


Gran Torino







Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor
Gran Torino
2023 1. Introduction.
2. Character development..
2.1 Walt Kowalski.
Thao Lor.
Sue Lor

Gran Torino ABITUR 2023-BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG 2023 1. Introduction. 2. Character development.. 2.1 Walt Kowalski. 2.2 Thao Lor. 2.3 Sue Lor 2.4 Father Janovic. 2.5 Family Kowalski. 2.6 The Asian Gang.. 3. Themes / Motives.. 3.1 Racism......... 3.1.1 3.2.1 3.2.2 Table of Contents Multicultural society in Gran Torino. 3.2 Violence -> esp. Gun Violence. Violence leads to the intended effect.. Violence leads to the opposite effect. 3.3 Gender identity..... 3.3.1 Stereotypical masculinity. 3.3.2 Stereotypical femineity 3.3.3 Examples in Gran Torino.... 3.4 American Dream. 3.4.1 American beliefs and concepts in the movie. 3.5 Religion.. 3.6 Guilt and Redemption.... 4. Ambiguity of belonging. Friends.... 4.1 Family. 4.2 4.3 Gangs and socio-economic background. 4.4 Language 4.5 Ethnic background.. 5. Sources. 2 2 2 3 3 3 .3 4 4 4 6 6 6 7 7 .7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 1 1. Introduction The fictional feature movie „Gran Torino" was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood and released in 2008. The movie is set in Detroit in the US state Michigan and depicts the development of the friendship of the two main characters Walt Kowalski and Thao Vang Lor friendship, the escalation of gang violence and Thao's process of growing up. 2. Character development 2.1 Walt Kowalski In the beginning: racist, reserved, lonely after this wife dies, distant, stereotypically, masculine War veteran, patriotism, worked for Ford for his entire life Tendency to solve problems with (gun) violence Begins to overcome his racism as he gets to know Thao & Sue Becomes a neighborhood hero after saving Thao & Sue In the end: sacrifices himself to safe the Lor Family from the gang because he knew he was sick -> salvation, finds peace...

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in his death Seems to be very cold, but has a strong sense of protection (Thao & Sue) Does not get along with his own family -> they are spoiled and rude He has a bad conscience about never bonding with his family and his experiences in the Korean War -> killing innocent people 2.2 Thao Lor Shy, quiet, polite, hard-working, easy to push around 16 years old, grew up in a female dominated household Born in the US but Asian roots and traditional family Does not care about doing ,,women's work" -> f.e. doing the dishes, gardening Jobs for Walt -> succeeds in doing man's work (helping Walt, later construction job) Is harassed by the Asian Gang and they want him to join -> he refuses every time 2 he is very happy that Walt helps him find a job etc. -> father-son-relationship After Sue's rape, he wants to take revenge on the gang -> Walt locks him in his basement 2.3 Sue Lor - Strong-minded, independent, confident, quick-witted, intellectual superiority 17 years old, traditional Is not scared of confrontation Adapted to western world & the Hmong traditions She begins to win Walt over because she isn't scared to talk to him and is very consistent -> bridges the gap between Walt & the family Is raped by the Asian Gang -> Walt is deeply hurt by this 2.4 Father Janovic Was the pastor of Walts very religious wife -> promised her to take care of Walt In the beginning Walt rejects him -> he has to call him "Mr. Kowalski" and not "Walt" He is very persistent and gets him to have a conversation multiple time Over time, their relationship develops and they begin to get along 2.5 Family Kowalski Disrespectful, ignorant Don't get along with Walt -> they do not understand him which makes Walt sad Only talk to Walt when they need something, want him to go to a retirement home 2.6 The Asian Gang Spider -> leader of the gang, Thao's and Sue's cousin Aggressive, gang bangers, unemployed, criminal 3 Always want to establish dominance, protect their territory Spiral of violence Shoot Walt in the end -> lead to their arrest because it's the first time one of their crimes has been witnessed 3. Themes / Motives 3.1 Racism Walt racist in the beginning but overcomes his stereotypes Ideal of white American -> White neighborhoods Beginning: segregated society vs. end: multicultural society Raises awareness on developments in race relations populations and their background Walt uses racial slurs (Thao Toad, Hmong = Houmong) even he can overcome his racism Seeing people as individuals instead of prejudice 3.1.1 Multicultural society in Gran Torino HMONG First generation immigrants keep up their cultural traditions Sue: tries to assimilate to the American society (f.e. dates a white boy, speaks mostly English) Asian Gang (Spider & Smokie): live according to their own rules and values; protest against their father's values and terrorize their neighborhood; ruthless and street- hardened, violent (beat up Thao, rape Sue, kill Walt); presented as the typical