


Masculinity in Gran Torino







Masculinity in Gran Torino
The Rifle
-has it at home
-> self-defense
protection for
Soldier in.
Korean War
man's privilege"

Masculinity in Gran Torino The Rifle -has it at home -> self-defense protection for himself . Soldier in. Korean War man's privilege" -being hard on one self, showing no weakness -> suppress feelings, act quickly to survive, do not rely on other Working at Ford worked his entire life in the company Owns two cars 1. Gran Torino: "muscle car' due to huge horsepower 2. pickup truck (male car) tool collection impressive to Thao and other men -> able to do all chores by himself Commanding tone -Walt expresses him- self with overt racism and commands >sign of mascu linity Martin, the barber - Walt and Martin call each other names L> not in a serious way. -Martin as another example for an adult man. -shows Thao how to talk "like a man" also carrys a rifle like Walt Model American. family -> Walt follows general expectations of 1950's L> married and raised a family O - While he worked, his wife stayed at home L>reason for his bad relationship with them? - treats women with respect -> seen in his relationship with Sue (50:46) I may not be the most pleasant person (...), but I got the best woman that was ever on this planet to marry me Excessive smoking & drinking Walt is a chain-smoker L> stress his stereo- typically male. attitude Thao's search for. his male identity. still seeking for his identity - does not appears very masculine L> critizied for doing work, which is considered to be women's duty (washing dishes etc) - indecisiveness is striking in contrast to male peer groups, who are banded together in...

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gangs. Thao misses everything, which he considers. necessary for his male identity L>Walt helps him to build that up: ->teaches him "masculine language". .->gets him a. job →> helps him to find a girlfriend and borrows him the Gran Torino to impress the girl. => As Walt left Thao the car after he passed away, he completly deve- loped from teenager to male adult.