a 78 year old man, who lives in a big house in Detroit.
since his wife just passed away, he is. livin
Characterization Walt
Wall Kowalski is a 78 year old man, who lives in a big house in Detroit.
since his wife just passed away, he is. livin

Characterization Walt Wall Kowalski is a 78 year old man, who lives in a big house in Detroit. since his wife just passed away, he is. living alone and he seems really distant. The only things Walt has left are his Dog Daisy and his Ford Gran Torino. Other than that Walts relationship to his sons and his grandchildren is very complex. and in the beginnig Walt does not have any real friends. In general one can say that Walt is an old white. man who shows racist behaviours towards his grumpy Hmong neighbours. in the Korean - War and his and not to In the beginning of the movie, Walt always seems very grumpy He worked at the Ford Factory for many years and then fought which influenced him in many ways. Walt cares about certain values and conceptions such as dressing behaving respectfully at a funeral which can be seen at his wifes funeral. Him expecting his family to come to the funeral also shows that usually traditional family bonds are important to him. But looking at his own family it is clear to say that a great inner distance is breaking the relationship that he could have with his sons and grandchildren. They raely talk and on Walts birthday his son only visits him to tell him that he should think about...

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setteling •community home. May be also because his son has the ulterior motive of wanting walts. house / money. It becomes clear that they do not really care about eachother. Furthermore Walts experiences in war have shaped his deeply rooted Patriotism. Walt gets described as still living in the '50s' which also applies on his conservative conception of society which contains of a white masculine predominance. Through hiding feelings wanting go to the doctor, walts general behaviour is stereotypically masculine. He wants to solve problems alone which is why he does not accept the "help" from his son or why he decides to deal with the Hmong gang on his own. In relation to that Walts strategy of solving conflicts is to use force. For example when the fight between his Hmong neighbours and the gang spills over to his lawn, the first thing that comes to his mind is his rifle. deeply marked by his experiences in war. Another thing that walt is marked by are his racial prejudices. In the beginning of the film Walt looks down on anyone who is different in race, cultural practice or religous bellef. Most obviously this can be seen by his racial slurs with which he expresses his contempt for his Hmong neighbours. He often calls them names such as barbaric". Walt is not open minded towards his timong neighbours. But this changes when Sue starts showing interest in Walt. They build up a relationship and Walt starts getting closer to the Hmong family. On his birthday Sve takes him over to eat dinner Together and Walt becomes their hero when he chases away the Hmong gang get Thao or when he saves Sue from the American gang. Walt starts to care about sue and also builds up a relationship to Thao. He wants to make a man out of him and takes him under his wings. This relies on the fact that while spending time with the Hmongs, This also shows that walt is that wanted to and distant. down in a his and Walt comes to the realization that he has more in common with his neighbours. than with his own family. His feeling of belonging leads to his neighbours becoming his family substitude. Within these relationship Walt suddenly reveals caring loving side of his personality. His racist prejudices fade and he becomes more openminded and interested in the other culture with each day. He tries their food and asks sue things about their traditions etc. In the end walt confesses to the Father-even though he is not char religous beliefs his wife had- pay for all the horrible haring the which brings things the him inner peace. Walt wants to in his past by sacrificing himself. He wants Sue and Thao to be able to live a peaceful life, which is only possible with gang being in jail. This is why he lets the Hmog gang kill him. His self sacrifice is also a way to avoid a long suffering to death because of his lung cancer. Walt is not a man who wants to see his physical strength decreasing and have to rely on others. As a conclusion it is save to that Walt the say -being protagonist is a mayor character who appears in every scene of the film. He undergoes a deep development which opens up a new side of his personality. Through his new won character traits his character is fully developed and Walt can be labeled a round character.