gang bangers who do not even stop harming their own family in order to affirm their power Thao: complex character that can serve as a positive role model, depicted as an individual; ethnic background becomes a secondary issue as his personality grows 4 WHITES Walt Kowalski, Mitch, Steve and their families > white flight to the rich residential districts of Detroit LATINOS Live up heir own culture (f.e. music); weapons, threaten Thao for no reason AFRICAN AMERICANS typical Live in their own ghetto-like neighborhood; aim to sexually harass Sue stereotype: terrorizing the streets, feeding into popular fears, they are used to set off Thao's character CONSEQUENCES Ethnic groups live in parallel worlds -> gloomy picture of a segregated society FOCUS: Walt's racism Origin of Walt's racism: Fed by his past as a soldier in the Korean War → Had to learn to have a low opinion of Asians in order to justify the atrocities He calls all Asians "gooks" and "zipperheads" as all soldiers did in the Korean War Language: -> Racial slurs ("swamp rats", "zipperhead", "gooks") Vulgar remarks ("Get the shit out of your mouth") Stereotypes about certain ethnic groups ("jungle people") Overtly racist insults Speaks in a harsh and demanding tone, growls at people Racist jokes Behavior: Very rude behavior (f.e. he does not lend a jumper cable to Thao; spits out towards the Hmong grandmother) Rejects Hmong presents Makes fun of Thao (f.e. makes him count the birds in the tree; calls him "Toad") BUT: protects Thao from the gang; saves Sue in the black neighborhood; finds a job for Thao; sacrifices himself for Sue and Thao 5 3.2 Violence -> esp. Gun Violence Walt has at least two guns he does not hesitate to use (American self-image, self- defense) Gangs: shootings, crimes -> enforce dominance Rape of Sue, harassment of Thao, attack on the Lor Family's house Different levels of violence: Verbal tension, aggressive exchanges O Appearance of guns -> spiral of violence Escalation: drive-by shooting and Sue's rape By sacrificing himself Walt finds a way to break the cycle of violence -> Thao and Sue can live freely O O O 3.2.1 Violence leads to the intended effect Walt successfully threatens violence to keep Sue and Thao safe -> positive effect Walt scares the Hmong gang off with his firearm when Spider and the others want Thao to join their gang Walt draws a gun to keep Sue safe when she is hassled by black youths on the street Walt uses the threat of violence to create a safe environment for the teenagers 3.2.2 Violence leads to the opposite effect Violence leads to guilt instead of peace -> Walt & Korean War Violence leads to further violence: spiral of violence Walt brutally beats up Smokie which unintentionally triggers the gang's brutal assault of Sue and the attack on the Lor house → Cycle of violence can only be broken by Walt's not using violence: in the showdown with the gang, he draws a lighter instead of a gun and he uses words to confront them 6 3.3 Gender identity 3.3.1 Stereotypical masculinity - Gran Torino: symbol for American masculinity Solving conflicts alone and with violence Protect and defend yourself and others (owning a gun) Hard physical work: refurbishment and repairing -> blue-collar job Self-confidence and bravery: do not show weakness Being a role model - Superiority, determination Dominant, authoritarian, strong 3.3.2 Stereotypical femineity Quiet and compliant Weakness Dependent (on men) Submissive Inferiority Sensitive Vulnerable 3.3.3 Examples in Gran Torino Walt behaves typically masculine O O O O O Is a former soldier who served in Korean War Fetishizes a car (Gran Torino), worked in a blue-collar job (Ford factory) Hides his critical illness Is a male role model for Thao Walt's aim: "manning Thao up”: acquire basic handyman skills, get a job, learn how to speak "real man", ask a girl out Thao is not manly enough 7 Female appearance, passive, shy Does women's work O Does not meet the expectations of being the man in the house Sue is a strong young woman and very self-confident Does not shy away from any open confrontation Is very intelligent (superior verbal skills) Does not accept/ respect masculine superiority O O O O O 3.4 American Dream Walt's American Dream O Takes pride in his cars (cherishes the Gran Torino) House = perfect image of American suburbia O Conservative values: patriotism, family, American flag….. Thao's American Dream O O O "From rags to riches, land of free, land of opportunity, freedom" Sue's American Dream O Very vague, Thao does not believe in his future Begins to take over Walt's American Dream In the end: dream fulfilled (car, job) O Female protector, speaks up, confident and bold Her own plans remain unknown She is a mediator between cultures (neutral, understanding, patient) O 3.4.1 American beliefs and concepts in the movie Self-defense -> Walt threatens other people with his firearms to protect himself or other people from the gang Self-reliance -> Walt maintains his house and cars and he tries to solve problems on his own The right to carry and use firearms -> use of guns to protect one's property / family / friends Individual freedom instead of trusting the government (police) The right to privacy and individualism 8 Being proud of one's country and its tradition / cultural icons -> patriotism; being part of the US military; American flag; Ford Belief in hard work and success 3.5 Religion Dorothy's funeral (Walt's wife) in the church O Father Janovic O O Christian wife, family pays respect in the church (speech: Father Janovic) Tries to look after Walt and wants him to go to a confession Walt does not want to and makes clear that he rejects the church Talking about Life and Death O Walt reveals that he is haunted by his past -> honest, opens up to Father Janovic Walt's confession at the church O Finally confesses, accepts Father Janovic as a pastor O Later: personal confession to Thao O Walt's sacrifice Salvation that Walt needed, knew he would die soon from his disease 3.6 Guilt and Redemption Walt feels guilty about the Korean War and never being able to bond with his family His guilty conscience has made him isolated and lonely Violence in the neighborhood intensifies -> he feels guilty about Sues rape and the drive by shooting at the Lor's house Walt has not been able to atone for his guilt -> he decides to sacrifice himself so Sue and Thao can have a normal life He plans his sacrifice and when his plans words out, he could die in peace 9 4. Ambiguity of belonging 4.1 Family Different degrees of integration / assimilation to American society in Hmong family (generation conflict) Relationship between Walt and his sons: greed, disappointment, lack of understanding and interest - O Walt's blue-collar mentality: has worked in the car industry for almost 30 years, proud of Gran Torino and handyman skills His son Mitch works in sales of foreign cars (middle-class existence) = contemptuous Family does not need to be defined by blood ties O Walt has a closer relationship with Sue and Thao than with his own sons in the end Hmong gangs propagate wrong image of family loyalty O Want Thao to join the gang but Thao rejects depiction of masculinity through violence 4.2 Friends O Names symbolize respect and friendship: distance vs. closer relationships Sue calls Walt "Wally" 4.3 O Sue bridges the gap between her family and Walt (mediator between two cultures) Walt and Thao help each other: f.e. refurbishing houses Walt wants Father Janovic to call him "Mr. Kowalski", later he lets him call him "Walt" Gangs and socio-economic background Gang violence is probably a result of disorientation, hopelessness and lack of future prospects Gangs seem to provide orientation for alienated male teenagers 10 Escalation of violence: insults, threats, physical violence O F.e. Smokie burning Thao with cigarette, Walt beating up Smokie, gun attack, Sue's rape, Walt provoking gang into shooting him dead 4.4 Language Hmong family: older generations do not speak English at all, Sue and Thao are bilingual Hmong gangs speak English as a rebellion against older generation O Typical sociolects for different ethnic groups O Hmong gang/ African American gang Walt's racist and insulting language presented as a sign of his masculinity Walt uses special language to communicate with his friends (solidarity) Racial and ethnic slurs, provocations Objectifies and sexualizes women O O O O Competitive speech style Thao needs to learn how to talk like a "real man" O Lack of use of language shows inferiority 4.5 Ethnic background Traditional Hmong culture: Men as leaders who should be strong and in control (shaman) O Women whose primary roles are child-breading and household chores Women should be submissive and obedient to their husbands / fathers / brothers O O It's often difficult for Hmong boys to find their place in American society Because of fathers who are either absent or not able to fulfil the expectations of strong leaders Thao is a typical example for a teenager torn between two cultures O O Walt has a lot of prejudices against other cultures and is racist Calls his Hmong neighbors "gooks", "zipperhats", "swamp rats", etc. O Calls Hmong wrong names (f.e. "Toad" for "Thao") Sue knows Hmong customs well, respects the culture, seems to be proud of her heritage O 11 Is also home in American society and adopts American values (f.e. white boyfriend Trey) Walt still lives in his old neighborhood, although he fells alienated there because of the many Asian immigrants and although his sons urge him to move out O His reason for staying: connection to Dorothy, tries to remain in control O 5. Sources https://knowunity.de/knows/englisch-englisch-abitur-2021-5a25f781-08ae-4a7e-a460- eec02fa49cdb?referrer=share&sid=9qa6FJZEnw (extracted: 16.10.2022) https://knowunity.de/knows/englisch-gran-torino-e64f6fe2-2060-47bf-abc8- 6f68b4117508?referrer=share&sid=i2LfkFoJdH (extracted: 16.10.2022) www.lindaslernzettel.de (extracted: 16.10.2022) 12